Schutz Lake
Winter 2018

Schutz Lake Stewardship: to identify and address lake quality issues while creating community on Schutz Lake. 

* Community
* Plant Life - AIS & Weed Mgmt
* Wild Life - Carp, Beavers and more! 
* City & County 

We hope you enjoy this and find it helpful and motivating as a community.

Fostering Community

Spring Gathering....

When: April 12, 2018 7-8:30pm
Where: Mt Olivet Church Brick Building 
What: treats, waters and coffee

Featured speakers: 
Anna Brown from MCWD will update us on Schutz Lake Quality and what we can do to continue restoration and improvement. 

Cody from Waterfront Services will provide information on mechanical devices for weed management and the importance of removing vegetation before it decays. 

Debbie Kraft on Freshwater Society's Master Water Steward Program and capstone project on storm water management on Schultz Lake. 

Lake Stewardship Community Plan of 2017:
At our 4/6/17 meeting with the MCWD, we heard from MCWD and Jen Kader of Freshwater Society. 

Click this link for results from the activity Jen took us through to create a Schutz Lake Steward's Plan

Thanks for your care of Schutz Lake.

Docks & Lift 

Schutz Lake Community Spring 2018 Dock & Life install: 

Goal: Week of April 15th

If you would like to have your dock/lift installed this spring, please email here. 

Weed Control:

Did you have WFS do weed treatment last summer? What's your feedback? 

Do you have a mechanical device to manage weeds at your lakefront? What's your feedback? 

Do you do chemical treatment? What's your feedback? 

Send all your thoughts before April 1st and we will compile the communities comments into one document to share with all and discuss on April 12th. 

Whatever method you use to reduce weeds at your shoreline, whether mechanical, chemical or manual weed pulling, please pull vegetation from the lake so it does not decay and add more nutrients to the water further reducing lake quality and clarity. Check out this link for some interesting info on this. 

Don't worry! Its not this bad... yet!

Plant Life: Phosphorus

The MCWD would like to do a nutrient study on Schutz lake. This study will show what and where nutrients are that impact water quality and whether they are originating externally, internally or both. Based on the results of the study, they may proceed with a carp study. 

Externally, phosphorus could be coming from our yards and retention ponds as surrounding properties and developments use weed and feed on their yards and the run off eventually finds its way to Schutz Lake.  It is recommended to not fertilize with phosphorus containing fertilizers or any sort of fertilizer near water. 

We are very fortunate to have the by-laws of the Waterford Landing development require use of non-phosphorus fertilizers if they are used by their lawn care service. Do you use phosphorus free fertilizer? Swiss Mountain has asked if a representative of Schutz Lake Stewardship to speak at one of their upcoming association meetings about the use of fertilizers and fall leaf management. 

Grass clippings and fall leaves are also not good for the lake. Please do not send your leaves to the lake. Mulch them back into your lawn.  If fertilizers are not used but rather lawns mulched to reintroduce nutrients back into the grass, less chemical will end up in our lakes and stream. 

Chemical treatment of weeds in the lake and the subsequent decay of the poisoned vegetation also negatively impacts the nutrient balance in the lake. Please remove decaying vegetation if you use AquaCare services this spring and summer. 

If grasses are left longer and allowed to use rains with minimal to no irrigation, the roots of grasses will go deeper into the ground to find water resulting in a heartier lawn, less need for fertilizer and less waste of our treated tap water into the storm water system ultimately being lost to the Gulf of Mexico. 

MCWD provides some books and resources for landscaping at the shoreline. Come to the April 12th meeting to get your copy!

Wild Life:  Beavers 

In the Spring 2017 newsletter, we provided some contacts from MCWD for Beaver Control. 

If you've used any of the services below, please let us know of your results. We'll pass the info onto all.

Although beaver lodges and dams filter sediment and pollutants from the water, their activity can cause very high water and excessive amount of tree loss. Trapping is an option for beaver control. Listed below are a few people who have trapped for MCWD previously. For your information, the MnDNR does require trappers to be licensed and for their traps to be kill traps (i.e., the beavers are not live-trapped and relocated.) Often, beavers live in multi-generation family groups and female beavers can have litters of 3-5 kits each year, so trapping may need to occur for several weeks to decrease the population and discourage their activity.
Wildlife Removal Services: Michael Tucker, email:  [email protected]; phone: 952-884-3707
CWC - Conleys Wildlife Control: Scott Conley; phone: 952-212-0843
Steve Ruchti, email:  [email protected]; phone: 612-750-4028
Feb '18 Carp Seine on Wasserman

Wild Life: Carp

Lake Wassermann has been active in carp harvesting over the past couple years.  Carp contribute to reduced lake quality by stirring up the bottom of the lake distributing nutrients that would have otherwise been settled and non-contributing to algae growth. Carp are an invasive species. 

