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February 19, 2018
Your weekly link to grown-up news and information from newspaper and
magazine publications, news organizations and web resources nationwide.
The Surprising Anti-Aging Benefits of Fiber: Stay healthier and live longer by upping your intake. Consumer Reports, Feb. 15.

Older Patients Recover From Surgery Faster if They 'Train' For It: Patients who prepare for surgery spend less time in the hospital and are less likely to need expensive home care afterward, one study finds. CNBC, Feb. 12.

How Exercise May Help Protect Your Brain From Cognitive Decline and Dementia: Older adults with poor fitness levels have more deterioration of white matter in their brains, according to a new study, compared with their fitter peers. TIME, Feb. 16.

How to Cut Your Risk of Kidney Stones: They're common and can be painful. Take these steps to prevent them. Next Avenue, Feb. 14.

A Perfect Storm for Broken Bones: Untreated osteoporosis could spawn an epidemic of bone fractures, hospital and nursing home admissions, even premature deaths. The New York Times, Feb. 12. 
Don't Make These Common, Costly Medicare Mistakes: As more individuals continue working past 65, they face important decisions regarding what Medicare coverage best suits them. CNBC, Feb. 15.

President Trump Signed These Medicare Changes Into Law. Here's What To Watch For: Seemingly overnight, big changes to Medicare morphed from being an item on various congressional wish lists into reality as part of last week's budget deal, diverting me on my way to this week's reader questions. PBS, Feb. 14. 
Most Workers Want to Retire by 65 -- But Will They? Many of us would love to retire early. But whether we get to depends on the choices we make during our working years. The Motley Fool, Feb. 13.

How to Use The 100-Minus-Your-Age Rule of Thumb When Investing in Your 401(k): If you're saving for retirement, you might be inclined to use a rule of thumb to figure out how much to invest in stocks and bonds. USA Today, Feb. 16.

This One Simple Move Can Help You Retire $103,000 Richer: Unsure about how much you're shelling out in fees in your retirement accounts? You're not alone. Money, Feb. 15.   

Retirement Savers, How Much Market Risk Can You Handle? If you really just want to test your risk tolerance, ask yourself if you understand how much you could lose if the market really crashes, and whether you could withstand the losses while it recovers. Reuters, Feb. 15.

Will You Outlive Your Retirement Savings? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions to Find Out: Your nest egg needs to sustain you throughout retirement. Here's how to make sure it does. The Motley Fool, Feb. 14.

5 Investing Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Retirement: Even the smartest investors make poor decision when saving for retirement. Here are 5 mistakes you need to avoid. Forbes, Feb. 14.

What's Changing in Your Retirement Accounts in 2018 (and How to Take Advantage): Retirement savers can use all the help they can get, and in 2018 some of that help comes in the form of higher limits on savings vehicles. Here are the specifics. Kiplinger, Feb. 14.

The Myth of the Magic Retirement Number: There are plenty of formulas you could try to
see if you're on track, but before you start plugging in numbers, it's helpful to look at the big picture first. Here are five factors to consider when setting your retirement savings goal. Kiplinger, Feb. 13.  

10 Ways to Deal With Debt While in Retirement: Americans are more likely to enter retirement in debt than ever before. USA Today, Jan. 12.

Where Should You Put Your Money If You Think The Market Is Going To Crash? If you really believe the market is headed for an imminent crash, there are all sorts of places you could invest your money. Real Deal Retirement, Feb. 12.

How Do You Really Know How You're Doing for Retirement? It's natural to try to compare the car you drive, the vacations you take and the home you live in to that of your neighbors, friends and co-workers, but it won't give you the accurate picture you need to tell where you stand. Kiplinger, Feb. 12.

Turning 50 Soon? How to Retire at 67: If you're about to hit 50 and wondering if and when you may ever be able to retire, you're not alone. These 11 financial moves can help you do it. Next Avenue, Feb. 12.    
8 Smart Tax Strategies for Retirees: The federal tax code is undergoing its first significant makeover in 30 years. Kiplinger's Retirement Report, Feb. 12. 
When Early Retirement Turns Into a Total Bore: A reader sold his business and, at 55, no longer needs to work. But now he feels adrift and wonders whether to get back into the work force. And if so, how? The New York Times, 2/16. 

This is How Your Life Will Change in Retirement: Next time a retiree says life hasn't changed much in retirement, believe them. MarketWatch, Feb. 16.

When It's Healthier Not to Retire: A new study cited in The Wall Street Journal, found that a significant increase in mortality in the U.S. starts at age 62, when Americans can start claiming Social Security and, ostensibly, retire. Next Avenue, Feb. 15. 

The Social Security Retirement Age Increases in 2018: Those who claim Social Security early will get smaller payments. US News and World Report, Feb. 12.   
8 Ways to Preserve Your Family Memories: How to save precious images so future generations can enjoy them. Next Avenue, Feb. 13.
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