March 20, 2018

Recently national events impacting student safety have elevated interest in our school safety practices and procedures. Contained within this communication we will provide:
  • Links to previously distributed district safety and security information
  • Answers to FAQs
  • March 19 - Board Report by Superintendent
As a district, we are continuously planning, training, exercising, evaluating and evolving to make our Safety/Emergency Procedures stronger. We are committed to taking proactive preventative measures to establish a positive, caring school environment and to address facility needs to protect the safety and security of our students and staff.  Our ongoing efforts are made in coordination with the local first responders and county agencies who serve as part of the District Safety Committee.

Who comprises the District Safety Committee?
  • Chief of Bainbridge Police Department
  • Chief of Bainbridge Fire Department
  • Chief of Auburn Fire Department
  • Geauga County Sheriff
  • Geauga County Emergency Management Agency Representative
  • Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations and Strategic Initiatives
  • Kenston Board of Education member
  • Kenston Schools Treasurer
  • Principals from each school building
  • Maintenance Director
  • Transportation Director
  • Food Service Director
  • Technology Director
  • Community Relations Director
  • Kenston Community Education Director
  • Kenston Education Association Executive Director
  • Kenston OAPSE President
  • Parent

Is each classroom in the district equipped with room-barricading equipment?
No. Timmons Elementary School is the only building equipped with room barricading equipment. It was determined by the Safety Committee that younger students were not able to barricade the rooms as part of our A.L.I.C.E. active shooter protocol.

How is the district investigating additional measures to make the district more secure?
The District Safety Committee continues to investigate, review products and determine what equipment and methods will be used to secure the district.

How is a safety concern investigated?
When we are notified of a concern to school safety, we follow these steps.
  1. Promptly investigate concern.
  2. Work with Bainbridge Police Department to determine if information is credible and specific to school safety.
  3. Follow the direction provided by the Bainbridge Police Department
  4. If information is found to be a credible threat to safety, we will share the information with our students, parents and staff.
  5. We are prohibited by federal law from releasing student information and records including discipline files.
  6. We will not share rumor or gossip.

How can parents/guardians ensure their contact information/cell phone number is up-to-date?
You can confirm that your contact information is correct and add new cell numbers within Infinite Campus. To do so, check Infinite Campus.
  • Log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
  • Click on Household Information to update Household Phone Number and address.
  • Click on Family Member to view each member in a Household along with phone and email – this also shows contact order.
  • Click on Demographics – this shows your Emergency Contacts or Non-Household Parents.
  • To make any changes to the items mentioned above, click Update, make the changes and click OK.
  • Changes will not take place on the portal until reviewed and approved by the Building Administrative Assistant. Please allow 2-3 days for processing.

Has the idea of communicating with parents via text been researched?
Yes. That is something that we can add to our AlertNOW (community outreach notification calls). The system can be configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers. We will be adding texting to our school closing and emergency communication tool after Spring Break.
Board Report presented by Superintendent Nancy Santilli
March 19, 2018

We know that students need to feel safe to learn. The safety and security of Kenston’s students is something that we work on every day and it is multi-faceted. It is addressing the physical safety as well as the social and emotional welfare of our students.

  • Recently updated High Definition Video surveillance cameras in our buildings and across the campus.
  • Updated exterior doors.
  • Buses equipped with video and audio recording devices.
  • Buses are equipped with Direct Contact button to Emergency Dispatch.
  • GPS systems on our buses.
  • Vestibules have been added to each building.
  • Raptor - Visitor screening/sign-in procedures; visitors are required to present identification that is run through a system that provides alerts for registered sex offenders. 
  • Marcs (Multi-Agency Radio Communications System) Radios in each building with direct contact to 1st responders.

  • District Safety Committee meets to discuss school issues, develop action plans and coordinate with the Building Safety Committee.
  • We work in conjunction with local law enforcement to promptly investigate any credible safety concerns.
  • Kenston conducts regular safety drills throughout the school year involving both students and staff. Fire/Evacuation Drills are conducted, as required by law, each month in all schools. Three additional evacuation drills are conducted to train students to respond in the event of more unusual situations and external threats. We also held an additional CAMPUS Lockdown Drill on February 28th.
  • We will join schools across the state on March 21st to conduct the annual Tornado Drill.
  • In cooperation with the Bainbridge Police Department, our students and staff have received and practiced - A.L.I.C.E., (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) active shooter response training.
  • A criminal background check is conducted on all Kenston employees.
  • Entrances/Exits are locked throughout the school day.
  • Buzz-in entry system allows school staff to screen visitors prior to granting access to the school.
  • Visitor badges are required to be worn by guests in all school buildings.
  • Emergency procedures information is available in all school rooms in the form of a flip chart.
  • Emergency Injury Response bags are in each classroom filled with items recommended by the Bainbridge Police Department.
  • Kenston utilizes an emergency notification system to communicate with staff and parents via phone calls.
  • The district utilizes and promotes the SaferOhio tip/text line for students and adults to be able to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety.
  • Staff members received AED Defibrillator training as part of the March 12th Professional Development.
  • As required by the Ohio Department of Education, we submitted an emergency management plan as required by state law. Ohio Homeland Security experts review the plan and provide guidance to help implement best practices and improve our plans.

A positive, accepting environment where students feel respected and valued leads to safer schools. 

  • Teachers and staff work to develop relationships and rapport with all students.
  • Create a larger, caring community where students are comfortable reaching out to adults when they have concerns about themselves and others.
  • Work to build a climate of kindness, empathy, compassion, tolerance and inclusion. Participate in national and local programs supporting those efforts.
  • Programs for students and parents on Internet Safety - understanding social media, cyberbullying and sexting.
  • Geauga County National Alliance of Mental Illness workshop with student leaders on Mental Health awareness.
  • High school students participated in the Diversity Center of Ohio Retreat.
  • School counselors provide individualized attention to high risk students.
  • Schools provide outside resources to families with high risk students.

The safety and well being of our students and staff are an ongoing process that we are always evaluating and working to improve.
If you have additional questions about school security, please submit them via email . Please remember that while we do want to share with the community the many steps we have taken in regard to security, for security purposes, we cannot disclose every detail of our security plans.