Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic  Newsletter
 Number 91 * March 2017
2570 W. El Camino Real * Suite 111 * Mountain View, CA 94040 650-917-1121 *

The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care


"If you plant Twinkies in your body garden, how do you expect to harvest health?" ~Terri Guillemets

This newsletter begins a three-month cycle of newsletters borrowing the answer to "What are little girls made of." We begin this month with "sugar."  Next month's theme will be "...and spice," offering information on healthy culinary and medicinal herbs and spices. The May issue will focus on "...and everything nice," dispelling the myths about so-called "bad" food items.  

Ah, Sugar.  As holistic doctors, we deal with the effects of sugar consumption every day we see patients.  Does this sound like an exaggeration?  No, it isn't.  Sugar in our culture is ubiquitous and its sources in our diet are well hidden. Sugar's effects permeate so many health issues we can't even begin to count them.  

Sugar also causes a dopamine release in the brain, making it highly addictive.  It is so addictive that some researchers advocate that sugar be a controlled substance, as alcohol is, because it can cause some of the same physiological effects as alcohol.

In this issue, Dr. Connie muses on sugar addiction and breaking the sugar habit and offers healthier, naturally sweet alternatives; Dr. Marcel discusses sugar's effect on the immune system; and Jane H. talks about powerful tools for breaking the sugar habit.  Lauren H-W then offers a healthy, delicious, vegan recipe for chocolate pudding.

Cancer center news includes articles on cancer and cell phone radiation, progesterone and breast cancer and the therapeutic role of celery in treating cancer.

Also, in the very next section you will find a promo for a free talk to be given by two of our dear friends, Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi Novak.  Happiness is in short supply in the world and as we have written about in this newsletter, spiritual happiness has a profound effect on the health of our entire organism.  If you are at all disillusioned with current events, you may resonate with what these two great souls have to say.

Just below the information on Jyotish and Devi, you will find a promotion for a play, "Joy! Joy! Joy! The Life of Paramhansa Yogananda."  It is no secret to most of our patients that Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel have dedicated their lives to following the teachings of this great master.  If you are looking to spend a joy-filled, uplifting couple of hours, consider attending this magical production presented by the students of the Living Wisdom School.  We'll be there.

May all beings be healthy and happy!

Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Brad, Dr. Sage, Elijah and your health care team 
at Pacific Naturopathic and the  Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

Join Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel 
in Attending a Unique Free Spiritual Event
Nayaswamis Devi and Jyotish
What is the nature of happiness?

Paramhansa Yogananda said, "Happiness blooms naturally in the hearts of those who are inwardly free."

Especially in light of current events in the USA and in the world, happiness is an experience that is in short supply.

Please join us in welcoming the spiritual directors of Ananda worldwide, Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi, for an evening immersion in Yogananda's teachings on emotional self-mastery and the true experience of happiness.  With joyful wisdom and delightful humor, Jyotish and Devi will lead us on an exploration of this most sought-after inner state.


Saturday, April 1, 7:00 PM
Cañada College Theater, Redwood City

Play Alert:  JOY! JOY!  JOY! 
The Life of Paramhansa Yogananda

Whether or not you have read the classic "Autobiography of a Yogi," this wonderful adaptation of the great master's life is not to be missed.  

Staged by the students of Palo Alto's Living Wisdom School, Yogananda's growth in spiritual consciousness is brought to life through drama and music.

Wednesday, March 15 at 10:00 AM.  Free admission for teachers and their classes for this matinee performance. Please phone to reserve.

Friday and Saturday March 17 & 18 at 7:00 PM (small donation)

Performed at Ananda Church, 2171 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA

For more information: 650-462-8150

We tend to think that  added sugar is mainly found in desserts like cookies and cakes, but it's also found in many savory foods, such as bread and pasta sauce. And some foods promoted as "natural" or "healthy" are laden with added  sugars, compounding the confusion. In fact, manufacturers add sugar to 74% of packaged foods sold in supermarkets. So, even if you skip dessert, you may still be consuming more added sugar than is recommended.


Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie musing outside a ceramics shop in Toledo, Spain

How Sweet it Is!

