Save the date:
October 20
6th Annual Consuls Reception

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Join WorldBoston for our 6th Annual Consuls Reception in honor of the Consular Corps serving Boston and New England.

More details coming soon!

Trade Deals: Perspectives on TPP and TTIP
September 9

Wednesday, September 9:
12:00 - 1:30 pm
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Fourth Floor

$35 General Admission

To reserve your spaces, email Jenny at
[email protected]

Join WorldBoston and the Boston Economic Club for a joint luncheon featuring Professor Carsten Kowalczyk, an expert on international trade. Professor Kowalczyk will discuss the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). By situating these historic negotiations within the historical context of international trade agreements, attendees will gain an understanding of the stakes involved in these events and the impact they will have on the U.S. economy.

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About the IVLP

The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)
is the U.S. Department of State's premier professional exchange program and WorldBoston's main Citizen Diplomacy partner.  


Launched in 1940, the IVLP is a professional exchange program that seeks to build mutual understanding between the U.S. and other nations through carefully designed short-term visits to the U.S. for current and emerging foreign leaders.  These visits reflect the International Visitors' professional interests and support the foreign policy goals of the United States.


The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs funds and administers the IVLP.  In doing so, the Bureau enters cooperative agreements with National Program Agencies, a group of private, not-for-profit organizations based in Washington, D.C., that design and implement national IVLP itineraries.   


In addition to the National Program Agencies, the International Visitor Leadership Program relies on the commitment and skills of local community organizations across the U.S., known as Centers for International Visitors (CIVs).  Under the professional association of Global Ties U.S., local CIV members develop professional programs, arrange cultural activities, and provide home hospitality for international visitors.  


WorldBoston is part of the Global Ties network of more than 90 CIVs in 45 states.


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August at WorldBoston
Updates from the Office

Dear Friends,


Welcome to a new and busy season at WorldBoston.  A few highlights:


On September 9 we have a very special joint luncheon with the Boston Economic Club on international trade, focusing on TTP and TTIP with Fletcher professor Carsten Kowalczyk. Sign up by Friday!


September 15, Chat & Chowder resumes, with author August Cole and his (maybe-not-so-fictional) novel, Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War.


September 24, Great Decisions also resumes, as distinguished Tufts professor Pearl Robinson takes a big-picture look at U.S. policy in Africa, a region of emerging opportunities -- and new global challenges.


Looking ahead, be sure to save the date for the Consuls Reception, October 20, our exciting annual event honoring Boston's diplomatic corps, this year featuring keynote Juliette Kayyem. Registration will open soon, and space will be limited.


Finally, have a look at the remarkable international visitors we're hosting this month, typical of a year of intense visitor activity at WorldBoston. These programs provide visitors with extraordinary opportunities for professional and cultural learning.  


We thank the hundreds of citizen diplomats of our community who volunteer by sharing their professional experiences or by welcoming groups to their homes for meals and conversation. If you would like to get involved as a WorldBoston citizen diplomat, please contact Jessica Menasce, [email protected].


We look forward to seeing you this month -- frequently!



Mary P. Yntema

President & CEO


Upcoming Events:
Reserve Your Space
Chat & Chowder Series:
Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War

Tuesday, September 15
5:30 - 7:00 pm

The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston

$17 WorldBoston members 
$27 General Admission

The United States, China, and Russia eye each other across a twenty-first century version of the Cold War, which suddenly heats up at sea, on land, in the air, in outer space, and in cyber space. The fighting involves everything from stealthy robotic-drone strikes to old warships from the navy's "ghost fleet." Ultimately, victory will depend on blending the lessons of the past with the weapons of the future.

Ghost fleet is a page-turning speculative thriller in the spirit of  The Hunt for Red October.
The debut novel by two leading experts on the cutting edge of national security, it is unique in that every trend and technology featured in the novel - no matter how sci-fi it may seem - is real, or could be soon. Join WorldBoston and author August Cole for a discussion on this novel and the implications of cyber warfare in today's world.

The novel has already been featured on  NPR  and in  Forbes  and has military experts talking across the country.

Event details here. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Great Decisions Series:      
The U.S. and Africa: Democratization, Peacekeeping, and Countering Extremism in the 21st Century

Thursday, September 24
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Suffolk University Amenities Room
73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108

Admission: Free

The United States' long and complicated history with the African continent has grown ever more tumultuous in the new millennium. Now home to some of the world's fastest growing economies, traditional goals of promoting peace and democracy are fast being replaced by a desire to engage African nations economically.

