comes to Florida - and you can help!

Twenty-four of the world's best and brightest grad students - many from developing nations - are coming to South Florida to learn about implementing the water management solutions their communities need. 

As part of the 12th UNESCO-IHE Hydroinformatics for Water & Environmental Management program, masters and PhD students will learn about partnering government agencies and research institutions through a practical, hands-on approach. Students will visit the Greater Everglades restoration project and interact with the agencies who implemented it, attend lectures on modeling, policy and implementation, and pave the way for future international collaboration. FAU's Center for Environmental Studies will host the students during their two-week stay.

Please lend your support.
Your donation will help defray costs of student housing during their 2-week South Florida educational residency.

About UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education (IHE)
IHE is a post graduate institute with extensive expertise in transferring information and knowledge about the water environment and the associated infrastructure through education and training of professionals, particularly from developing countries in carrying out research, and in providing consultancy in capacity building for water sector organizations world-wide.
About the Florida Center for Environmental Studies (CES) at FAU
CES’s mission is to improve Florida's sustainability through research, education and community engagement on wetlands ecology and coastal resilience. Since 1994 CES has provided technical expertise to the public, policy-makers, and the scientific community.