Special Report
Breast Implant Illness: 
What You Must Know That May Save Your Life
Breast implant illness is yet another “new” condition being experienced in our modern era. Like most new illnesses, it’s currently quite rare. So was autism about 20 years ago. The incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000 back then. Now it’s 1 in 65! What does this teach us that we can apply to this new mystery illness currently labeled as breast implant illness? It teaches us that we can’t wait for our allopathic system to catch up and must look to other better equipped medical systems that can provide answers now before this condition gets out of control like autism, cancer, Alzheimer’s dementia and others. 

The example of autism is an alarming wakeup call that diseases can take root and grow like weeds if they aren’t taken more seriously at the outset. The explosion of autism over the past 20 years is not genetic nor is it a result of better diagnosis as some have suggested. It’s a direct result of the toxic exposures to which our growing babies are exposed daily! We’ve seen an explosion of toxins in our environment over the past century: from household cleaning products, lotions, pesticides in food, and industries polluting our waters with mercury and arsenic. There are over 80,000 toxins in use today. We have only studied about 2,000 to date. Of these, 200 are known to cause cancer. These same toxins that cause cancer are certainly capable of causing a host of other problems, autism being one of them. What’s this got to do with breast implant illness?

Breast implant illness or BII is currently not recognized as a medical condition by our allopathic medical establishment…neither was small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) a few years ago. In fact, may medical doctors still don’t believe in SIBO and there’s no diagnosis code assigned for it, but top medical institutions such as Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic have studied SIBO and confirmed it’s very much a real medical condition. So, what should we make of this new currently “rare” syndrome called breast implant illness? I learned many years ago that the body doesn’t make up symptoms. Symptoms are very real and should be taken seriously when experienced. When a cluster of symptoms don’t make sense or seem random, it helps to look at them from the perspective of a system of medicine where everything makes sense and nothing is random: traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). 

BII is self-reported by thousands of women following breast implant surgery. These women had implants placed for cosmetic reasons either electively or following mastectomy for breast cancer. Symptoms are inconsistent and can include fatigue, chest pain, mental fog, joint and muscle pain or weakness, and rashes. Symptom onset can be several years after implant placement making it less likely that these symptoms would be noted during clinical studies of breast implants. A rare form on non-Hodgkins lymphoma has also been associated with breast implants: Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). It’s typically found locally in the scar tissue and fluid surrounding the implant but can sometimes spread throughout the body. Because of the alarming number of women expressing concerning symptoms following breast implants, the FDA released a statement on March 15 of this year expressing concern for patient safety regarding implants and other medical devices. 

It’s clear that it will be quite some time before we have solutions for BII in our allopathic medical model. It typically takes the medical establishment several years before it recognizes a condition and even longer before it has solutions. How can we begin to understand this complicated condition currently affecting thousands of women? Traditional Chinese medicine can teach us a lot about this devastating condition. 

TCM is based in the balance and flow of vital energy, called qi (pronounced chee). In fact, modern science tells us unequivocally that everything in the universe including us, is made of energy. Even physical structures are actually energy vibrating at very low frequencies. This is a critical piece of information for us to explain symptoms and conditions. In TCM, qi flows through meridians or channels. There are 14 main meridians in TCM: 6 on the left and 6 on the right with two flowing down the center in the front and back. Each meridian represents an organ in TCM. Organs in TCM are not only physical structures but energy fields with distinct characteristics and functions. 
Three critical meridians flow through the breast or chest as seen in the figure below.  
Three meridians pass through the breast:

  • Kidney (the root of prenatal qi)
  •  Stomach (the root of postnatal qi)
  • Liver (commander of qi and blood)

Breast implant surgery involves making an incision in the breast and placing a foreign object in the chest that obstructs the flow of energy through the breast. Energy flow in and around the body is critical to its normal function. The obstruction of this flow is what causes symptoms for thousands of women.  
In TCM, kidney is an energy field that stores prenatal energy that we get from our parents, and is the powerhouse reserve tank for energy in the body. It rules the bones, teeth and nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It transports fluids and eliminates waste via its partner organ, the bladder. It’s the source of bone and marrow. For these reasons it’s known as the “root of prenatal qi.” Obstruction of flow of energy through the kidney meridian can result in hormone imbalances, significant fatigue as this system is not available to provide backup energy to other organs. It can result in osteoporosis, dental problems, poor memory, sleep disturbances, and more

In TCM, the energy field called stomach is known as the “sea of nourishment.” Stomach provides postnatal energy to the entire body by digesting food and fluids and is known as the “root of postnatal life.” Its partner organ is the spleen. Stomach digests foods and fluids into nanoparticles to pass them along to the small intestine for absorption. In addition, the stomach extracts the pure postnatal energy or qi and coordinates with spleen energy to transport this energy to the lung where it combines with air energy. Its tissue is muscle. Its element is earth. Stomach dysfunction results in immediate deficiency of energy in the other organs and leads to significant inflammation.

