And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them." Gen 11:6
An Encouraging Note From the Office
At the tower of Babel in Genesis people were united for an ungodly purpose, and the Lord said "nothing will be withheld from them".

Of course the Lord stopped their unity, but how much more will we do if we unite together with each other and WITH the Lord to do His will?

We actually need each part of the Christ-focused community to give their input so together we can be whole and accomplish what is on the Lord's heart.

Last Sunday we joined with Orlando and Patty Cardona , our spiritual family at Verbo in Redwood City . What a wonderful presence of the Lord we experienced and a great example of unity and service of their community.

Let's come together as each finds their role in what God is doing on the peninsula. This week we are "casting the nets in radio, print, digital media and informing "friends of friends" about Shiloh United School. What is your passion? What role would you like to play?
-David Swift
Join a Team
Financial Team - The financial team works with development, fundraising, and expands the Scholarshare program to allow all children of the community to have a high quality Christ-centered education at Shiloh United School.

Outreach Team - Crucial in this season, the Outreach Team "spreads the nets" to inform families about Shiloh United in print, radio, and digital media.

Office Team - Office team provides the vital functions of communication, enrollment, and distribution of books, forms, uniforms and supplies.

Facilities and Landscape Team - The Facilities and Landscape Team functionally make the campus a nurturing environment by working on major projects, and small tasks to improve facility, landscape, and interior decoration.

Curriculum Team - Curriculum team researches, and continues to provide advice on excellent curriculum, current technology, and ways to apply knowledge in the classroom and beyond.
Upcoming Events
Shiloh United School is a K-8th grade private tech school starting this August with Spanish and Mandarin language classes.

As a united family with Biblical values, we build character, mentor talents, and educate for tomorrow in a culture of honor that allows students to grow in leadership, find their purpose and make a positive impact on their generation.
Shiloh United School ©2018 | (650)762-5385 |