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January 1, 2018
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Does a 'Strong' Immune System Ward Off Colds and Flu? What makes people sick is a combination of bad luck - exposures to viruses or other pathogens - and the state of their immune system. The New York Times, Dec. 29.
Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements May Not Lower Fracture Risk: Older adults who take vitamin D and calcium are no less likely to break their hips or other bones than peers who don't use these supplements. Reuters Health, Dec. 26.

MRIs Safe With Older Pacemakers: Powerful magnetic fields created during an MRI scan were thought to play havoc with some pacemakers, but a new study says these scans are safe for people with the heart devices. HealthDay, Dec. 27. 

When Cancer Strikes Twice: In many cases, the development of a second cancer resulted from the same risk factors that likely precipitated the first malignancy. The New York Times, Dec. 25.
Want to Be Happy? Think Like an Old Person: Older people report higher levels of contentment or well-being than teenagers and young adults. The New York Times, Dec. 29.
5 Ways to Plan Ahead for Rising Health Care Costs: The latest numbers are sobering: The average couple retiring at 65 will need $275,000 to cover medical expenses through retirement. Kiplinger, Dec. 29. 
Don't Retire Unless You Can Answer These 4 Questions: Planning to retire soon? That could be a big mistake if you're not fully prepared. The Motley Fool, 12/27
3 Ways to Prepare for a Bear Market: While stock market records are exhilarating, we all know that can't last forever. Put a plan in place now and you won't have to worry about when the party will end. Kiplinger, Dec. 29.  
More Americans Are Using Their 401(k)s, but They're Not Saving Nearly Enough: This one thing made 401(k) participation rise, but average contributions still fell. The Motley Fool, Dec. 29.  
Think You Know How Much You Need To Save For Retirement? Do you have a specific number in mind for how much money you need to have saved by the time you retire? You should! Real Deal Retirement, Dec. 27.  
4 Proven Ways to Boost Your Retirement Income: One of these tips alone could add more than $350,000 to your nest egg! The Motley Fool, Dec. 26.
5 Hidden Risks to Your Retirement Security: If you're focusing only on your investment portfolio as you prepare for retirement, you may be distracting yourself from what's most important for a good plan. Kiplinger, Dec. 26.
5 Ways to Help Control Your Taxes in Retirement: Taxes aren't something retirees can deal with once a year. They are something you need to plan for all year, every year. Kiplinger, 12/28
You Can Legally Avoid Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits -- Here's How: Don't want to pay taxes on your Social Security benefits? Read this. The Motley Fool, 12/27
How Working Affects Your Social Security Benefits: Are you considering working while collecting Social Security as part of your retirement? Investopedia, Dec. 26. 
The Widow or Widower's Guide to Social Security Benefits: The loss of a spouse is devastating, and in that situation, the last thing you want to worry about is money., Dec. 28.  

What Can I Do to Increase My Social Security Benefits? One tip could increase the average Social Security income by as much as $9,000. The Motley Fool, Dec. 28.
The Case For Moving to a Retirement Community: Why it's fun to grow older with people just like you. MarketWatch, Dec 30. 
The One Financial Mistake 86% of Older Americans Are Making: There's one major expense countless Americans continue to miscalculate, it's healthcare -- specifically, long-term care. The Motley Fool, Dec. 26. 
Technology As an Aid in Healing: How Smart Devices Can Give Caregivers Peace of Mind: Families can keep an eye on their loved ones even when they're not physically present. US News and World Report, Dec. 27. 
Tips for Holiday Trips With Seniors: If you plan to travel with an elderly relative this holiday season, don't leave things to chance, an expert on geriatric medicine says. HealthDay, Dec. 25.
How to Divvy Up Your Family Belongings Peacefully and Sensibly: Divvying up personal possessions among adult children or other loved ones can often be a difficult task. HuffPost, Dec. 25.
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