Dear Friends,
"The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents."
Are you looking for a way to share your faith, time and talents with others? The Cathedral K -12 CCD program needs you!! Volunteers are needed as catechists (teachers), catechist aides, administrative support, and safety monitors.
You don’t have to have a child in our program to volunteer. We encourage all adults to prayerfully consider whether this ministry is right for you! We will provide training and support along the way. All volunteers must be cleared through the Diocese’s Child Protection program.
Classes are Wednesday evenings from 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm beginning in the fall and run through May. If interested, please contact Lynn Jones, Director of Religious Education at 703-525-1300.
In Christ,
Rev. Robert J. Rippy
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Day of Obligation
August 15, 2017
Mass Celebrated
7:00 am
12:05 pm
7:30 pm
St. Isidore (570-636) writes of a “custodian of the sacristy entrusted with the care of the church . . . of the sacred veils and vestments, vessels, books and all appurtenances, of the oils, candles and lights.”
Serve The Lord as Mary and Martha did by joining the STM Cathedral Sanctuary Society. The Sanctuary Society is responsible for maintaining the upkeep and cleanliness of the Sanctuary and daily worship. Members of the Society perform their services in teams of 2 to 3 on Saturday morning after the 9 am Mass.
If this devotion appeals to you and you are willing to offer one to two hours per month, please contact either Hanh Casey at 703-521-1851 or Mary Ackourey at 703-525-8041.
Make a plan! Find out where near your home, office, etc., is a church and adoration, then go!
“See to it That No one Misses the Grace of God” (Hebrews 12:15)
Do you have a desire to share Christ’s love? Do you feel called to connect with other women in our parish? Would you like to be a part of an authentic community of women who share Christ's love?
The Cathedral of St. Thomas More is discerning whether to bring Walking with Purpose, a women’s Catholic Bible study program to our parish, and we are seeking a group of women volunteers to lead the program.
Walking with Purpose features at-home study, weekly small group discussions and a monthly Connect Coffee event for a talk on a relevant topic. The program offers leaders an online training and mentoring program to help you shepherd other women and draw them closer to Christ.
If you are worried you do not have the skills to be a leader in this program, not a problem. Few things stretch and grow our faith like stepping out and asking God to work through us.
Say YES, and get ready to watch what He can do through imperfect women who depend on Him. Contact Iris at 571-334-9340 or email for more information.
Attention Confirmandi!
Don't forget to turn in your Mass sheets over the summer.Please drop them off at the Rectory. Also, don't forget to sign up for Youth Events to get your participation hours for Confirmation.
Young Adults
All Cathedral young adults are invited to the next Dessert and Discussion event. Please meet at Buzz Bake Shop in Ballston on Tuesday,
August 8th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss Section 4 of St. John Paul II's encyclical on the dignity of work.
All young adults are also invited to attend adoration and dinner together on Thursday,
August 10th. Please meet at the Cathedral at 7:30 p.m.Dinner in Arlington will follow.
Burke Hall will be closed for the month of August, therefore, no events will be held including coffee and donuts after Mass.
Register 2017 - 2018 CCD Program
Late Fees After July 1
Register for CCD Registration for the 2017 - 2018 school year. Tuition prices are $60 for one student, $110 for two students (in the same family), and $150 for three or more students (in the same family). $20 down payment due at registration; payment plans are possible.
Late fees have begun of $20 per family.
If you have not received a letter and would like to register, use the links below to print a registration form.
Registration forms in English
Registration forms in Spanish
New to the Parish? New to formation? Need sacramental preparation? Call the office - (703)525-1300 for more information.
Youth Ministry Events
Sign up for the following events:
Sign Up for 8/19 Mary's Rock Hike at Skyline Drive
8:00 am - 4:00 pm Rising 6th grade and up welcome!
Once you sign up for the event, you will receive a permission slip that needs to be completed and returned to Michael Jacoboeen with payment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jacobeen at (703)528-7104 or
Altar Server Schedule*
This Week
*as assigned
August 12
5:00 pm
Bart Whelan
James Pohl
August 13
8:00 am
Daniel Gutierrez
Altar Server
9:30 am
Harrison Lynn
Conor O'Connor
11:00 am
Cameron Tracey
Luke Tracey
5:00 pm
Aidan Vanek
Andrew Oliveros
Retreat for People Facing Serious Illness
The Retreat for People Facing Serious Illness offers a unique opportunity for persons who face serious physical illness to come away for a weekend retreat of spiritual renewal and refreshment. Celebrate life and the love of the Lord Jesus in a beautiful and comfortable place among caring and generous people. Register by Friday, September 1, 2017. Learn more on our website Inquire for information to or (703) 841-3830.
Post-Abortion Healing Retreat for Women
An Entering Canaan Day of Prayer & Healing for women who have experienced abortion will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2017. Come begin your healing journey and experience God's hope and mercy. You are not alone. There is hope. There is healing. For further information and confidential registration, please contact Project Rachel at 888-456-HOPE (4673) or
Future with Hope Women's Conference
Catholic women over 40:
Register now for the Future with Hope women’s conference October 20-21, 2017, at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park! Speakers include Arlington Catholic Herald columnist Mary Beth Bonacci; Pat Gohn, author of All In: Why Belonging to the Catholic Church Matters and Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious: Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood, and Mary Lenaburg, Blessed Is She blogger. Learn more at or email
Annual Capodanno Mass
The Memorial Mass for Fr. Vincent R. Capodanno, MM, will be held Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. All are invited to attend the Memorial Mass on the 50th anniversary of his death. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the United States Military Services will be the main celebrant. Military members are encouraged to wear uniform of the day, and business attire is appropriate for civilians. If reserved parking is necessary for our disabled attendees, please email For more information, visit
Save the Date! Diocesan Pilgrimage 2017
Join Bishop Burbidge for the 2017 Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, on Saturday, October 14.
Our Diocesan Pilgrimage falls during the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima, when Our Lady called for worldwide prayers for peace. The theme for this year is “Totus Tuus; We are totally yours, Mary.”
Diocesan Pilgrimage 2017 Flyer English Diocesan Pilgrimage 2017 Flyer Spanish
Race for Seminarians Team Rally and Picnic September 12
All are invited to come learn more about the Race for Seminarians, meet other runners and walkers and get set for race day. Donors, cheerers and prayer warriors welcome as well. Hear training tips from Ray Pugsley of Potomac River Runners as well as fundraising testimonials and motivation. Enjoy a picnic dinner, and organize your cheer squads. We'll meet at Lacey Woods Park in Arlington from 5:30-7:30 pm. RSVP by Wednesday September 6 to or 703-841-2514. Learn more about the Race for Seminarians at
Cathedral Connection Submissions
Items for the Cathedral Connection
must be submitted to by noon each Friday
in order to be included in the following week's edition.
Items received after this deadline will be held until the following issue.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Upcoming Events
August 7
7:00 pm
Legion of Mary
8:30 pm
RCIA Information Meeting
August 8
7:30 PM
Young Adults Meet at Buzz Bakery
August 9
6:00 pm
Youth Ministry
Washington Nationals Game
August 10
12:30 - 8:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Confession Available
August 11
No Events Scheduled
Burke Hall Closed
August 12
9:00 am
10:00 am
Jr. Legion of Mary Rectory Conference Room
4:00 pm
August 13
No Coffee and Doughnuts after morning Masses Burke Hall Closed
Spanish Legion of Mary
Click on the USCCB image above for the daily readings