Introducing our Succat Hallel Family
The Dahan Family

Tsachi and Angie first met in the death camp of Auschwitz in summer of 2005 in Poland, for prayer and repentance regarding the holocaust and the stance of the nations with the Jews. Later, Angie came to Succat Hallel in 2008 where she stayed as a volunteer for 2 years. Tsachi was residing in Tel Aviv and then spent a year abroad. When he returned they saw each other more frequently due to the ELAV conference held in Tel Aviv at the time. Angie was invited to volunteer at the ministry Tsachi had been working with. They fell in love and were married in 2011 in Jerusalem.

Angie was radically saved in 1999 in a meeting at the Brownsville revival in Florida. She spent 2 years in the school of ministry at Brownsville. After graduating from the ministry school in 2002, she moved the International House of Prayer in Kansas City to do a 6 month internship. She always had a heart pull towards Israel and after the Lord spoke to her, she came to join Succat Hallel. Tsachi is a native Israeli born in a Jewish home. After a period of seeking after purity and truth from God, he had an encounter with Yeshua, where He appeared to him in a vision. He saw the price God paid for him and was born again instantly. He was radically transformed from a life of homosexuality and deep sin.

Tsachi & Angie both carry a fire for revival and the manifestation of God's presence in signs, wonders and radical salvations, an environment they both encountered earlier in life. They are also passionate about business, and how God would want to use that to mobilise a new rising grass-root-generation in their calling and destiny to bring forth the awakening in Israel and the nation.
Going to the States

Joel and his wife Teresa, and Milad, part of our staff, will be traveling to the States for a ministry/support trip from January 31-February 20th. They will be sharing together as Jew and Palestinian about God's heart for the Middle East, and what the Lord is doing in Israel. We also will have a team next week in Poland for a conference in Auschwitz regarding the 70 years since the liberation of the camp (read below). Please pray for our teams abroad and for the Lord to speak through them and use them. 

Here is their trip's main itinerary:
Jan. 31 - East Bay Prayer Furnace, CA
Feb. 1-11 - Dallas
4th - First Baptist Church, Garland.
5th - Storehouse HOP
6th - Small Group, Ft. Worth
7th - Eitz Chaim Messianic Congregation
8th - Lake Highlands Church and Upper Room 
9th - CFNI missions school
Feb. 11-15 - Christian Church of San Angelo, TX (Wed. and Sun. service)
Feb. 16 -  Rochester AOG, Rochester, MI
Feb. 17 - Gateway Church and HOPE center, Flint, MI
Feb. 18 - Pasadena IHOP interns, California
Feb. 19 - Radiance HOP, LA, California.

A Vision of the "Season of Hunters" 
By Rick Ridings


On January 13th-20th, 2015, I had two visions that to me indicated that the recent killings of French Jews in a Paris kosher super market were not just "another" escalation in anti-Semitic violence in France, but that this incident was a marker of a change of seasons spiritually.  
In this vision (January 13th), I saw Jerusalem in a season of unusual calm, and as the eye in middle of concentric storms in the nations. The storms I saw indicated increasing shakings, especially in France, Nigeria, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Iran, and the Arab nations.


In Jerusalem, I saw the Holy Spirit as a Dove, hovering over the Temple Mount, and continuing to restrain what Satan had intended last year, when I believe a great demonic dragon principality was put under a "restraining and gag order" in a dungeon for a period of time, restoring a relative peace to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. I saw above the Temple Mount and the Dove, a Throne. The One sitting on it was holding leashes in His hands going out to several nations. At the end of each leash was small dragon spirit that was breathing out incitement to violence against the Jews. I believe this was a picture of the Lord allowing these demonic spirits a limited action to shake the Jewish people loose from all that holds them back in the nations, and keeps them from returning to Israel. (This image could be understood Scripturally in 2 Chronicles 18:18-22) 


Then I saw the Seven-fold Spirit of the Lord circling earth, like seven winds, and the winds were blowing on the backs of Jewish people to gently push them towards returning back to Israel. These same winds of the Breath of the Lord were also raising up and accelerating the building of "underground railways" back to Israel with houses of refuge along the way, to aid Jews who in a future time would have to flee from the places where they live. 


I sensed the Lord saying: "The season of the fisherman is coming to an end. The Season of hunters is starting gradually, but will increase in intensity." (Jeremiah 16:14-16)


In a last part of the vision, I saw this Seven-fold Spirit breathing on the Middle East, especially on refugees to open their eyes, resulting in a great harvest among Muslims, a revelation to these new believers of the Isaiah 19 Highway (Isaiah 19:23-25), and a supernatural love for the Jews which would provoke them to jealousy, as they see the stark contrast between Islamists, and new believers who are radically changed to love them.


On January 20th, 2015, I received a second vision, and what we had received the day before in a time of intercession in Succat Hallel: 

I saw the seven-fold winds of the Holy Spirit blowing from clouds over the Middle East.  Then I saw the Lord "riding on a swift cloud" (see Isaiah 19:1) with lightning bolts coming from His hands, as He was coming to judge the ancient gods of Egypt and Assyria. The same winds softened hearts that were open, and hardened hearts that were closed. I also saw in this vision the Jewish heart, with three layers enclosing it: The first layer were chains of "death and hell" that were a result of Jewish persecution, and especially the Holocaust. The Lord took the "keys of death and hell" and unlocked these chains, causing them to fall off.  Then I saw there was a layer of ice around this heart.  The seven-fold winds of the Holy Spirit blew upon that ice until it melted. Thirdly, a final layer of stone was revealed.  Then the finger of the Lord began to touch the stone, and each time He did, a portion of it fell off, and a heart of flesh started appearing, and this "heart of flesh" that had been frozen started beating. I believe the Lord is saying that we are seeing the start of a new season where He is removing the heart of stone from the Jewish people, and giving them a heart of flesh.


Some Points for Prayer:

  1. Pray revelation and mercy on the Jewish people in the nations to return home to Israel with their families and finances, and not to wait too long, as did so many of the Jews in Europe during the Holocaust.
  2. Pray for mercy on the nations, to not add to, or go beyond what God is allowing. (Zechariah 1:14, 15)
  3. Pray for Israel, that there will be a multiplication of employment opportunities, and wisdom to aid in the absorption of these new immigrants who will make "Aliya", returning to the Land of their forefathers.
  4. Pray for the softening of hearts, and a great Harvest among Muslims and refugees across the Middle East. 
  5. Ask forgiveness for the Gentile Church for failing the Jewish people, especially during the Holocaust. Pray for the Gentile Church in the West to arise with finances, comfort, and houses of refuge to receive those Jewish people who may have to flee the "hunters" in the future.
  6. Pray for the freeing of the Jewish heart and soul from the chains of "death and hell", for a melting of the ice, and for the stoniness of heart to break off. Pray that this 70th anniversary of the physical liberation of Auschwitz may be a time for the spiritual liberation of the Jewish people from chains of shame, rejection, and abandonment, and a time for the outpouring of the Spirit of Adoption upon their hearts. 


For more information on the "Global Prayer Call" and the conferences in Auschwitz/Krakow taking place next week, in the nations, and in Jerusalem (in May), refer to the website: 



             visit us at                                  Succat Hallel
                P.O. Box 406, New Cumberland
                     Pennsylvania, USA, 17070