Californians for Life News April 26th, 2017 
In This Issue
After 42 years of hurting women and killing babies, Sacramento abortion businesses CLOSES! Come pray for LIFE this weekend!
Upcoming Pro-Life News and Events, including Churches for Life Training in Bakersfield May 5th and 6th
Californians for Life Summit June 16th-17th in Bakersfield!
Come to the Sidewalk to help women and save lives!
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Women's Health Specialists abortion business at 1442 Ethan Way in Sacramento is CLOSING this week- not moving, but CLOSING after 42 years of hurting women and killing babies.  Thanks and praise be to God!   More details will soon follow, but we wanted to let you know this great news right away! Be encouraged!  Be re-energized! Persevere to end abortion in California!

This weekend is a big Pro-Life Prayer Vigil at the 150 CA abortion businesses- Friday and Saturday April 28th/29th prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood.  Make sure your nearest
Planned Parenthood is registered ! Here in Sacramento, on Saturday, we will be praying at the Franklin Blvd PP at 9:00 am, the Family Planning Associates abortion business at 2322 Butano at noon, and the largest Planned Parenthood abortion business at 29th/B Street at 3:00 pm.  Bishop Soto invites you to Mass at the Cathedral this Sunday, April 30th, at 5:00 pm, followed by a Procession around the Capitol Sunday evening.  See all the details below!

Be energized! Be encouraged!  The abortion business in your community can CLOSE also!  Come work together to end abortion in CA by registering for the Californians for Life summit June 16th/17th in Bakersfield and sign up your organization to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor here.   We will have a Sidewalk Counseling Training on Friday June 16th from 9-11 am and a Californians for Life Dinner Friday evening June 16th from 6-8 pm.  Everyone is invited!  Register today as we are only 6 weeks away from the Summit!
We have been praying in front of Women's Health Specialists abortion business in Sacramento for decades, helping women and saving lives, including over a dozen 40 Days for Life campaigns!  Your prayers and your perseverance has made a difference! Thank you to everyone who has ever participated in the Sacramento 40 Days for Life for helping to make this miracle happen!  They have been hurting women and killing babies for 42 years.  We pray for everyone who works in the abortion industry for conversion of heart and mind.  Knowing that they read our newsletters, we encourage all abortion workers to find help and healing at

Watch the newest Planned Parenthood investigative video, just released this morning, featuring the Pasadena Planned Parenthood abortionist.
Join communities throughout the state praying for LIFE this weekend at your nearest Planned Parenthood!  So far Canoga Park, El Cajon, El Centro, El Monte, Escondido, Fairfield, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Napa, Orange, Palmdale, Pomona, Redding, Redwood City, Sacramento (three locations- see details below), San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Vallejo, Van Nuys, Ventura, Watsonville, Westminster, and Yuba City are registered!   

Come this Saturday and Sunday to give Thanks to God for this miracle, as we pray at the Planned Parenthood at Franklin Blvd at 9:00 am Saturday, followed by the Family Planning Associates abortion business at 12 noon and the giant Planned Parenthood at 29th/B Street at 3:00 pm this Saturday, as part of the Our Lady's Mission for Life Pilgrimage  that has brought an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and prayers to all the abortion businesses in California.  See details of the Pilgrimage schedule at the website.    We will be discerning where the Sacramento area pro-life community will be focusing our life-saving presence at next- if we have enough people, we may continue our prayers AT BOTH the Family Planning Associates abortion business at Butano and the large Planned Parenthood at 29th/B Street year-round on abortion days.  Please email me (Wynette) if you are interested in helping in this important life-saving effort! Persevere, as your local abortion business can CLOSE also!

This week, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be at these locations (See website for details)
Today, Wednesday, April 26th- Madera, Modesto abortion businesses
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 27th- Stockton area abortion businesses
Friday, April 28th- Napa Planned Parenthood and vigil
Saturday April 29th- 9:00 am Sacramento Planned Parenthood, 5385 Franklin Blvd.  People will be meeting at St. Rose Parish 5961 Franklin Blvd to Process to the Planned Parenthood.  Come join in these prayers of Thanksgiving!
12:00 noon FPA abortion business, 2322 Butano Dr. Sacramento
 3:00 pm Sacramento Planned Parenthood, 29th and B Street. 
 7:00 pm Mass,  All Night Vigil at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
Sunday April 30th- 5 pm Mass with Bishop Soto at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Eucharistic Procession to the State Capitol. 
If you have questions, please call Teresa at 805-434-7425.  
She needs HOST FAMILIES to stay with as Teresa travels the state.  Please call Teresa at 805-434-7425 if you can provide her a place to stay during her statewide travels!  See her whole schedule at the website. 

