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June 19, 2017
Your weekly link to grown-up news and information from newspaper and
magazine publications, news organizations and web resources nationwide.

Why Aspirin May Be More Dangerous for Older People: Anywhere from 40% to 60% of older people take daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke. But... TIME, June 14.

Social Interaction Is Critical for Mental and Physical Health: Having friends is a critically important contributor to good health and longevity. The New York Times, 6/12. 

Hearing Aids at the Mall? Congress Could Make It Happen: Under the proposed Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017, the devices would become more widely available and much cheaper. The New York Times, June 12.   
How to Retire Early Without Running Out of Money: Retiring early sounds great -- unless you run out of money as a result. The Motley Fool, June 16.

5 Signs Your Financial Advisor is Working Against You: Sometimes the person you hired to help you get ahead is the one putting hurdles in your way. US News and World Report, June 15.

How to Win at Retirement Savings: While most workers are responsible for their own retirement savings these days, high schools don't have required classes on 401(k)'s and Individual Retirement Accounts (I.R.A.s). And colleges usually don't teach anything about Roth I.R.A.s or 403(b)'s. The New York Times, June 15.

6 Ways to Diversify Income Streams in Retirement: Retirees often pay their bills using several different sources of income. US News and World Report, June 14.

Money, Marriage and a Big Age Gap: 6 Ways to Make Sure Your Retirement Is Safe: Love knows no age, right? Maybe that's why 5% of first marriages and 20% of remarriages are between individuals with a difference of 10 years or more in their ages. Money, June 14.

How to Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early: Financial independence gives you the freedom to decide when and how you work. US News and World Report, June 13.  

How Much Should You Withdraw From Your Retirement Savings Each Year? Knowing how much you can safely take from your retirement savings will help keep you solvent as long as you live. The Motley Fool, June 18.

6 Drawbacks of Reverse Mortgages: A reverse mortgage can give seniors an infusion of cash, but there are some serious drawbacks to consider. US News and World Report, June 16.  

Is An Annuity A Good Way To Boost Retirement Income? An annuity can be a good way to safely get more income out of your retirement nest egg. But that doesn't necessarily mean you should own one. Real Deal Retirement, June 12.

10 Ways to Generate Income After You Retire: Here's how to get enough money to fund a comfortable retirement. US News and World Report, June 12.

This Hidden Expense Could Derail Those Retirement Plans: Longer lifespans means retirees need more money to last ever longer, especially for expenses such as health care. CNBC, June 12.

Make a Plan for Prosperous Retirement: For many Americans, the difference between a secure retirement and an uncertain one comes down to how well they plan. Chicago Tribune, June 12.    
What Will Social Security Look Like in 20 Years If Congress Does Nothing? One of the biggest ongoing debates on Capitol Hill is what the future might hold for Social Security, both for current retirees and those who will be retiring 20 years from now. The Motley Fool, June 17.

Yes, Disability Insurance Really is Part of Social Security: The fundamental aim of Social Security is to protect against the risk of lost income from work, whether from retirement, disability or the death of a family breadwinner. Reuters, June 15.

8 Benefits of Claiming Social Security Later: Here's how to boost your Social Security monthly payments. US News and World Report, June 12.

Dire Forecast: Why Your Social Security Is Going to Fall Short: Future retirees' safety net is shrinking, and you can blame inflation-not the politicians in Washington, D.C. Money, June 14. 
How Your Financial Advisor Can Help Thwart Elder Fraud: Older Americans lose an estimated $36.5 billion to financial fraud every year. CNBC, June 15.
Long-Term Care Insurers Steering Through Tough Times: As the future of LTC insurance grows uncertain, make sure you check up on the stability of your insurer. Kiplinger, June 2017. 
Lost in Translation? The Caregiver's Guide to Being a Dementia Whisperer: What people with dementia wish others would realize when speaking to those with the disease. US News and World Report, June 16. 

How to Hire a Home Helper: I would like to hire a personal assistant/home helper for my mom to assist with some simple household chores like house keeping, errand running, driving her to the doctor, and keeping her company. HuffPost, June 12. 
Staying Connected: Now there's a simple and secure tablet designed specifically for seniors! The grandPad is proud sponsor of the Senior Newswire.
6 Myths About Elder Abuse: There are many misconceptions about how, why and how often abuse occurs. Next Avenue, June 15.

This Is the Age When You Become 'Old,' According to Four Different: If age really is just a number, what number marks old age? Money, June 13.   
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