From the time we are tiny, we are fed sweets, we are rewarded with sweets, we celebrate with sweets. We call our dear ones "sweetie" and "sweetheart" and feed each other candy hearts to proclaim our love. Is it any wonder that much of the population has, at the very least, an emotional addiction to sweets? Particularly those folks with alcoholism in their past or in their family history may have an addiction on a physical level as well.
Breaking the addiction involves working on the emotional level, on the physiologic level, and on the level of lifestyle and habit pattern. Emotional freedom technique and hypnotherapy can help change the subconscious reactivity that causes unconscious sugar binging (see Jane H.'s article, below). Vibrational remedies like flower essences help identify why it is that a person craves sweetness in the first place, and they address that need.  Agrimony is for using food as a way of escaping or masking feelings. Chestnut Bud is for counterproductive eating habits. Morning Glory is for binging. Mariposa Lily is for using food as an emotional crutch. These are among the over 30 remedies relevant to sugar addiction listed in the flower essence repertory.
Contributing lifestyle factors are many, and often promote a physiologic need for quick sugar fixes. As environment is stronger than will, socialization needs promote over consumption of sugary treats. There are birthday and holiday parties, work place treats, restaurant get togethers. Who celebrates with celery and hummus?
Time and other constraints often cause skipping of meals. The act of skipping meals may promote blood sugar dips with symptoms that demand a sugar fix. The high sugar treats spike and crash the blood sugar. Poorly balanced meals, high in simple carbs, do the same. Amino acid supplements such as l glutamine and blood sugar balancing formulas may even out the blood sugar and help reduce craving. Nutritional lithium can be helpful with sugar addiction, particularly with a personal or family history of alcoholism.
Sugar is unquestionably disruptive to health. Sugar is inflammatory, promotes body acidity, depresses the immune system, feeds cancer cells. Children are not sick after Halloween because they were outdoors on chilly evenings, nor are they sick due to egg hunting in the crisp early morning Easter air. They become sick because the holiday sugar they consume hampers for hours their ability to fight off germs.
How does one go about reducing sugar in the diet? Changing habit patterns and addressing underlying emotional needs is the first order of treatment. Deprivation tends not to work, though feeding any addiction feeds that addiction. Just as alcoholics cannot have a single sip of alcohol, sugar addicts find that even a little sugar causes them to eat more sugar.  Increased consumption of vegetables and high quality fats and proteins can crowd out sweets. Though changing the way a person eats is a better option, many people turn to sugar substitutes. See my article below for a comparison of sugars and artificial sweeteners. 
*  *  *

Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers  here:

Things You Don't Want to Know  About Sugar

We humans have a tendency to avoid things we don't want to read, see or hear as well as things that challenge our habits and ways of perception or cause us discomfort on any level. 
Just reading the title of this article may inspire some readers to skip reading it rather than add another uncomfortable component to their daily mental processes. What we have seen in our medical practice over the years is that most of us like our sugar and really do not want to deal with challenges to our passions or addictions.  Nevertheless, from our naturopathic perspective, it is vital to communicate how sugar consumption has undermined human health.
Consider the effects that sugar has on our physiology and biochemistry.  These conditions affect everyone, not just a select few:

* It causes resistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes.
* It promotes Inflammation in the body, which can lead to serious health problems.
* It promotes weight gain and obesity.
* It feeds cancer cells.
* It causes HDL (good cholesterol) to drop and LDL (bad cholesterol) to rise.
* It causes n on-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
* It causes r educed absorption and processing of proteins and lipids, and perhaps worst of all,
* Sugar severely limits our immune response to invading organisms.  Let's look at this a bit more.

The immune system isn't a single organ, but it's composed of millions of tiny cells and organs that work together to ward off bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other pathogens.  The immune system is huge and its components are found everywhere in your body.

When your body is invaded offending organisms, the immune system responds by producing a special type of white blood cell called a phagocyte. Phagocytes do their job by rushing to the site of an infection and enveloping the organism causing the problem, stopping it from spreading and effectively killing it. These phagocytes neutralize or destroy invading organisms long enough for your body to flush them from your system.

Vitamin C energizes the phagocytes.  These specialized white blood cells need about 50 times the amount of Vitamin C they normally would when confronted with viruses and bacteria. Sugar impacts your white blood cells by competing for space in those cells with Vitamin C.  White blood cells need Vitamin C to destroy bacteria and viruses.  The more sugar in your system, the less Vitamin C can get into your white blood cells. The result is a weakened defense from infections.

