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United States nicknamed Uncle Sam.
September 2016 
In this Issue:
    This I Love

Important Dates:
Congratulations to the Abbe Museum!
Congratulations to the Abbe Museum for the well-publicized launch of their new PastPerfect Online site. A very impressive collection in Down-East Maine that is now accessible to the world. Check out the article at http://www.mdislander.com/maine-news/abbe-museum-launches-database.
WebinarFree Webinar This Thursday
Join us Thursday, September 8th at 1pm Eastern for a free webinar to learn about PastPerfect Online. We'll review the site from a visitor's perspective, highlight ways you can customize your site, explore the multiple search functions, and more.

Click here to register. 
UpdateSoftware Update: 5.0E2
The latest update for PastPerfect 5.0 has been released and is available to download for free from our website.

Check out our Knowledge Base article on updating or give us a call if you have any questions at 1-800-562-6080. Our support team is happy to assist with installing the update.
ThisILoveThis I Love
Every volunteer and staff member has a few collection items that capture their imagination in a special way. We've started a series to highlight these items and share them with the museum community. This contribution comes from the staff at the National Woman's Party.

"In 1917, after failed campaigns to hold the party in power responsible for woman suffrage and therefore push President Wilson and the Democrats out of office, the National Woman's Party (NWP) turned to a new tactic and began picketing the White House. Pickets were held daily and even included a picket on Sunday for working women who could not take off work to picket for fear of being fired. Though faded, this banner is particularly special to us because of its significance as a physical item showcasing the tactics of the NWP in their fight for suffrage and because it speaks to the collaborative reach as the NWP worked with other interest groups for woman suffrage. It's also timely as we celebrate Labor Day this month. 

This banner was one of many carried on the picket line by the NWP. We have many more banners in the collection, but we are also missing a large portion, as banners were ripped apart by angry onlookers, or perhaps taken home by pickets and today mostly likely remain in private hands. Learn more about our #CircleofSuffrage initiative here http://nationalwomansparty.org/join-the-circle-of-suffrage/ and contact the National Woman's Party to contribute your story." 

Thank you to the National Woman's Party for sharing your collection online!

To check out over 650 other PastPerfect Online sites, visit http://www.pastperfect-online.com.

Brian and Sara will be at the AASLH Conference in Detroit from September 14th through the 17th. Stop by the booth for your chance to win a Nomenclature 4.0 Upgrade for PastPerfect 5.0.
SpotlightOnline Collection Spotlight
The Adirondack Museum's online collection contains over 40,000 records from their collections of art, historic artifacts, and other materials related to the history and people of the Adirondacks.

View the Adirondack Museum's Online Collection.
PastPerfect Software, Inc.