Newsletter for the Week of September 4, 2017

Well our fist meet was awesome, and we saw a lot of exciting races! Next week will be a little different as we start our regular league meets. As you saw last week, we have a walk through for each course that helps the kids see where to go That will be at 8:00, the first Gremlin / Sub-Gremlin race will be at 8:45. Each age group will follow. This week the girls and boys will run separate races for all gremlin, Bantam, and Midgets. The youth and intermediate girls and boys will run combined. There will be many more athletes.

We will also need a little more volunteers so we have set up the on line sign up genius so please help out they are all very easy jobs. follow this link to sign up

You can see the results of all races on our cross country page on our website!!
Please click our " Shop Stormwear " link on our website to visit our online store. We do not ship items to you, you can pick them up at practice.
Subscribe to our Calendar Feed
You can subscribe to our calendar if you have calendar software that accepts the iCalendar format:

  1. Copy the link below.
  2. Paste the link into your calendar software.
  3. If you are using Outlook 2007 copy and paste this link into a new web browser window and Outlook will automatically ask you if you wish to add the iCal feed.
  • Looking for an application that supports iCalendar feeds? Try Google Calendar.
  • NOTE: You may receive error messages while importing iCalendar feeds into Outlook 2007. You can safely ignore these errors as they do not effect the functionality of the feed.
  • I was able to pull it into my calendar on my phone and on Elaine's Phone. So you can see our calendar on your phone's calendar in most cases.

Practice Schedule
Monday - September 11 @ 6:00 pm  - West Creek Park   

Tuesday - September 12 @ 6:00 pm  - College of the Canyons just past baseball diamond.

Thursday - September 14 @ 6:00 pm - Central Park near the Basketball Courts. 

turday - September 16 @ 7:45 am - O'Melveny Park - Directions will be coming out later in the week. or check website.
This year we ran our lap-a-thon on Thursday September 7th at Central Park.

The Lap-a-thon is a fund raising event used to support our program and our national athletes. The kids will run laps at Central park while we play music for 40 minutes or so. We will also bring a special treat for them. The kids are encourages to seek donations either of 2 ways a per lap amount such as $3 or $4 dollars per lap or a flat donation of $5 or $10. All kids who raise at least $40.00 will receive a special Lap-a-thon T-shirt. The kids will also be entered into a raffle on a 1 ticket per dollar raised and other prizes will be awarded at the end of season banquet.

Please click here to download the  Lap-a-thon form and start raising funds.

The deadline to turn in funds will be Oct 12.
Fund Raisers
This Month we will have 3 fundraiser opportunities for the team. We had a great lap- a-thon last Thursday, now it is time to collect the pledges and turn them in. There will be 2 Disneyland tickets for the most funds raised. All checks should be made out to SCTC and it is tax deductible! Pledge form are on the website.

Jamba Juice Card - we have cards for sell for $10.00 that will give you 6 buy one get one juices. any size!!

Californation Pizza Kitchen - On September 28th, all day Storm will receive 20% of all proceeds for any food or drinks you purchase! So go have a great lunch or dinner, flyers will be available next week!