"The average person loses more than 90% of their immune function within 15 minutes of indulging in this poisonous substance. This deficiency lasts for about 2 hours after the stress occurs."    -Dr. Walter Stoll

The data on the damaging effects of sugar on the immune system is voluminous and goes far back in time.  According to a 1973 study done by Loma Linda University, when you eat 100 grams of sugar, about as much sugar as you find in a 1 liter bottle of soda, your white blood cells are 40 percent less effective at killing germs. This can cripple your immune system for up to 5 hours after eating sugar!  Recent studies have not only corroborated these findings, they have also discovered that as little as a teaspoon of sugar can have a similar immune system-incapacitating effect.

On the positive side, behavioral psychologists say it takes about eight weeks to establish a new habit pattern or break an old pattern.  If you have a sugar problem, the information contained in other articles in this newsletter may be of help in breaking the addiction. 

For more on Dr. Marcel's work click  HERE.

"Even though sugar was very expensive, people consumed it till their teeth turned black, and if their teeth didn't turn black naturally, they blackened them artificially to show how wealthy and marvelously self-indulgent they were."  - Bill Bryson

So Many Sweet Choices


Questions naturally arise as to which sweeteners are best, or rather, least harmful. Raw organic local honey contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients, propolis and pollen . Manuka honey in particular is alkalinizing and has virtues which include reducing allergic reactivity and fighting infection. (The unique manuka factor (UMF) should be at least 10 for antibiotic effect.)  Be aware, though, that honey IS sugar.
Pure organic maple syrup has a glycemic index of 54, affects blood sugar to a lesser degree than honey or sugar, and is replete with minerals. The light grades are sucrose, while the darker grades contain fructose and glucose, as does honey, table sugar and molasses (sugar boiled down to a syrup). Coconut sugar has a high percentage of sucrose, as well as the prebiotic inulin, nutrients and antioxidants. In conditions such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), monosaccharides such as in the light maple syrups are a better option than any of the di or polysaccharides.
Agave has been promoted as healthier than any of the above. In reality agave syrup has a higher concentration of fructose to glucose (90% to 10%) than does high fructose corn syrup (55%). Fructose is metabolized by the liver. It contributes to diabetes by reducing the sensitivity of insulin receptors, increases uric acid and lactic acid, causes oxidative damage, and promotes the loss of minerals. Dr. Mercola recommends consuming less than 25 grams fructose daily from all sources (including that in fruit and fruit juices.)
Sugar alcohols xylitol, malitol and sorbitol occur naturally in plants, and raise blood sugar to a lesser degree than sucrose. Xylitol is antimicrobial and is used to help prevent tooth decay and to treat sinusitis. Unfortunately, excessive use of sugar alcohols often causes digestive distress.
Eryithritol is a non caloric sugar alcohol that is digested in the small intestine rather than the large intestine.  Less sweet than desired by many, it is often mixed with artificial sweeteners. Non GMO erythritol is sometimes combined with lo han guo, a naturally sweet fruit, to make Lakanto. Lakanto is tolerated well and is probably the best of the sugar alcohol batch for general consumption. Truvia, a product which combines erythritol with stevia, is derived from the sweet stevia leaves, but not the whole leaf. Stevia and lo han guo are whole leaf extracts, and are good choices.
Last to consider are the artificial sweeteners (aspartame as in NutraSweet and Equal, sucralose in Splenda, saccharin in Sweet'N Low, and others), which are a universally bad choice. Sweet and non caloric, they are. Healthy, they are not. An abundance of research has found that aspartame in particular is neurotoxic, disrupts insulin levels, impairs kidney function, stimulates fat storage and weight gain (!!!), and creates numerous other side effects. Read "Sweet Deception" by Dr. Mercola for the full scoop on these ill advised products.
All said and done, it is best to work on your sweet tooth and use any sweetener you choose in moderation. 

Find out more about Dr. Connie's work  HERE.

"Some of the largest companies are now using brain scans to study how we react neurologically to certain foods, especially to sugar. They've discovered that the brain lights up for sugar the same way it does for cocaine."  -  Michael Moss

Recommended by 
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...

In this section of our newsletter, we will describe unique health care products we offer in our new, small retail section of our clinic.

