Weekend School Announcements Scholarships Available
& Islamic Quiz Results for Elementary Level
1) National Merit Scholars:
Weekend Islamic school will be recognizing National Merit Scholars which will be sponsored by Sr Sadiqa and Dr. Sheikh Abdur Rahman. If any student who is a Senior in High School and has received the confirmation of being a finalist for National Merit scholar, or has 35/36 in ACT, please contact Tilat Rizvi ([email protected], 513-256-5868) Or Gulame Asif ([email protected], 748-9424) as soon as possible.

2) High School Scholarships (only for Weekend Islamic School students):
Weekend Islamic School ICGC will be offering scholarships for 2 High school seniors who either graduated or graduating this year from weekend school ($500 each). This scholarship is based on their performance over the years in the weekend Islamic school, in regular high school and their contribution towards the community services at large and the leadership role they have played in the school.
please contact Tilat Rizvi ([email protected], 513-256-5868) Or Gulame Asif ([email protected], 748-9424) as soon as possible.

Results of April 3rd Islamic Quiz for Elementary Level

For any question, please contact Sr. Tilat Rizvi (513-256-5868, [email protected]) or Br. Gulame Asif (513-748-9424, [email protected])