California Capitol Also thank you to everyone who called Senators in opposition to SB 320 and those who attended
Californians for Life Advocacy Day at the State Capitol last Wednesday!  You can watch the Senate Health Committee proceedings here- fast forward to the 55 minute mark to hear the SB 320 vote.

We have more Good News!  SB 320 is stalled in the Senate Education Committee and has so many problems, including serious concerns by the UC/CSU administrations that the author has dropped the community college component to the bill and it will likely take two years to address all the concerns in the bill.  However, with the 2/3rds super-majority of pro-abortion Democrats dominating our state legislature, we will need to keep a close watch on this bill so that they don't try to ram it through this session! 
SB 320  would have  REQUIRED all University of California, California State University, and community college campus health centers to distribute the Abortion Pill RU-486.   Stay tuned as we provide Action Alerts to OPPPOSE this egregious bill! The National Democratic Chairman insists Democrat candidates must be pro-abortion!
Upcoming Pro-life News and Events throughout California~   If you have pro-life events you would like to add, please  email them to me (wynette)  Also, you can see the statewide pro-life news at the Californians for Life website.

Survivors are making plans now for their Summer Pro-Life Training Camp and are looking for a host church.  Please contact Cheryl if your church would like to host this important opportunity.

You are invited! Churches for Life Training  in Bakersfield May 5th and 6th!
These are exciting days for pro-life advocacy and we're asking our local churches to stand with us and make their voices heard. To that end,  Right to Life of Kern County  invites you to attend  Churches for Life , gospel-centered training that will equip your congregation to be joyful champions for life. 

Like other trusted ministries in your church, the  Life Team that form as a result of this training will determine which life issues your church wishes to tackle; abortion, crisis pregnancy, post-abortion recovery, assisted suicide and others.  Life Teams can also act as a hub for legislative issues, keeping the church abreast on developments in Sacramento and Washington. 

Churches for Life  President and CEO Pastor Doug Merkey,  has a special message he'd like to share with Bakersfield pastors. To view, see the video above and register at  Churches for Life.
Churches for Life Training  May 5th and 6 th
LifeHouse Church (formerly Cornerstone Christian Community) 
3311 Manor St,  Bakersfield, CA  93308
For more information or to register for the training, visit the  Churches for Life website
Questions? Contact Right to Life of Kern County  
Email:  Marylee Shrider     Phone: 661- 864-7508. Click here for the Churches for Life Training promotional flyer!
Benefits of this Churches for Life training include:
  • Practical tools to help your church champion life issues
  • Personal refreshment for life ministry
  • Rejuvenation for existing church-based life ministries
  • Fun, interactive, uplifting learning experience


New Standard Promo
SilverRingThing , sponsored by Alternatives Pregnancy Center
& Lutherans for Life


6-8pm. Doors open 5:30
Special Parent Session 6:00 pm 

Sun River Church, 11223 Trinity River Rd ,Rancho Cordova CA 95670, $6/online or $8/door, $5/online groups of 25+, SRT ring available for just $20 at event.  See website for details.

San Diego Pro-life Retreat

"And Jesus said unto them,
Come ye yourselves apart into a deserted place
And rest awhile."
(Mark 6:31)
You are cordially invited to a special time of rest, prayer and fellowship with Fr. Steven Larion and fellow pro-life supporters of the San Diego pro-life community

Date:  Saturday May13th 2017
Time:  8:00 am-2:30 p.m
Place: Our Lady of Light Catholic Church- Descanso
Mass, Adoration, & Confession
Continental breakfast and lunch provided
Please RSVP by May 3 rd    Suggested donation $10.00.
Send to:: O.L.L- 9136 Riverside Dr. Descanso, 91916   619-445-3620
For more information contact the Church or Pat Hansen at 619-445-3822

Saturday May 20th at the Maidu Park in Roseville 
Register and see all the details here! 

Alpha Pregnancy Clinic Bowlathon Fundraiser in Vacaville- see details here!

