September 2018 Newsletter
Immigration Attitudes
According to a recent Pew Research Center survey,

45% of the adults in the U.S. believe the majority of immigrants are here legally (In fact, 75% of immigrants are in the U.S. legally)

72% of Americans oppose separating families who cross the border illegally

60% of Americans oppose building a wall across the entire US Mexico border

60% support legal status for "Dreamers"

47% of adults in the US view Immigrations and Customs Enforcement unfavorably -- the worst of 9 federal agencies. (for example, 36% view the IRS unfavorably)

71% of adults in the US say undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs citizens do not want

67% disagree that giving people who are in the US illegally a way to gain legal status is rewarding them for breaking the law

65% say undocumented immigrants are not more likely than US citizens to commit serious crimes

Exploring Migration: A Faith Journey
A Justfaith program developed in partnership with Maryknoll for small faith groups. Invites participants to respond to the reality of migration by exploring some of the central questions on both a global level and in the U.S. Eight sessions provide historical, biblical, and theological perspectives and inspire participants to act on their religious beliefs and values. Each session includes prayer, dialogue, active listening, and relationship-building. There are also videos and opportunties for a guest speaker as well as an "immersion experience" to a local organization to learn from those involved in this ministry.
For more on Immigration , click here .
Separated: Children at the Borders
A documentary from Frontline, that investigates the story of what happened to immigrant children separated from their parents at the border. The film explores the impact of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, and how both Trump and Obama dealt with minors at the border.
For more on Immigration , click here .
Mercy without Borders:
The Catholic Worker and Immigration
By Mark & Louise Zwick. A Catholic Worker story, interwoven with the stories, joys, hopes, and tragedies of immigrants who have come to America and a plea for a change in the political and economic forces which drive people to immigrate. Read more .
For more on Immigratio n, click here .
A resource from Trinity Church Wall Street; this on-demand video teach-in is for people of faith to learn about current issues related to immigration, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), temporary protected status, and sanctuary. Watch now.
For more on Immigration , click here .
This is Home: A Refugee Story
A documentary that focuses on four Syrian families struggling to find their way in America.
For more on Refugees , click here .
Documenting Hate: Charlottesville
A documentary produced by Frontline and ProPublica, that investigates how the violent and infamous rally in Charlottesville in 2017 became a watershed moment for the white supremacist movement. Shows how some of those behind the racist violence went unpunished and shines a light on the rise of new white supremacist groups in America. Watch preview .
For more on Racism , click here .
Ten Ways to Fight Hate:
A Community Resource Guide
The Southern Poverty Law Center has developed a short video on the first anniversary of the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. A companion booklet, Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide is also available. 
For more on Racism , click here .
Climate Change is Real
A short, animated video that addresses six common arguments challenging the science of climate change:
  • This is the Coldest Winter Ever
  • Climate Change is Totally Natural
  • Plants and Animals Will Adapt
  • Why is Antarctica Ice Increasing?
  • Scientists Don't Agree on Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Actually a Good Thing
For more on the Environment , click here .
Feast of St. Francis Programs
The Catholic Climate Covenant produces a free educational program to help faith communities explore how they can better care for creation and the poor. The 2018 program, "Who Is My Neighbor In A Climate Threatened World" focuses on the interconnections between immigration, refugees, and climate change. Programs from previous years are also available. Learn more.
For more on the Environment , click here .
101 Questions and Answers
on Catholic Social Teaching
By Kenneth Himes. Provides basic introductory information about Catholic social teaching, giving a concise overview of what the major documents of the tradition say about political, economic, and social life. Laced throughout with references to the documents, puts into accessible language the key ideas that the church has proclaimed in the area of social teaching. Grouped by topics, the questions represent common inquiries about the church's teaching. The answers are brief, accurate responses based on the important official documents of the church. Read more .
For more resources on Catholic Social Teaching , click here .
The Eucharist and Social Justice
By Margaret Scott. Makes the case that the Eucharist is deeply political and potentially subversive. It explores the inseparable relationship between Eucharist and social justice. Making use of the eucharistic texts, which are pregnant with meaning and embrace a whole host of social issues around poverty and injustice, it teases out their wider implications. It also rediscovers the dimension that God intended for the Eucharist: the life of the world. It draws out the potential of Eucharist, as a critique of the methods and results of economic globalization and as a dynamic force that both motivates and enables a commitment to social justice and the alleviation of poverty. Read more . 
For more Justice resources, click here .
Facing the World: Political Theology & Mercy
Edited by John Downey, Steve Ostovich and Johann Vento. A collection of essays on political theology, in response to the call of Pope Francis to respond with mercy, compassion, and solidarity to a global culture of indifference. Read more .
For more resources on Politics , click here .
The Essence of the Gospel and the
Key to Christian Life
By Cardinal Walter Kasper. From someone whom Pope Francis has described as a "superb theologian," looks to capture the essence of the gospel message. Read more .
For more resources on Forgiveness , click here .
Revolutionary Saint:
The Theological Legacy of Oscar Romero
By Michael Lee. Drawing on Romero's biography as well as his homilies and other writings, considers specifically how Romero's witness challenges Christians in the U.S. to reimagine a Christian spirituality that is both an encounter with God and a prophetic engagement in the struggle for justice. In light of Romero's beatification and pending canonization, reflects on the implications of the archbishop's recognition as a martyr and on the model of holiness he offers for the wider church today. Read more.
(Note: Archbishop Romero will be canonized a saint in Rome on October 14th)
Choosing Civility:
The Twenty-five Rules of
Considerate Conduct
By P.M. Forni. Identifies twenty-five rules that are essential in connecting effectively and happily with others. Topics include:
* Think Twice Before Asking Favors
* Give Constructive Criticism
* Refrain from Idle Complaints
* Respect Others' Opinions
* Don't Shift Responsibility and Blame
* Care for Your Guests
* Accept and Give Praise
Provides examples of how to put each rule into practice and make life, and the lives of others, more enjoyable, companionable, and rewarding.
For more Peace resources, click here .
Important Dates This Month

Individuals Honored This Month
If you can't feed a hundred people,
then feed just one.
September 14th
On behalf of my outraged Christian conscience, I raise my voice in protest [against the treatment of Jews], and I assert that all men, Aryans and non-Aryans, are brothers because they have been created by the same God; that all men, whatever their race or religion, have the right to be respected by individuals and states. The present anti-Semitic pressures flout human dignity and violate the most sacred rights of the human person and family.
September 22nd
 Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves.
September 30
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
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Each month we email our newsletter to over   3,900 contacts around the country.   Each issue focuses on a social justice topic and has resources that have been recently added to our website. If you know of other s who might be interested in receiving our newsletter,  please forward this email on to them or let us know and we'll add them to our mailing list. For past Newsletters ,  click here .