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 S cience  Deniers
Science deniers.  The term is used describe those who hold to beliefs that can be refuted by application of generally accepted principles of science.  If biology proves that someone is a male, only a science denier would say otherwise.
At Privacy For All we have approached the issue of gender identity with a great deal of compassion.  We sympathize with those that believe that biology has betrayed them.  But we have stopped short of denying biology.
The desire to tolerate should not be turned into a demand that we participate
We bristle when government authorities order that we call a biological male "she".  And we have pushed back when we are told that a biological male should be able to use the girls' bathroom, shower and locker room.    
Apparently Attorney General Loretta Lynch is a science denier.  In the May "guidance" from the US Departments of Education and Justice to public schools throughout the nation, the Attorney General is quoted as saying, "There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex.
This "guidance" indicates that it is a violation of civil rights laws, specifically Title IX, if a biological boy that identifies as a girl is not allowed access to the girls' facilities.  But Title IX has always been interpreted as allowing sex separated facilities.  In other words, it is not discrimination to limit access to the girls' bathroom only to biological girls. 
The new charge of discrimination comes when "gender identity" is considered to be exactly the same as "sex".  When the Attorney General denounces discrimination "against transgender students on the basis of their sex", she is saying that gender identity is the same as sex.  She is saying that a biological female and a biological male that identifies as a female must be treated exactly the same.  And that a failure to do so is discrimination based on "sex". 
Loretta Lynch is denying science.  And she is demanding that we do so also.  She is not requesting that we tolerate.  She is demanding that we participate.  Deny that a boy is a boy if he feels like a girl, or there will be legal consequences. 
Compassion is a must.
Accommodations for those that are uncomfortable in traditionally sex separated facilities should be provided. 
But let's not create a society where we are required by law to deny science.
If you agree, please help Privacy For All continue to be a voice of reason in this important debate.  You can make a donation here.