Register today for the  Californians for Life Annual Summit, Fri/Sat June 16th-17th in Bakersfield
Working together to end abortion in California 
RiverLakes Community Church Bakersfield
Sign up here to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor!
Register for the Sidewalk Counseling Workshop Friday, June 16th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. 
Register here for the Friday night, June 16th, Californians for Life Dinner with leaders from all over the state and nation!  

Pro-Life Church Announcements- Please let me know if your church is hosting pro-life prayers, events, or ministries: (wynette email)


Redding Pro-Life Rosary 
Every Wednesday throughout the year, the Redding Pro-Life community joins in praying the Rosary from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at the Women's Health Specialists abortion business, 1901 Victor Ave, Redding.  For more information,  email Anna.

St. Dorothy Life, Justice, & Peace Ministry has peaceful prayer vigils outside the Planned Parenthood in Glendora (130 W. Route 66. Suite 100, Glendora) every Saturday. We have 3 groups that meet:  9:45 am, 11:00 am, and 2 pm. Contact Cindy Lamberti for more information at 626 914-2101. See about all of their activities. their website for information 

St. Paul the Apostle Church, in Pismo Beach, prays with others each Thursday at 9:00 am in front of the Planned Parenthood at 743 Pismo Street, San Luis Obispo.  Every Wednesday, several people of different Faiths pray between 8:00-10:30 am at Planned Parenthood 743 Pismo St.  Questions? Call Celine at (805) 478-1093.  

St. John Vianney Parish in Rancho Cordova, the Pro-Life Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed every Thursday evening, along with scripture readings, from 6 pm -  7 pm. We meet in the Adoration Chapel inside the church for "The HOUR of MERCY".  For more information, call Chris Bailey at 916-361-1340.  See their outstanding parish Respect Life Ministry webpage! They also have an outstanding Spanish Respect Life Ministry that has started!  
Sacred Heart Parish, Gridley each Sunday at 9:25 am, before the 10:00 am Mass and the Pro-Life Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed every Thursday at 5:00 pm. For more information, call Mike Trainor at 530-846-2535. 

Rosary for Life & Mass St. Catherine of Siena Church
3450 Tennessee Street, Vallejo 
EVERY Saturday (except First Saturday due to Fatima Devotion on First Saturdays) 8:00 am Rosary for Life, 9:00 am  Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, For more information, contact Carmelita Torres by  email

St. Cornelius Catholic Church in Long Beach
Rosary and Mass for Life the first Sunday of every month
Rosary is at 4:30 pm, with Mass following at 5:00 pm
For more information, see AudioGirlMinistries

St. John the Evangelist, Carmichael, Pro-Life Rosary every day in the Chapel, following the 8:30 am Mass.  5751 Locust Avenue, Carmichael.  See their Respect Life website here. 

Holy Spirit Fairfield parish Pro-Life Ministry, prays in Spanish every day from 4-5 pm at Planned Parenthood, 1325 Travis Blvd, Fairfield. Contact Isidro at 707-386-4097 for more information. Parking is available across the street at Westfield Mall between Starbucks and Firestone Tire Store.   Pray with sidewalk counselors on Wednesdays from 8-11 am, which is the abortion day at Planned Parenthood.    

Tuesday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Presentation Parish is dedicated to praying at 2322 Butano Drive, Family Planning Associates abortion business.  On Saturdays, they are praying from 10:30 to 12:00 noon. Each second Saturday of the month, they have a pro-life Mass at 8:30 am.  See the Presentation Parish Respect Life Ministry website for more details, along with the  Presentation Parish Project Gabriel ministry!  Presentation Parish has a Cenacles of Life ministry, inviting everyone to meet for prayer on Saturday mornings at 9:15 after the 8:30 am Mass, while fasting one day a week on bread and water, for an end of the culture of death. Contact  Elizabeth Durant to find out more about the Cenacles of Life.

St. Vincent Church in Vallejo Pray at Planned Parenthood in Vallejo after 8:00 am Mass on Wednesdays, year round, rain or shine.  Also pray the Rosary after every 8:00 am Mass to stop abortion, euthanasia and social injustice. They have saved seven babies that they know of through the grace of God! Their first baby saved is almost four years old!   Contact Lily for more information, if you live in Vallejo.

Sacred Heart Parish in Red Bluff prays the Pro-Life Rosary every Thursday at 7:00 pm. Email  Margie Duey or call her at 530-586-1506 for more information. 

