Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
September 2017 Newsletter
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" - The Golden Rule
Behave toward others as you would like to have them behave toward you. 
This so called golden rule is stated in just about every ancient writing about 
behavioral   precepts  (including   the   New Testament,   Talmud,   Koran,   and  
the Analects of Confucius).  Among   the  earliest   appearances   in   English   is  
Earl   Rivers'   translation   of   a   saying   of  Socrates   Dictes and Sayenges of the Philosophirs , 1477): 
"Do to other as thou wouldst they should do to thee, and do to none other but as
 thou wouldst be done to." It is so well known that it is often shortened.  

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary 
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
A logical proposition that derives from the Golden Rule is that we are more likely to enjoy life if we contribute good deeds rather that bad ones.  First, we get the social, psychological and spiritual comfort of having done something good for other people.  Second, because we contribute good things to the world, we make the world better.  And since we live in the world, by contributing good things, we are directly making our experiences in the world better. 

It sounds easy and makes a lot of sense. However many people say they don't witness this occurring, that people don't treat their neighbors with loving kindness or common courtesies anymore.  I have a theory about this.  I think there is such a deficit of self love and self care pervading our society and just an overall feeling of anger that people are treating others exactly as they treat themselves, very poorly.  Self love is the belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person.  An example of self love is when you have a positive view of yourself and are confident in yourself and your place in the world.  YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2017 by LoveToKnow Corp.  Read more at  
Our outer worlds are a mirror of our inner worlds so we are creating what our individual and the collective consciousness is thinking about, those reels that play in our heads as well as on our TV and computer screens..  If we don't like what is being out pictured then change needs to occur and a good place to  begin would be to start to practice self-love and self-care.  
 It starts with us!!

Louise Lynn Hay (October 8, 1926 - August 30, 2017) an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House and author of several New Thought self-helpbooks, including the 1984 book, "You Can Heal Your Life,"  put it beautifully when she said:

I found there is only one thing that heals every problem and that is: to know how to love thyself.
Louise Hay passed away peacefully in her sleep on August 30th, 2017.  Coincidentally, she passed away on the same night that Wayne Dyer, her dear friend and motivational speaker and author, did, two years ago.  

Ah, September!  You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul. Peggy Horton
             Upcoming Events - See Below for More Information or to Register
Our guest newsletter writer and September 27th webinar presenter, Elsie Kerns, is going to teach us a tool called "Heart Math"  which, when utilized, can become a great self care practice.

TDI is hosting a class called "The Bars" the core and foundation of Access Consciousness on October 21st.  Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you're not good enough or that you can't accomplish  what you dream about. 
 Running "The Bars" can help to stop those Automatic Negative Thoughts - ANTS- that are constantly running in our minds.  

Come out on September 16th and support your community by joining us in this year's RSD/CRPS Awareness Walk. . 

There is a thought provoking Sioux proverb that states, "The longest journey you will ever take in your life is from your head to your heart."  That is exactly what we will be doing on the Intuitive Heart webinar Wednesday, September 27th from 7-8 p.m. EDT with me, Elsie Kerns.

Last December, I had the opportunity to attend the Heartmath Institute conference to experience their heart "lock-in" technique and other special exercises that Heartmath has developed to elicit the power of the heart. Heartmath has over 25 years of solid research on activating the heart to connect us with "who we truly are."  They have taught around the world, brought these life-enhancing techniques into schools, worked with high profile clients as well as football teams and Navy Seals.

The Heart "lock-in" technique activates coherence and trains the nervous system to operate from a calmer pattern.  Continuing practice creates resilience and a new norm that provides more efficient energy flow to take you through the day. Practicing students also notice they can handle stress with greater ease. They are not triggered so fast and feel a stronger sense of self-confidence emerge.

According to award-winning scientist, Candace Pert, the heart is hard wired for bliss!  It is scientifically known that the heart thinks, remembers, feels and loves. The heart makes hormones, contains its own nervous system and supports your immune system.  In fact, the heart has every single neuropeptide receptor that the brain has. The heart rhythm can be thrown off by over giving, over caring, not being able to receive and the inability to forgive. Recovery is easy with laughter, music, gratitude and joy. The bottom line is that when electrical patterns of the brain and heart are synchronized and coherent, you are more intelligent and intuitive. On the physiological level, the heart "lock-in" lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscle tension and naturally reduces anxiety.  Clearly, when your emotions and thoughts are in sync, you enjoy more internal peace, resilience, coherence and health.

Human beings are the only species on the planet that can elicit the "flight or fight" panic button by thought alone. Practicing the heart "lock-in" technique for just 10 to 15 minutes daily builds and maintains a new internal set point of coherence and resilience.  Activating a regenerative feeling such as appreciation, care and compassion to yourself and others becomes automatic and recharges your emotional system. 

Heartmath's "lock-in" exercise can be applied by anyone of any age, anywhere, anytime.  Again, practicing on a regular basis allows these regenerative concepts to become the new norm.  Equally important is the fact that application of Heartmath's heart-based techniques begin to retrain the nervous system and evolve the "flight or fight" response.  You now have the resilience to meet challenging life situations with a new sense of calm and confidence. 

Remember, the webinar is recorded for replay.  Sign up now and don't miss this opportunity to support your heart in a healthy way!

- Elsie Kerns


Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging/Health through Awareness is proud to annouce  
a free holistic health webinar presented by Elsi Kerns.

"The Intuitive Heart, Creating Heart-centered Co-herence.
Wednesday, September 27 from 7-8PM DST   

"The Intuitive Heart, Creating Heart-centered Co-herence ."