In TCM, the liver controls the flow of qi and blood circulation. It’s also responsible for the flow of emotions. Liver is responsible for detoxification, regulation of menses and reproduction, and much more. It controls connective tissue and tendons. Liver manifests in the nails and its sensory organ is the eyes. Its partner organ is the gallbladder. Obstruction of this meridian results in buildup of toxins, poor circulation of blood and qi, connective tissue disorders, anger and irritability and much more.

Women impacted by BII typically request removal of implants and generally report experiencing some relief of their symptoms. It’s critical to see a surgeon expert in explant surgery as the removal of the surrounding scar tissue as well as pathological evaluation for the presence of a rare lymphoma are a critical part of removing breast implants. We’re starting to see some women getting symptoms back several months after removal of implants (also known as explant procedure). Why?

The removal of breast implants helps remove quite a bit of the toxic load that was obstructing the flow of energy through the breast, but unfortunately, the significant scarring that results both from the procedures and the inflammatory response to the implants, leads to continued obstruction of energy flow. This causes buildup of toxins and inflammation as well as continued deficiencies even after implant removal.

We’re potentially exposed to over 200 known cancer-causing toxins daily and the continued obstruction of liver energy leads to buildup of these toxins. The breast implants themselves are not the only source of toxins these women face.

The obstruction of the stomach leads to continued nutrient deficits, poor digestion and absorption of foods. This leads to significant gastrointestinal malfunction and inflammation. It also leads to deficiency of lung qi because the stomach provides pure energy derived from food to the lungs. 

The continued obstruction of kidney energy leads to significant loss of reserve energy, hormone imbalances and fluid dysregulation or inflammation. 

This is a perfect storm for disease for susceptible women. Can we determine who may be more susceptible to BII based on TCM theory? Yes.

  • Women with genetic predisposition to poor liver detoxification such as MTHFR mutations.
  • Women with pre-existing gastrointestinal disorders such as SIBO, colitis, IBS, or malabsorption.
  • Women with adrenal fatigue (low DHEA or cortisol levels as determined by saliva testing).
  • Women on multiple medications which may impact absorption or detoxification.

Are there solutions for women with BII based in TCM? Yes. A multidisciplinary approach based in TCM and functional medicine can assist women in recovering body function over time. A comprehensive evaluation of liver, gastrointestinal, and endocrine (hormone) function is the starting point. Determining which systems are impacted and using a systematic and consistent approach that corrects the abnormalities noted are critical steps in recovering function. 

Restoring the flow of energy in the affected meridians using acupuncture, herbal therapy, and vibroacoustic therapy (sound therapy) is also of value. Homeopathy can also be of value to restore healthy tissue. 

The emotional and spiritual elements of BII must also be addressed since the organs hold on to emotional stress which greatly impacts the spirit. Kidney holds the emotions of fear and shock. Stomach holds on to worry. Liver holds anger. A multidisciplinary approach consisting of psychotherapy and cognitive therapy to deal with the psychological trauma predating and resulting from breast implant surgery must be addressed for success. The 6 Healing Sounds of Taoism are also valuable to remove the scars of trauma housed in the organs and the memories stored in the brain. Because our thoughts determine our health, the thoughts associated with trauma must be transformed to positive energy through a comprehensive treatment program. 

The road to recovery from BII can be paved using the ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine combined with the cutting-edge technology of functional medicine. Although this condition is not yet recognized by the allopathic medical system, TCM and functional medicine as practiced at the Riobé Institute of Integrative Medicine, are fully equipped to demystify this condition and begin a much-needed path to healing and wellness. 


If you have had breast implants or explants and are experiencing unexplained fatigue, rashes, joint and muscle aches or weakness, or have been diagnosed with breast implant associated lymphoma, call or email us today for more information on BII and how you can begin your path to wellness.  

Dr. Riobé is also available for speaking engagements to help educate women in our community and beyond about this devastating condition.  

Please call (561) 244-5880 or email us at [email protected]

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