Dear Friends,

It's Chapter 7, which I titled The Cult(ure) of Science and Its Possible Demise. In it, I  focus on  the authoritarianism of science - i.e., its self-righteous and arrogant insistence that it has a privileged relationship not only to reality but to human progress, as well. I argue that while science is a remarkable human intellectual feat that has been of enormous value, as a method of understanding, it is also a destructive force on our ability to continuously see in new ways, create and develop.

Scientists have not been particularly interested in exploring the philosophical conceptions that are their bread and butter - the divide between subject and object; fact and value; what is known and the knowing of it. I argue that this obliviousness about these dichotomies sets scientists apart as the supreme knowers. And yet, with the rise of the internet and the "democratization" of fact-making, are we not witnessing the collapse of the factual foundation of knowledge?  And if so, how's humanity doing with that?

I hope you'll find some of these questions as fascinating as I have.

For those of you just tuning in to  The Overweight Brain , it's been a fun challenge over the last few years to write and post a new chapter every few months - to learn who's reading it as I'm writing, what they think about it, and who they're sharing it with. Every comment has an impact and helps to advance the project! So please keep them coming.  

I look forward to hearing from you.

Developmentally Yours, 

Lois Holzman
Director, East Side Institute for Group & Short Term Psychotherapy
119 West 23 St, suite 902
New York, NY 10011
Chair, Global Outreach, All Stars Project, UX
Tel. +1.212.941.8906 x324
Fax +1.718.797.3966
[email protected]
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