Bulletproof Coffee

(text taken straight from manufacturer's web site -- coffee prepared in this way is creamy, smooth and yummy)

You will love the time-saving convenience of our new Ground Bulletproof Coffee, with all the same purity standards as our existing whole bean coffee.
The proprietary Bulletproof Process optimizes every step of coffee production for performance by minimizing the opportunity for performance-robbing mold toxins.

Ingesting mold toxins can contribute to chronic health issues. Bulletproof® Upgraded Coffee Beans are meticulously grown at high altitude on single estates in Guatemala, hand-harvested, carefully processed, handled and roasted to maintain maximum integrity and flavor. The final roast then undergoes proprietary lab testing to verify that our coffee meets the Bulletproof quality and purity standards.


Make Bulletproof Coffee right and you'll feel the difference with your first cup.
Step 1: Brew
Choose your favorite brewing method and use 2 1/2 (37ml) freshly ground beans for every 8 ounces of water. (French Press is recommended)
Step 2: Bulletproof
Add 1 Tbsp of grass-fed, unsalted butter.
If you're new to Bulletproof Coffee, add 1 tsp (5 ml)  Bulletproof Brain Octane oil to your coffee, gradually increasing each day up to 1 Tbsp. Blend for 20-30 seconds until it's creamy and frothy.
Drink. Energize. Perform.

Bulletproof Coffee in 12 oz (340 g) bags ($19) and Brain Octane (16 fl oz/ (473 ml) ($23.50)
 are both available in our office.  

More information  HERE

The Surprising Health Benefits 
of Intravenous Methylene Blue
Methylene blue (MB)?  Isn't that the blue liquid we used in high school science labs to stain organisms on glass plates for microscopy?  Yes, it is! When I heard that MB has long been administered intravenously for a number of conditions, I was intrigued.  So I did further research.
I started using methylene blue with one of my patients because of its significant action on improving tissue oxygenation (hypoxia).  Additional research revealed that MB inhibits nitric oxide synthase (preventing cardiac angina and arrhythmia) and improves the hypotension (low blood pressure) associated with various clinical states.  MB also improves hyper dynamic circulation in cirrhosis of liver and severe hepatopulmonary syndrome. Furthermore, MB also results in transient and reproducible improvement in blood pressure and cardiac function in septic shock.
More good news - MB kills methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in superficial and deep excisional wounds. Methylene blue in combination with light also inactivates viral nucleic acid of hepatitis-C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and treats cases of resistant plaque psoriasis. But wait- there's more!
In addition to improving tissue oxygenation, we discovered that t he relationship between methylene blue and Alzheimer's disease has recently attracted increasing scientific attention. It has been shown to decrease the formations of the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles that are typical of Alzheimer's.  It also promotes repair of impairments in mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism found in Alzheimer's.
Recent studies suggest that MB induces cancer cell apoptosis (death) by generation of cellular oxidative stress. This discovery has led to ongoing research of MB for cancer treatment.
The best news is that MB is generally safe to infuse intravenously.  Methylene blue is contraindicated in patients who have severe renal insufficiency. It is relatively contraindicated in G6PD deficient patients.  Both these conditions may be determined by simple blood tests.
Methylene blue infusions are available in our clinic.  
Please phone for more information: 650-917-1121.
* * *
Interested in exploring the world of IV nutrient therapy?  
Dr. Marcel is happy to address any of your questions.

Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information.

Freeing: Rapid Pain Elimination

Elijah Free has been an associate at Pacific Naturopathic s ince January of 2000.   He specializes in working with both mechanical and metabolic pain.
You can visit his herbal company, Earth Friend Herb Co. at 
and view his videos on Ending Fibromyalgia and Ending PTSD-One Veteran's Answer.
To see Elijah's personal site and learn more of his work please visit

And to find out more of Elijah's work with his 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to end PTSD in war veterans, (Elijah is a veteran and paramedic of the Viet Nam conflict) Bring Our Vets All the Way Home, please go to

* * *

To schedule an appointment with Elijah, 
please phone 650-917-1121.

