Summer 2013 Newsletter
Inside this issue:

7/25   Culinarians Day
7/26   Aunt and Uncle Day
7/28   Parent's Day
7/31   Mutt's Day
8/3     National Watermelon Day
8/10   National S'mores Day
8/13   Left Hander's Day
8/15   Relaxation Day
8/23   Ride the Wind Day
8/26   National Dog Day
9/2     Labor Day
9/10   Swap Ideas Day
9/11   National Day of Service and 
           Remembrance Day
9/13   Blame Someone Else Day
Red Point Successful Program for Local Long-Term Unemployment

The epidemic of long-term unemployment, one of the most pernicious and persistent challenges bedeviling the U.S. economy, is finally showing signs of easing. The long-term unemployed- those out of work more than six months- made up 39.1% of all job seekers in December, according to the Labor Department, the first time that figure has dropped below 40% in more than three years.


Diversified Personnel Services has been making every effort to assist individuals in need of employment. One of the many services at DPS that is unique and has been very successful is the Employment and Training Program. This program provides temporary employment at Opportunities, Inc. and allows workers to seek out resources such as workshops and job leads, as well as develop work readiness skills and work history to help individuals transfer to transitional employment (temp-to-hire) or community employment. 


Within this program, individuals may qualify for additional Employment Support Services who have a barrier or disabling condition which makes it difficult to independently obtain or maintain competitive work placement. This could be due to limitations in work skills, work tolerance, communication, mobility and/or self-care as a result of a disability. The program is called OpportunitiesWorks (OI Works). 


OI Works is a 12-18 month long program that provides intensive case management services. This includes assistance in finding/maintaining employment and connecting them to resources to assist them with health, shelter and safety concerns. The program is entry-level and provides one-on-one training to meet the individual's needs. 


When the participants complete the program DPS Service Advancement Specialist, Jenny Emann, reaches out to the participants on a regular basis to help them continue to meet their employment goals. Since this program has begun - nearly two years ago - DPS has seen numerous success stories and is excited to continue this program to help the community workforce! 

 Safety Corner   7 Tips for Protecting New & Young Workers


Do you remember your first job? Much like you year's ago, they want to make a good impression. And just as you didn't want to look like an idiot by asking too many questions when first starting out, they may be equally reluctant to ask questions. You can't let new and young workers stumble through procedures in an effort to avoid asking a "dumb" question - especially if staying quiet puts them at risk.


So here are seven tips to help you combat this reluctance and to keep them safe on the job:

  1. When new workers are undergoing orientation in your workplace, tell them that if they're ever confused about any procedures, they must go to a supervisor rather than attempt to figure out the problem on their own. Supervisors should never criticize or belittle them for questions.
  2. Tell them how to report unsafe or unhealthy conditions and reinforce your expectation that they'll do so without delay.Workplace Safety
  3. Ensure they're properly trained on safe work procedures, PPE they need to use and the hazards that they could face on the job. And don't simply take a new or young worker's word that he's clear on the procedure. Have that person explain and demonstrate the tasks he'll be required to perform. 
  4. Don't overload them with information. Provide training in manageable chunks so they can absorb and retain the information.
  5. Ensure that new and young workers are closely supervised. Also, ask other experienced workers to watch out for them and intervene if they see a new or young worker performing a task unsafely or incorrectly.  
  6. Give them written information on the tasks they'll be performing, the potential hazards and the steps they need to take, including wearing PPE, to keep themselves safe. They can use these documents for reference when needed.
  7. Be a good role model-an ensure supervisors do the same. If you aren't wearing required PPE or are taking unsafe shortcuts, what sort of example are you setting?
Excerpted from
Red Point
 Best Practices for Reducing Worker's Compensation Costs


Workers' compensation provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of their employment, in exchange for a waiver of the employees' right to sue their employers for negligence in connection with the injury. Rising workers' compensation costs are among staffing firm owners' greatest concerns, and controlling such costs is among their top priorities, as double-digit rate increases have become common.


