At the request of academies, districts, and NAF Staff, NAF is pleased to announce that the Senior Survey will be re-instituted with an online link for student access available from May 11 to May 24

A link to access the survey and details about participation can be found below. Academies should distribute the link to their students and strongly encourage them to complete it. The survey link will also be available in ASH from May 11 th until May 24th. Click here for a link to the survey in word doc form. *Please note that this word doc file is not meant to be a replacement for the online copy.
After the completion deadline, the results will be analyzed. NAF will provide feedback to the network based on all the responses. In addition, if 90% of seniors (minimum of 10) in your academy complete the survey, NAF will provide you with your academy’s individual results.

Thank you for your participation!
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