It is not too early to begin studying for finals, especially since retaining information for deep learning requires spaced practice. Help your students develop good study habits with these quick visually appealing infographic handouts from the Learning Scientists :
Spaced practice
Start planning early for exams, and set aside a little bit of time every day. Five hours spread over two weeks is better than the same five hours all at once.

Retrieval Practice
Put away your class materials, and write or sketch everything you know. Be as thorough as possible. Then, check your class materials for accuracy and important points you missed.

Ask yourself questions while you are studying about how things work and why, and then find the answers in your class materials and discuss them with your classmates.

Switch between ideas during a study session. Don't study one idea for too long.

Go back over the ideas again in different orders to strengthen your understanding.

Concrete Examples
Collect examples your teacher has used, and look in your class materials for as many examples as you can find.

Dual Coding
Look at your class materials and find visuals. Look over the visuals and compare to the words. Look at visuals, and explain in your own words what they mean.

Take information that you are trying to learn, and draw visuals to go along with it.