Better Off THREADS

 { reuse - re-purpose - recreate - re-inspire }

Better Off THREADS 

Fall Special Event

In This Issue
Tink McCoy Trunk Show
Tink McCoy Fine Jewelry

One Evening Opportunity


Please join us Friday, October 7th

4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m.


Renowned Seattle Jewelry Artist 

 Tink McCoy's Collection

Presented by Audrey Hamm

Tink McCoy Fine Jewelry

Inspired by nature, all of TinkMcCoy's 

jewelry pieces are unique works of art, hand cast and forged with an intricate hand.

Tink works in silver, copper, and bronze sometimes mixing metals within one piece for a stunning affect.

This is a great time to think about unique and remerable holiday gifts!

BEST of Western Washington


The Contest Continues - Please Spread the Word! 


i phone / android scan

The Best of Western Washington contest is in full swing and we are excited to be competing in the category of "Vintage and Resale"


Thank you so much to everyone who has already voted!
If you have not yet voted in this category, we would be honored and grateful to be your choice.


Voting is easy! Just click on the link below or scan the image above, with your smartphone (with app download). Following signing up, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder.
We want all votes to count!

Oh and p.s...there is a special 'deal offer' following the vote.

Thank you! We are so grateful to our community for all of the encouragement and continued support!

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Fall Coupon

$10.00 Off


 on a purchase or $80.00 or more 


Not to be combined with other offers

One coupon per customer


Offer valid, now through 10/15/11