"A man should be more original than a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. Flowers die and sugar sticks to your hips like a permanent record to a criminal."                      - Dannika Dark

Loving Sugar - It's Not Your Fault

Jane 2013

You already know that eating too much sugar is harmful to your health so I'm not going into detail about that. But it is important to understand that the sweet stuff is very hard to stop eating because sugar and junk carbs are more addictive to the brain than opiates.
What I do want to emphasize is that this sugar craving is not your fault.
We have grown up completely, emotionally engaged with sugar. It is our reward, our happiness and our habit from a young age. It is EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. And we, of the last several generations, have been thoroughly hypnotized into using sugar to satisfy many emotions. So what about being hypnotized out of it?
Hypnosis for weight loss is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. But it is also great for changing habits.
Most of the time our emotional conditioning is outside of our awareness. So, next time you find yourself going for the 3pm donut pick-me-up, a cookie-binge after a fight with a partner or habitually ordering dessert after dinner even if you are full, notice that another part of you is operating - your "sugar-emotion" is expressing itself. There is no stopping that emotional outburst!  It's as though you are on automatic, and willpower will not stop you from satisfying the "fix" that you get from sugar.
Our emotional mind (the subconscious mind) is vast and way more powerful than our conscious thinking mind from which we try to use our willpower. So, when you try to understand why diets don't work, it's because the real work of change MUST happen in the subconscious and willpower is puny beside that kind of power. So it is with trying to quit's too hard!
We are emotionally programmed to seek and eat sugar, it's a must-have direction from our subconscious. This is a really important point to understand.
So that is why more and more people are asking for help to stop their sugar-cravings. Hypnosis works really well for these cravings because it assists the subconscious, emotional mind to find more healthy and resourceful ways to satisfy the emotional needs that sugar has always calmed.
Hypnosis is very safe and you are always in control. The experience of hypnosis is different for everyone, but there is always a feeling of deep relaxation, that takes you to that lovely place between being awake and asleep, sort of dozing. So, what happens is that you are in a state where the conscious mind alertness is on standby (but present) and our subconscious mind is fully attentive and taking in suggestions for change.
Clients are guided to create custom new 'programs' for replacing their sugar cravings, with the more positive ways and habits that they have chosen.
When you change your sugar programming, you will find:
  • That you have more energy, as your body relies less on sugar highs and lows
  • That it is easier to choose the healthy options for your meals
  • That you prefer low sugar foods instead and high sugar foods taste bad
  • That you generally feel better as your metabolism hums along.
Hypnosis is the most powerful way to change habits, because it works where the habits reside - the subconscious mind.
* * * 

Jane sees clients at Pacific Naturopathic  on Thursdays 
and in Oakland by appointment.
Schedule an appointment with Jane Hernandez, CCHT, by phoning 510-676-1460,  or by email at

* * *
For more information about Jane and her work  click here.
Medical Humor:  A Break From 
"Matters of Consequence"

Lauren's Recipes

Lauren Hoover-West

Vegan Chocolate Pudding

First I gave up wheat, then dairy, then gluten and... then sugar! 

As a Pastry Chef and person that had a sweet tooth, before we balanced an overgrowth of candida, it was not easy for me to give up sugar! I was tired of red patches on my skin that were showing up every time I ate refined sugar. 

I decided to switch out my white sugar and brown cane sugars for coconut palm sugar, maple sugar and real maple syrup, dates and local raw honey. My skin is much happier and so am I! After watching Dr. Lustig's lecture on Youtube, "The Bittersweet Truth About Sugar," I will never eat it again. I highly recommend watching it and learning so much about sugar and your health. Remember, that starches convert into sugar, so if you give up sugar be sure to balance your refined high-glycemic carbs like pasta and bread. 

Recently, I found another alternative while doing research for my upcoming sugar-free cookbook, No Gluten, No Dairy, No Sugar, No Problem. Its called "Jungle Sweet." I have no affiliation with them, and it is a combination of very little coconut palm sugar, stevia and xylitol in a crystalized form. I have found in baking that it works great in everything including: cake, cookies, muffins, pudding and fruit crisp! I like Jungle Sweet because you only need to use 1/2 the amount of what your recipe calls for sugar. So, if your recipe says 1 cup sugar, you use 1/2 cup Jungle sweet. 

I also really love this product because it tastes good and doesn't cause any adverse effects that 100% xylitol can cause, doesn't have the bitterness of 100% stevia and has such a small amount of coconut sugar that even people on an Anti-Candida diet can have it. I have been buying it at Thrive Market online, here's a link with my affiliate  I cannot find it in health food stores yet. 