The Heart Lock-In Technique helps you:
  • Activate and sustain coherence for more resilience, energy, peace and serenity.
  • Lower blood pressure, release muscle tension and reduce anxiety.
  • Create a new "internal set point" that allows you to operate with greater ease throughout your day.
  Invoke the intelligence of your intuitive heart so you can enhance intuition and gain clarity for making healthy and healing life choices. .
Elsie's greatest passion is teaching the art of healing, which she has been doing for thirty years. Her expertise is based on extensive training with renowned healers, authors and energy pioneers, including Donna Eden and Barbara Brennan. She has taught for Drexel University's Complementary and Integrative Health Program and offers classes in Eden Energy Medicine, Reiki and Meditation, locally and nationally.
Elsie offers group coaching and mentors individual clients moving through personal transitions in career, relationships and health. She supports them so they can resolve long standing issues and live the joyful, successful life they desire.
Elsie is the author of a chapter titled "Housewife to Healer" in the recently launched book, 
"Your Shift Matters" available at Amazon or through her website:
 For more information or to register: 856-596-5834 or
"Webinars & Events".

Click here to register 
TDI/Health through Awareness is proud to sponsor the following class facilitated by Elizabeth Kochanik:
"The Bars", 
The core and foundation of  Access  Consciousness

What if a gentle touch could change everything? 
Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you're not good enough or that you can't accomplish 
what you dream about. 

There is a set of tools from Access Consciousness called "The Bars." 
Running The BARS is similar to defragging your computer, but instead of your computer you are deleting all the files that you have stored in your mind's database that keep you locked in limitation and looping back to the same thing over and over again without being able to free yourself fully.

During a Bars session, a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that we have stored over lifetimes. When we gently press on these points we "Run the Bars." Running your Bars can open new possibilities in many areas such as money, communication, healing, relationships and much more. It can open new possibilities that you never even knew existed. 

Learn how to run "The BARS" on
Saturday, October 21st from 9:30-5 at
Virtua Hospital Voorhees
100 Bowman Dr. 
Holman Conference Center, Room D
Voorhees Township, NJ 08043

$300 First Class -$150 Repeat Class
(payment in the form of cash or check) 
Please arrive by 9:15 to give you time to settle in.
There will be two 15 minute breaks and an hour break for lunch. 
To register or for more information call
732-856-8365 or 856-596-5834 

A very warm thank you to Christina Veselak, our August webinar presenter. Christina presented life saving information for anyone who is suffering with mood disorders and/or substance abuse disorders.  You'll find answers here you won't find in conventional medicine and recovery treatment centers. 
There are people that are achieving an 75% recovery success rate using the methods Christina outlined.

Click here to watch the webinar!   

Walking 4 a CURE One Step at a Time
5k Walk/Run
for Awareness

Philip Getson, DO is again hosting this year's walk. He has been practicing in New Jersey for the past 41 years. As a family practitioner, he became interested in CRPS in the 1980's and has gone on to successfully diagnose and treat over a thousand individuals suffering with CRPS/RSD. 

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy or, as it is now known, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is an insidious disease of unknown etiology. Primarily it is a neurological disorder and as such affects not only the nervous system as we know it but also internal organs and the musculoskeletal system and its ramifications are far reaching.
The primary hallmark of this disorder is pain and in instances where this follows a traumatic event, the pain is out of proportion to said event. There are many other symptoms such as but not limited to swelling, color change, temperature change, hair growth and nail growth changes, and motor movement dysfunction. The pain more often than not is described as burning but frequently can be described as deep bone pain , sharp pain, dull pain, and many other adjectives have been used to describe this primary symptom.

Register here

Saturday, September 16, 2017
Registration Starts at 10 AM

Cooper River Park
Pennsauken, NJ

Prizes will be awarded to top finishers

Water Donation by: Essentia Water

PS:  For those of you who would like to show your support but can not attend the walk consider making a $25.00 donation and you will receive a CRPS/RSD walk t-shirt.  

Click registration link above to donate online or make checks payable to RSDS and mail to Dr. Getson at 
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053

2nd Annual Long Island CRPS/RSD Awareness Walk
Saturday, September 9th
8:00AM - 2:00 PM
Eisenhower Park,
East Meadow, NY
Dogwood Picnic Area - Section M on Park Map

Adults Ages 13 & UP - $25 Children Ages 6 thru 12 - $10
Little Kid Walkers Ages 5 and Under - Free
Questions - Email
For Sponsorship Opportunities Call : 877-662-7737


RSDSA is a national non-profit organization. For over 31 years, we have educated, supported, and provided hope to all those affected by CRPS/RSD while driving research for better treatments and a cure.
All donations and product/service donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be made out to RSDSA. RSDSA's tax ID number is 22-2559139.
If you have any questions, please contact Stacey Udell at 631-379-7784, 631-253-9155 (fax), or email her at You may also contact Samantha Barrett at 508-942-2141 or email Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing your positive response.

Do you have something to say or something you want to write about it? 
TDI/Health through Awareness are looking for contributors from our audience of integrative practitioners and healthcare providers. We accept articles, blogs, 
case studies, research reviews and opinion columns. If you enjoy sharing valuable information with your peers we'd like to hear from you.

Email Liesha at    

Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging Google Reviews As you know, your confidence in us is our highest compliment.  If you find value in our newsletters, webinars and services please consider leaving us a positive Google review!

Disclaimer:   These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

In the spirit of full disclosure, this page contains affiliate links.  This means that we may get a small commission if you decide to purchase anything from any of the sites.  We only recommend programs and services that we think would be highly beneficial to you or programs that we have listened to, participated in, and/or used and have found extremely helpful. 
If you are interested in a Thermogram, individual holistic health coaching session utilizing the First Line Therapy program, Reiki, or an infra-red sauna session in the "POD," please contact TDI to schedule an appointment.  

Wishing you abundant health.
Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
TDI/Health Through Awareness
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053

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