Despite new challenges and opportunities, U.S. Africa policy has remained in flux under President Obama. The growing threat of Islamic extremism in both the Western and Eastern parts of the continent has further complicated American foreign policy. Join WorldBoston in welcoming Dr. Pearl Robinson, distinguished professor of African and Comparative Politics at Tufts University for a discussion on U.S. Policy in Africa and the challenges and opportunities present in the second decade of the 21st century. How has American Policy shifted in response to the growing threat posed by Islamic extremism in Africa? How are the United States and its policies perceived by Africans and their leaders? Will President Obama leave a lasting legacy, or will the next U.S. President continue the historically unfocused policy toward Africa?

Discuss these questions and more at the next installment of our  Great Decisions discussion series.

Special thanks to our sponsor, The Lowell Institute of Boston. Event details here. Please contact [email protected]

Current Visitors
Social Enterprise

September 2 - 6
We will be welcoming a group of professionals from Thailand to Boston who wish to analyze the rise of social entrepreneurship in the United States, and what makes social ventures sustainable, self-sufficient, and scalable.
Lessons Learned From the Korean-American Experience

September 12 - 16
Three experts from the Republic of Korea are coming to Boston
to focus on U.S. Policy and perspectives on immigration in general and the integration of immigrants into American society. They will be meeting with local NGOs and state and city agencies to learn about multiculturalism and the importance of diversity and inclusion.

We are seeking home hospitality for this group! If you are interested in hosting this group for a home hospitality meal, please contact Preeya George-Guiser at [email protected].
Mental Health

September 20 - 23
A group of professionals from Serbia will be coming to Boston to discover the U.S. approach to mental health policies and procedures. Through visits to hospitals, health centers, and mental health organizations, the visitors will examine standards for protection of integrity and the balance between individual rights and the protection of society as a whole.
Activism & Social Media

September 23 - 26
We will be welcoming to Boston a group of professionals from Lebanon whose focus is on ways to counter violent extremist propaganda. They plan to examine how Americans use social media platforms for digital engagement, public advocacy and civic involvement.  
Women Empowerment

September 24 - 30
We are pleased to welcome a group of professionals from Thailand to Boston. This group will be focusing on women's increasing presence in higher education, business and government. Additionally, this delegation will learn more about the role of political activism in advancing the cause of women's empowerment. 

We are seeking home hospitality for this group! If you are interested in hosting this group for home hospitality, please contact Jessica Menasce at [email protected].
Past Programs
International Security 

August 5 - 8
Mr. Eduardo Rihan-Cypel, a national assembly member of the 8th district of Seine-et-Marne, visited Boston to develop a better understanding of the American policies and perspectives regarding regional conflict and homeland security.  He also learned more about U.S. counter-terrorism strategies.
Equatorial Guinea
Sustainability and Labor Standards

August 6 - 11
We welcomed Mr. Eubaldo Mesi Ndong Mbang, a process technician at EG Holding Limited to BostonMr. Mbang learned about sustainable practices in the city, such as the use of wind power at the Wind Tech Testing Center. He also met with agencies dedicated to upholding labor standards and health codes and regulations in the Greater Boston area.
HIV/AIDS Research and Programs

August 12 - 15
Dr. Costin Miltaru, who leads a medical non-governmental organization named 'Samusocial' for the homeless,  came to Boston. He explored upcoming research on treatments for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. He also met with representatives from agencies that help to support and advocate for individuals affected by these diseases, specifically young children and infants.
Multi-Regional Project
Social Enterprise  

August 14 - 19
A group of delegates visited Boston to examine the role of social entrepreneurship in the United States, focusing on what makes these ventures sustainable and self-sufficient. This delegation also aimed to introduce international social entrepreneurs to their American counterparts to discuss social change.
National Security 

August 21 - 26
We hosted a Korean delegation in Boston whose mission was to become familiar with the mechanisms through which U.S. law enforcement agencies work together toward common goals. Furthermore, this group reviewed U.S. federal law enforcement and national security goals in hopes to lay a foundation for future cooperation.
Education, Employability, 
& Entrepreneurship

August 20 - 26
We welcomed a delegation comprised of many Pakistani professionals who were seeking to explore how universities and businesses work together in the U.S to give students experience from which they can eventually benefit in the future workforce. These visitors observed the complex relationship between education and entrepreneurship as well.