CLICK HERE for more photos of the Wassermann Carp Seine

The 2018 seine on Wassermann was done early February. If you'd like to know more about it, please contact Stan Rud at [email protected]. Stan offered the following to Schutz Lake on their process. Click here

If anyone wants to take on Project - Schutz Lake Carp and contribute to the newsletter each quarter, reply back to this email.


Lake Steward concerns in the City & County's jurisdiction: 

- Run off into lake from roads & developments

- Redesign of Rolling Acres Road 

- Retention Ponds 

There was a great deal of information summarizing the city's activity with regard to water quality at the September 11th City Council Meeting. To get the complete summary, click here and scroll forward on the timer to 35:43. 

Amanda Groh of Focus Engineering provided the following on behalf of the city with regard to retention ponds for our newsletter:

The City has a National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permit through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) which is renewed every five years. The permitting program gives owners or operators of municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), like the City of Victoria, approval to discharge storm water to lakes, rivers and wetlands in Minnesota. As part of the permit requirements, the City must inspect and maintain each of the storm water system components, including ponds, to ensure the system is working properly and effectively. In November, 2016 the City hired a Consultant to provide a customized version of the Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) to allow the City to more effectively manage its storm water system, annually allocate budget, and meet MS4 requirements.
During the approval process for recent development occurring near Schutz Lake, residents informed the City Council that water quality of the lake is a concern.  The City used SWAMP to review the effectiveness of the ponds directly adjacent to Schutz Lake. The St Moritz Pond (Pond 9) near the intersection of St Moritz and Rolling Acres Road was identified to be approximately 50% full of sediment and had reached a point where it would exponentially degrade with time if sediment was not removed.

On December 11, 2017, the City Council approved a quote from a Contractor to complete the necessary improvements to Pond 9 which included minor tree removal, sediment removal, minor grading around the pond, outlet structure replacement, and restoration. Work was completed early this year to ensure the pond continues to function as it was originally designed and to improve the removal of Total Phosphorous (TP) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS).

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is underway. At the writing of the fall newsletter, it was thought the final plan would be a combination of two plans. They are available on the city's website. Maps reviewed at that meeting are under "Meeting #5 [Sept 5, 2017]" and labeled as "Draft Overall City Land Use Plan". 

A land use term, "Conservation Residential" although not a brand new term, doesn't seem to appear in the current Comp Plan but is in the drafts of the 2040 Comp Plan around Marsh Lake. By its definition, 1-2.25 homes per 3 acres, it is far more consistent with the land surrounding Schutz. 

We are working to have a person from the 2040 Comp Plan Steering Committee attend the April 12th meeting to report on the process and how it will impact lakes including Schutz Lake. 
County: Rolling Acres Rd

Carver County and City of Victoria are working to elevate the reconstruction of Rolling Acres Road to a higher priority. There is a lot of talk about 18 (82nd street), RAR and Cty 5 as the top priorities. Currently RAR is proposed for 2022 but it could occur sooner. Its important for us as a community to be informed and engaged in the process as it can significantly impact Schutz Lake. 

Click here for a link of road project priorities in Carver County. The county currently has improvements included in the County's Capital Improvement Plan for 2019. More information can be had here and here. To hear some recent talk of plans at City Council, click here. Go to 6A around minute 22:40. At 32:32, Mayor Funk asks the council if they think the county should accelerate the improvements to Rolling Acres Road before the currently proposed year of 2022 and suggests that it is more important than Marsh Lake Road due to safety concerns and complaints from residents. There appears to be mixed opinion on behalf of the council. There is likely consensus from the community accessing their homes from RAR that a simple reduction in speed would significantly improve safety until the county's proposed 2022 improvement date. If you have an opinion, please take the time to voice it to the city council. It is currently estimated that the cost of improving Rolling Acres Road will be in the neighborhood of $12M. The City will be required to share in the cost of the project.

Though specific detailed improvements haven't been scoped yet, there may be opportunity for additional stormwater treatment to be included in the scope to address runoff from Rolling Acres Road including the portions of which drain untreated to the lake. We will have input on this from the city, county, and watershed at the April 12th gathering.