Tonight is a very special night! Finding Happiness has it's first screening at the Laemmle Theater in Santa Monica at 7:30pm. We hope you can make it! Get your tickets in advance to skip through the line by clicking here.
Saturday is a big day too! Drupada MacDonald is giving a workshop on Spiritual Astrology at Lovelight Health & Wellbeing 10524 W. Pico Blvd #214-215, LA 90064 at 10am.
Love, dharmadevi & narayan
for Ananda LA
Special Events
TONIGHT: Finding Happiness in Santa Monica
Thursday, Nov 14, 7:30pm
Q & A featuring Director Ted Nicolaou & Executive Producer Nayaswami Shivani
Tickets available online at:
Laemmle Monica 4-Plex
1332 2nd St, Santa Monica
Upcoming Classes
Spiritual Astrology with Drupada
THIS SATURDAY: Nov 16th, 10am-12pm
At: Lovelight Health & Wellbeing, 10524 W. Pico Blvd #214-215, Los Angeles 90064
What Is Vedic Astrology?
In India the science of astrology is called Jyotish, which in Sanskrit means "the inner light." It is the study of man's response to the light waves which emanate from the planets and the stars. Vedic astrology is intimately linked to the concept of karma. The Vedic horoscope reveals one's past karma: as Paramhansa Yogananda puts it, our "unalterable past and its probable future results." It also shows the way to overcome karmic patterns by directing our efforts towards personal growth, healing, and self-transformation. Through Vedic astrology, then, we can better understand the subtle dynamics of our own lives, and of our relationships with others.Vedic astrology is a powerful tool for both spiritual and psychological growth. In this workshop you'll learn:
- How each of the planets represents different spiritual and psychological factors and potentials in your life
- How the planets relate to the chakras
- How the horoscope expresses a pattern of energy that you can work with toward your ultimate success and fulfillment.
This workshop is led by Drupada, one of the most knowledgeable and intuitive Vedic astrologers living in America. No prior knowledge of Vedic astrology is required.
Sunday Service: The Promise of the Scriptures |
Join us this Sunday at Ananda LA
(Temporary Location)
1846 Crenshaw Blvd, LA 90019
10-10:45am Meditation & Purification
11-12pm Service w/Paul Fetler & Narayan
Inspiration from Yogananda
"The true basis of religion is not belief, but intuitive experience. Intuition is the soul's power of knowing God. To know what religion is really all about, one must know God."
-Paramhansa Yogananda in The Essence of Self-Realization
Share Happiness for Christmas | |
DVDs available of the new Finding Happiness film
It can sometimes be hard to describe Ananda to friends or loved ones. If you've ever hemmed and hawed over dinner with relatives, hem and haw no more. Finding Happiness DVDs and other products are available for sale starting today, and could make your Christmas shopping effortless this year.
The decisions that I make in life come from within myself, from my sense for what is right. I am committed to the truth, and to channeling it outward to the world.
Divine Mother, with every action of my will let me express Thy divine vitality, Thy truth, Thy perfection. Let me live to serve Thee alone, or else die in the attempt!
| Save the Date! |
Saturday, Nov 16th: Spiritual Astrolgy w/Drupada 10am
(Lovelight Health & Wellbeing, 10524 W. Pico Blvd #214-215, LA 90064)
Sunday, Nov 17th:
(1846 Crenshaw Blvd, LA 90019)
Tuesday, Nov 19th:
Wednesday, Nov 20th:
Guided Meditation & Yoga (Ashram)
Thursday, Nov 21th: Raja Yoga Sadhana in the Valley 7pm (Black Dog Yoga, 4454 Van Nuys Blvd #206, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403