Pro-Life Prayers at Carmel Mission every Wednesday at 5:00 pm with pro-life Rosary prayers and reflection especially for those with abortions scheduled for Friday morning at Planned Parenthood Seaside. Come pray every Friday morning 8:00-11:30 am with sidewalk counseling and prayer in front of Seaside Planned Parenthood, Hilby Ave and Fremont.  For more information,  email Barbara. 

All Night Vigil for Life first Friday of each month St. Rose Parish  
First Friday of the month, with Mass beginning at 7:30 pm.St. Rose Catholic Church, 5961 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento. The All Night Vigil continues after the 7:30 pm Mass, throughout the night on Friday and ends Saturday morning, with Mass at 8:00 am, then people go and pray at 1442 Ethan Way. For more information, contact  Sr. Lauree  St. Rose Legion of Mary by email  

St. Joseph Parish, Lincoln, First Saturday Rosary & Mass for Pro-Life Intentions First Saturday of the month, with Rosary at 8:00 am & Mass at 8:30 am, 280 Oak Tree Lane, Lincoln. Contact Respect Life Ministry Chairperson Gneal at 916-759-1221 for more information. 

Mass celebrated next to Planned Parenthood in El Centro, every First Saturday of the month at 8:00 am, 1561 South 4th Street, El Centro.  For more information  Contact Myriam  

Pro-Life Rosary prayed after Mass every Monday at St. John the Evangelist parish in Encinitas, with a Mass for the Sanctity of Life every First Saturday.  Contact Jennifer for more information. 

Holy Family Parish, 7817 Old Auburn Rd, Citrus Heights,  Pro-Life Mass Second Friday of each month.  8:30 am, and Pro-Life Rosary after the 8:30 am Mass EVERY Friday.  

St. Philomene's Respect Life Rosary every Second Friday of the month in the St. Philomen's parish Chapel.  Email Meghan for more information and to receive the security code for the Chapel. 
Californians for Life is your one-stop information center for pro-life events in our state, united together to end abortion!

Register for the Californians for Life summit June 16th/17th in Bakersfield and sign up your organization to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor here.   We will have a Sidewalk Counseling Training on Friday June 16th from 9-11 am and a Californians for Life Dinner Friday evening June 16th from 6-8 pm.  Everyone is invited!  
Californians for Life have eight Statewide Workgroups, including Cultural Outreach,  Schools/Youth/Campus Outreach,   Closing Abortion Facilities,   Pregnancy Clinics and Centers,   Churches,   Pro-Life Medical Workgroup,  Voter Education/Political Advocacy/Public Policy, and Messaging/Media/Marketing

The Californians for Life website pages also include:
What can you do to help women, save lives, change minds, and end abortion? 
Is "it" human? and Facts on fetal development 
Pro-Life Curriculum for kindergarten through college students and all ages 
Spanish Pro-Life Material   a very comprehensive sites for Spanish pro-life resources
Life-Affirming Resources for Women who are considering abortion
Information about Adoption filled with amazing love
Post-Abortion Healing opportunities throughout our state
News and Events a calendar of Pro-Life events in CA
Please join us at the Sidewalk at 1442 Ethan Way on abortion mornings, Thursdays and Fridays year-round, 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  

To see all of the photos from our Sacramento 40 Days for Life, see our Facebook page for daily updates!  "Like" our page and you will see the photos taken throughout the day and get the latest news!  


Here is a look at the Sidewalk at 1442 Ethan Way!  Come join us every Thursday and Friday morning, 9:00 am to 11:00 am, which is when abortions are being done.  Come be a voice for life, offering love and assistance to women who are facing the many challenges of an unsupported pregnancy.  


American River College Students for Life were featured in their campus newspaper for participating in the 40 Days for Life at 1442 Ethan Way this past spring!  Great job!   Read the story here!  Indeed, they are the Pro-Life Generation!  

Students from St. Francis High School praying for LIFE!
Mom and son CELEBRATE LIFE! 

St. Joseph, Elk Grove, "Challenge Group" for youth in their parish!
American River College Students for Life Club leaders! 
Every family can come pray for LIFE at 1442 Ethan Way!

Encouraging young women to Choose Life for their babies!
Mom and baby, praying for Life!.
Tina, from Shalom Ministries broadcasting into India, and John-Henry, editor of LifeSiteNews in Canada, joined us in prayer at 1422 Ethan Way!