Santa Clarita Track Club
Santa Clarita Track Club Newsletter
April 3, 2017
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Track & Field 2017
Storm Kids Running
Develop your speed
Build your Endurance
Improve your Technique
Running Events: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 4x100m, 4x400m 80m Hurdles,
100m Hurdles
Field Events: Running Long Jump, Shot Put, High Jump. 
Track is the one sport that is good training for all sports, whether its Football, Basketball, Soccer, or Baseball, Track & Field will improve your speed, endurance and coordination.
Practice will begin on
February 11, 2017

I hope you all enjoyed the meet on Saturday !! There were some great races and 198 personal records!! Please remember to pick up you athletes ribbons on Wednesday and Thursday at practice and be sure to look for the black P.R. ribbons!! 

Many will be on spring break the next few weeks. Practice will continue and If you are unable to come you can still attend the meets ! 

Please review the information about this weeks Invitational. It is a very large and long meet but the competition is awesome and the only time all 15 teams will have the opportunity to be at the same meet.

 Please review the schedule  as this is a 2 day meet and not all events are on both days. You can go to both days or choose one day depending on the events you choose. 

This meet will help fund our All Star Post Season team "Valley United " This is our National team that will send the top athletes to the Junior Olympic in Kansas in July! 
I will be sending more information latter in the season, and there will be a table at this meet if you are interesting in summer competition at the highest level! 

We only have a few needs for volunteering at this meet so please sign up on the sign up on the sign up genius. You will receive an email from Mark Cruz about signing up for the sign up genius. Click here to take you to our sign up genius page.

Storm On,
Coach,  Elaine Bingham
This Week's Practice Schedule
Age Group / Sprints / Field Events
Monday - Saugus HS 6:00 - 7:45
Tuesday - No Practice
Wednesday - Saugus HS - 6:00 - 7:45
Thursday - Saugus HS - 6:00 - 7:45
Saturday and Sunday Track Meet - Conference Invitational @ College of the Canyons 8:00 am 

Distance Athletes
Monday - Saugus HS - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Tuesday - Central Park - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Wednesday - No Practice 
Thursday - Saugus HS - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday - Conference Invitational @ College of the Canyons 8:00 am.

All athletes are invited!
Scholastic Awards
In an effort to emphasize the importance of maintaining scholastic ability in conjunction with athletic ability, the Santa Clarita Track Club, Inc. in cooperation with local school districts, awards a Scholastic Achievement Medal to all active athletes that maintain a 'B+' (3.5) grade point average or better during the season. The medal is engraved with the student's name, year and symbol of the sport in which he/she is participating. A special President's Award Medal is presented to players that maintain straight A's. 
The Deadline for turning in the form is April 13, 2017  
Click here to download the Scholastic Form.
This Weeks Track Meet
Invitational @ College of the Canyons 
This week we will be going to the Valley United Striders Invitational meet at College of the Canyons.  Click Here to download the meet flyer and schedule.   Please copy the event schedule so you will know the order of events. The top 8 athletes in the 100 and the 4X100 relay will return on Sunday to compete in a finals. We do have a new event on Sunday. The 4X800 relay will be ran for the first time!! 

Medals are awarded at the meet to the Top 3 finishers in each event at the meet, with all others getting their ribbons at practice. This is the only time that all 15 teams will compete in an open meet. It is a very competitive event and not all athletes will enjoy it. It is a a great meet to get P.R.'s 

Saturday will start promptly at 8:30 am and last until 6:00 pm if you do the 200 meters this is a very long day but you will not have to be there all day depending on the event you choose. 

Sunday will start at 8:30 and be finished around 2:30 pm.

NO PARENTS OR COACHES ALLOWED ON THE FIELD. This will be an extremely competitive meet.
Please note there are restrictions in the amount of events each athlete can compete in.

Your child is limited to 2 individual events and a relay, or 2 relays & 1 individual event. Intermediates and the Young Division may compete in 3 Individual Events.

Field events are timed open pit, which means that athletes must compete within the time slots for that event. 

We are very proud of our coaching staff, please take a moment to check out about who we have coaching for us. Click Here to read their biographies  
If you missed the lap a thon, you can still turn in your form and help collect funds. 
You can download the   Pledge form by clicking here  or by visiting our website.
We are excited about each and every athlete participating in the lap-a-thon. This helps keep our prices low!! Turn in cash or check at practice before April 6th !
Lost and Found/Merchandise 
We have a lot of warm up jackets , pants and water bottles please check the fence daily . All items will be given away after practice on Thursday we have no place to store it. 
   If you would like to purchase spirit items  Please click here to visit our online store. Orders placed in the next 2 weeks will not be available until April 22nd.  
Calendar on Website
There is a calendar on our web site that has most of the practice and meet info on it. It is tentative and will be updated weekly. The schools some times make changes so please remember it is subject to change but we will try to keep it updated as much as possible every week.  
Jelly Beans & Jolly Ranchers
Jelly BeansIf you have not brought your jelly beans or jolly ranchers yet, now is a good time to get them as there is a lot out there for Easter! Thank You!!
Twenty-Five Score Cards last week to purchase!
Thank you all for your participation! This was a great success. Special thank you to our Director Mark Cruz and Fundraising Board Member Claudine Toon for all your work!! 
Many parents are asking how relays are determined, here is a brief description on how this is done. There will be some very disappointed athletes at the meet if your child signs up and does not stay, or arrive on time for their team! Not every athlete will get to be on a relay each week but the coaches will try to give an opportunity to those who want to try. 

It is very important to the team that if your athlete does sign up for a 4X100 relay that they are at the meet and checked in before 8:30 am so the coaches can assemble the teams. All 4X400 meter relay athlete must check in with coaches before the 200 race at the meet. If your child is signed up for a relay and does not show up or is late, it will effect every other relay runner, and disappoint those who can not compete. Please insure they stay for the duration of the meet if they are running the 4X400 relay at the end of the day! 

This is the only event that we are strict on signing up for. Please don't sign up for any relay if your athlete can not compete in the event.

Criteria for relay team assignment.
1) coaches discretion 
2) attending practice
3) able to hand off smoothly
4) Time in the 100 or 400 at a meet

All of this is considered when coaches put together their teams (A-Team, B-Team, C-Team, etc...).

If you have any questions about this please speak with your age group coach or Coach Elaine
Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club