About Your Route - February 2018
A huge THANK YOU to the students, schools, staff, parents, communities, and volunteers for another great year for Solano Safe Routes to School! We appreciate working with you to increase physical activity in Solano County students. We’re looking forward to a successful 2018 with you!
Champion of the Month
Walking School
Bus Leader
Eric Mauldin
The February 2018 SR2S Champion of the Month, is Eric Mauldin from Callison Elementary School in Vacaville. He has been a Walking School Bus Leader for the last two school years, walking with students daily after school. Eric along with his wife Cherita, the Callison PTC President, are very engaged in the school.
2018 Poster Contest
The deadline to return entries is
Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 5 pm.

The Solano Safe Routes to School program is excited to announce our 4 th  annual Poster Contest. The contest is open to all Solano County students. SR2S asks students to draw original artwork to encourage healthy habits, show how being active can improve the environment and reduce school traffic. For more information and to print flyers and entry forms (English and Spanish is available), visit our website here:
Benicia Family Bike Workshop
Parents, kids and community members attended our first Family Bike Workshop on October 21st at the Benicia State Park and Rec Area. Bike enthusiasts and those new to biking had the opportunity to participate in several stations set up at the event. These stations included information about E-Bikes, Odometers, the Bay Area Bike Mobile, a Flat Tire Class, and a Helmet and Bike Safety Check. Bikers young and old were able to sharpen their skills in a bike rodeo, complete with cone patterns to navigate. One student learned to ride for the first time!

SolTrans was also there with one of their buses to show how to put your bicycle on their bike rack. Participants practiced loading and unloading their bike onto the bus. The event also included a group bike ride on the Benicia bike trails. The SR2S program would like to thank our partners in this event: Bay Area Bike Mobile , Benicia Bicycle Club , Benicia Police Department , California State Parks , City of Benicia , Leonardo Cycles , SolTrans , and Wheels in Motion .

Look for more Safe Routes to School
Family Bike Workshops like this in your town.
Bay Area Children's Theatre: Rock the Block
The SR2S Program has partnered with the Bay Area Children's Theatre to bring 'Rock the Block' to Solano County schools. Rock the Block presentations are dynamic and exciting for students. Shows use singing, dancing, and comedy to educate students about safely walking and bicycling to and from school.

If you'd like to schedule a show at your school before the 2017-2018 school year is over, give us a call at (707)399-3222 or send us an email at
New Website
It is our goal that our new website is easy to navigate, will showcase the programs we offer, and how your school can get involved. We can't wait for the reveal! In the mean time, here is a sneak peak just for our newsletter subscribers.