Don't Miss December News from the Holistic Moms Network
December News from the Holistic Moms Network
'Tis the season for consuming and busy-ness and STRESS. At the Holistic Moms Network, we  are looking for safe and effective ways to stress less, and manage illness naturally, when needed.

This month's HealthE Mama News brings ideas to deal with stress and illness using homeopathy. We also highlight ways to give back to our organization, which allows us to continue to provide support and resources to families looking for a more natural, holistic lifestyle.
Say Yes to Less Stress this Holiday Season with Homeopathy

Ah, the holidays. That joyous time of year spent relaxing with family and snuggling in front of the fireplace while the snow gently falls outside.

Cut to reality as you sprint from store to store, trying to find the Western Hemisphere's last MegaUltraMightyMan action figure for your 8-year-old. And then battling traffic all the way to the airport to grab the in-laws, followed by the intense negotiations at home convincing your overdramatic high schooler to give up her room for a week so the grandparents can be comfortable there. And you haven't even started on the big holiday dinner for 22 people, including Uncle Lou, who doesn't like anything and complains about everything.

And before you know it, 11 p.m. is here. You're wide awake in bed and your mind is still racing, worrying about everything you still need to get done. Holidays, thy name is stress.

There are a number of homeopathic medicines that can help relieve the stress of the holiday season. Based on the theory that "like cures like," homeopathy addresses illnesses by using microdoses of substances that cause the very same symptoms from which they are suffering. For example, a patient with nervousness would take a medicine made from a microdose of green coffee bean.

"Stress and sleep issues go hand-in-hand. Too much stress can make us anxious and tense, thus leading to sleep problems," says Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA), an American homeopath, author, and mother of three.

Even for the most calm and outgoing persons, the holidays can be an adjustment. Having your homeopathy arsenal at arm's length and determining the right medicine will help your family thrive throughout the season, according to Calabrese.

Sleeplessness with worries or even happy anticipation for the big event calls for Coffea cruda. "It's tailored to someone who simply can't fall asleep upon retiring," Calabrese says.

If there is conflict during your holiday preparations and it's taking up "too much space in your brain," then Calabrese recommends Ignatia amara as the remedy that relieves symptoms of stress with hypersensitivity to pain, smell, emotions, and stress, improved by distraction.

Frantically running from errand to errand can leave you feeling both physically and mentally exhausted. Kali phosphoricum relieves physical and intellectual fatigue due to overexertion, with sleeplessness and headaches. "When nervous excitement or worry causes sleeplessness, it may help to calm the mind, and therefore, you will sleep better," says Calabrese.

Are you feeling apprehensive about hosting a holiday party and don't feel like you have enough time to prepare? Argentum nitricum helps relieve stress marked by apprehension, agitation, and heartburn.

If you're flying to visit friends and loved ones and you're feeling so nervous that you're trembling, try Gelsemium sempervirens. It also helps if you have a headache. "So, when a child becomes sick before a school play or an event or a teen is worried about an exam, or if you have a presentation at work, Gelsemium can help provide relief," says Calabrese. 
For an all-around stress reliever, non-habit forming, non-drowsy Sedalia from Boiron temporarily relieves nervousness, hypersensitivity, and fatigue due to stress. For sleeplessness, occasional awakening, and restless sleep, Quietude works to restore a natural sleep pattern without side effects.

Use Boiron's Medicine Finder app ( to pinpoint your symptoms and find the right medicine in just three clicks.
Homeopathy Essentials Facebook Live with Boiron's Pharmacist

Our Facebook Live Q&A with BoironUSA pharmacist, Dr. Christope Merville is THIS Wednesday, December 6 and is open to everyone!

Take charge of your family's health with homeopathic medicines!

Whether you are a novice or seasoned user, this interactive session will help you discover which homeopathic medicines are most vital for everyday health conditions and what you need to have handy in your family medicine cabinet.

We will go Live on the HMN Facebook Page at 1:00 p.m. EST. 

For your time zone and more information, check out our Facebook event..
End of Year Giving

Our non-profit is grateful to our members and donors for all the support we received in 2017. As you wrap up your gift-giving, please keep us in mind.

A donation to the Holistic Moms Network is tax deductible, and may be used for a company match. 

Your gift, in any amount, can support the thousands of parents in our network who parent from the heart, trust their instincts, and want to live naturally. Double your impact with the Holistic Moms Network:
  • $10 Will support our Moms in Need Membership program
  • $25 Will help us train one new volunteer community leader
  • $30 Your donation and one-year individual membership will give back to your local community
  • $40 Your donations and one-year family membership will give back to your local community.
  • $75 Will help us offer scholarships and resources to Moms in Need
  • $100 Will help build a new Holistic Moms Network Chapter
  • $200 Will create outreach and community building to bring HMN to a new region in the US!
What's New at Holistic Moms

Looking for Co-Leaders!

We are looking for co-leaders for chapters in these areas. Email  [email protected] or fill out the form  here. Find out more information or start becoming a leader today!
DE, North Delaware
FL, Kissimmee FL, Jacksonville MD, Fredrick County
MD, Prince George NY, Brooklyn NY, Staten Island VA, Middle Peninsula
VA, Virginia Beach SC, Greenville SC, Columbia TN, Nashville
UT, Salt Lake City

New Communities for 2017!

New chapters have kicked off or are getting ready to launch this year at the  Holistic Moms Network! Find your local chapter and get connected in: 
Coming Soon...

We have trained leaders in these areas who are working on their kick offs! 

Start a chapter in your area



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to save money and support 
the Holistic Moms Network.

The  Holistic Moms Network™ is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. We encourage moms and dads to trust their instincts, parent from the heart, use their innate sense of what is best for their children, live in balance with the Earth, and learn about the pros and cons of all healthcare and parenting options.

877-HOL-MOMS |