Message from the
Network's Co-Chairs
More than 700 people gathered in Washington, DC, last October for the National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation - a thrilling testament to the increasing momentum for conservation at a scale large enough and connected enough to sustain both natural and human communities going forward.
The central goal of the Practitioners' Network is to work with all of you to sustain that forward momentum and catalyze large landscape conservation success.
Since last fall, we have crafted a new strategic plan and updated our governance structure to ensure we are as effective as possible. We have enriched the educational content of our website, including a series of new learning modules, and we are finalizing a new primer on large landscape conservation to be released this fall. We are also working to develop a national practitioners' exchange program.
These exciting efforts are highly collaborative, and we thank our many partners from the nonprofit, agency, academic, business, foundation, and community sectors.
And we encourage more of you to join us. The Practitioners' Network is a vibrant place to connect, collaborate, innovate, and inspire each other to achieve conservation at the whole systems scale that we now know is essential for the future of both wildlife and people.
Bob Bendick, Co-Chair
Emily Bateson, Co-Chair
Updated Website Launched!
In June, the Practitioners' Network for Large Landscape Conservation launched an updated website that features an overall redesign, straightforward functionality, new content, and a rollout of interactive elements that work together with the goal of creating a more unified and cohesive network for large landscape professionals.
View the website.
Explore the Network's New Learning Modules
We're developing an online platform --
Taking Conservation to Scale -- focused on building and sharing knowledge on large landscape conservation.
The first generation of modules is now online.
We invite you to take a look, provide your feedback, share your own experiences and lessons learned, and send along your ideas for future modules
National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation
 The 2014 National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation energized and inspired us.
The Practitioners' Network provides an ongoing forum for the information exchange and dialogue that transpired at the National Workshop to continue well into the future.
New Book: The Science of Open Spaces
Book Launch Features Discounts for the Large Landscape Conservation Community
Two-Page Fact Sheet
We've developed a
two-page fact sheet that explains the Network and how to get involved! We invite you to take a look.
PNLLC's LinkedIn Group
Join the Network's LinkedIn group to connect with other practitioners, share resources, ask questions, and more!
Join the LinkedIn Group
Share Your Feedback
The Network wants to provide meaningful resources and activities that advance your work -- let us know how we're doing -- what do you find useful? what else would you like to see?
Shawn Johnson, Network Coordinator, with your suggestions and feedback!