No single risk management technique is a silver bullet for reducing workers' compensation costs significantly. However, the following suggested best practices, when used collectively and in cooperation by staffing firms' corporate employees, temporary employees, and clients, can significantly limit injury frequency and severity, and therefore reduce workers' compensation costs.


These best practices of risk management cover the following areas:

  • Operational philosophy Work Injury Form Image
  • Candidate screening, evaluation, and management 
  • Client selection, evaluation, and management 
  • Client contracts 
  • Injury prevention and protocols 
  • Claims management 
  • Modified duty or return-to-work programs 
  • Pricing methodology and financial metrics 
  • Classification codes 
  • Legal information 
  • Insurance carriers, brokers, and risk management consultants

Excerpted from

Did you know?

DPS takes a progressive approach to worker safety and worker's comp claims reduction! ALL DPS employees complete a Safety in the Workplace training, focusing on awareness and OSHA safety regulations, as well as an ergonomics training, which addresses proper lifting, standing, bending, twisting, etc. All employees participating in the OIWorks Program (above) learn the importance of daily stretch exercises for work-hardening and improved mobility. DPS employees participate in an incentive program called the "Safety is the Key" Club  that recognizes employees for good, safe work practices. In the event that there is a work-related injury resulting in a worker having physical restrictions, DPS partners with Opportunities, Inc.'s Return to Work Program (RTW), which keeps injured employees working while case managing them through the healing process.
Red Point
 Staffing Trends  Staffing Employment Up 6.7% From a Year Ago


Seasonally adjusted employment data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that staffing firms added 9,500 new jobs from May to June (up 0.4%). In a year-to-year comparison, temporary help employment for the month was 6.7% higher than in June 2012.


Nonseasonally adjusted BLS data, which estimate the actual number of jobs in the economy, indicated that the staffing industry added 25,000 new jobs (up 0.9%) from May to June of this year. On a year-to-year basis, there were 6.0% more staffing employees in June than in the same month last year.


"In this slowly growing economy, businesses continue to strategically increase the size of their permanent and flexible work forces," says Richard Wahlquist, president and chief executive officer of the American Staffing Association. "Staffing firms report that the rate of growth in demand for talent in several sectors has moderated compared to last year at this time."


Overall U.S. nonfarm payroll employment increased by 195,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 7.6%. Over the past 12 months, employment growth has averaged 182,000 jobs per month.


BLS reported that search and placement employment in May was up 1.7% from April, totaling 285,000 jobs for the month. In a year-to-year comparison, May employment was up 4.6% from the same month in 2012.
Red Point
 To Your Health    Healthy Travel Tips

Every year more and more Americans are traveling - for vacation, business, and to visit friends and family. Whatever your reason for traveling, you need to be Proactive, Prepared, and Protected when it comes to your health - and the health of others - while you are traveling. 
Take steps to anticipate any issures that could arise during your trip.
  • Learn about your destination.
  • See doctor before you travel.
  • Think about your health status.
No one wants to think about getting sick or hurt during a trip, but sometimes these things happen.
  • Pack smart.
  • Plan ahead for illnessess or injuries.
  • Know what to do if you become sick or injured on your trip.
It's important to practice healthy behaviors during your trip.
  • Pay attention to your health during your trip.
    • Use sunscreen and insect repellent as directed.
    • Be careful about food and water.
Excerpted from
Red Point
 Workplace Diversity    Benefits of Workplace Diversity 

An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of workplace diversity issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are reported such as:


Increased adaptability

Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.


Broader service range

A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis.


Variety of viewpoints

A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively.


More effective execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed; resulting in higher productivity, profit, and return on investment.

Excerpted from

Red Point
 Top 10    
America's Best Little Beach Towns 
  1. Sunset Beach, Hawaii 
    Avila, California
  2. Chincoteague, Virginia
  3. Boca Grande, Florida
  4. Lubec, Maine
  5. Gearhart, Oregon
  6. Santa Cruz, California
  7. Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
  8. Silver Lake Sand Dunes, Michigan
  9. Rockport, Texas
  10. Avila, California

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