Vegan Chocolate Pudding

This is so creamy that you will never miss the cream! Your friends will think that it is the traditional version, and you will convert them! I like to serve it and after hearing all the accolades, announce the ingredients! People are very pleasantly surprised! This will take you back to childhood memories of eating the stuff you made from the box, but it is way better!

Yields: 4-6 servings


1 can organic coconut milk, regular
1/2 cup filtered water
1 vanilla bean, cut in half and scraped
1/3 cup coconut palm sugar or 3 TBSP. Jungle Sweet Sweetener*
2 TBSP. Kudzu* + 4 TBSP. cold water   
2/3 cup stevia sweetened Chocolate Chips
1 TBSP. Coconut Oil 

  1. Dissolve Kudzu in 4 TBSP. filtered water and mix well. If using tapioca starch mix with the 1/2 cup filtered water in a jar.
  2. In a 2 quart thick bottomed sauce pot put the coconut milk,  1/2 cup filtered water, coconut palm sugar, vanilla bean, Kudzu or starch of your choice, whisk together and bring to a boil-watch it closely. 
  3. Then, simmer mixture over low heat whisking constantly-scraping the bottom and sides just until thick. 
  4. Turn off heat. Add chocolate and let stand for 2 minutes. Whisk until well combined. 
  5. Remove from heat and whisk in coconut oil if desired, which will make is more smooth and glossy. 
  6. Pour into a glass dish or ceramic ramekins. Cover with plastic wrap so it is touching the top of the pudding to prevent a skin from forming unless you like a skin. 
  7. Chill in refrigerator for at least 3 hours or longer. Top with fresh fruit or berries and coconut whipped cream.

*Use 2 TBSP. coconut palm sugar plus 2 TBSP. xylitol for better flavor and to avoid xylitol induced diarrhea! Or Jungle Sweet which you can purchase at 
Lilly's Stevia Sweetened Chocolate Chips can also be purchased online at Thrive, link above or in health food stores. 
*If you want to add 1/4 tsp. of instant espresso or coffee extract to deepen the chocolate flavor. Add at the end. 

** Tapioca starch has a sweeter and nicer flavor than cornstarch without the chalkiness. However, many people are sensitive to corn. *Kudzu/Kuzu is very soothing to the intestines. You can purchase it in the Asian isle of health food stores. Be sure to dissolve the Kudzu in water to avoid lumps.

 * * *

Lauren has appeared and cooked on ABC Live in Chicago and Sacramento. She has cooked for 4 United States Presidents and a United States Senator.  Lauren Hoover-West was classically trained at The California Culinary Academy, now the Cordon Bleu. She is a Chef/Educator/Consultant specializing in food allergies and health issues since 2002, including Gluten sensitivity, Celiac's Disease,  Diabetes, Autism, Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions. 

Lauren has created a revolutionary way to cook delicious food that is gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic index, or sugar-free, and very healthy while tasting just as good as traditional food so, everyone can enjoy it. 

Lauren does not believe in using weird ingredients, so you will learn to use readily available food, and she will introduce you to items you may not have noticed before. She will help you replace all your pantry items with gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic alternatives!

She is the author of "No Wheat No Dairy No Problem" cookbook and blog site. She has over 20 years of cooking and teaching experience at La Folie(Michelin star), Fairmont, Hyatt Resorts, Bally's, Marriott, New Leaf Market, Sur la Table etc... Lauren is the owner of Lauren's Kitchen, a customized meal service. She also earned a Bachelors of Science in Psychology at St. Mary's College. To contact Lauren or for more information go to her blog site.  

Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- reducing thermal risk ratings -

The higher thermal risk ratings on breast thermography, as represented by temperature differentials between the breasts, indicate that physiologic disruption of one kind or another is occurring in the breast with higher temperatures. A thermal risk rating (TH number) of 3 or 4 or 5 may indicate lymphatic congestion, inflammation, or developing tumors.
Quite a number of our patients have been able to reduce higher thermal risk ratings by simply removing inflammatory foods from their diets. Sugar and simple carbs are primary offenders, directly increasing inflammation.  Lymphatic congestion is reduced by lymphatic breast massage. Readings which reflect potential tumor development require more comprehensive breast health protocols.  These protocols may be provided through consultation with our office or other health professionals.

Read more about 
breast  thermography 
Pacific Naturopathic   here.

Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii: 
Dissipate Your Stress in Paradise

Check Future Openings 
(then click on "Calendar")

The end of the day view from your deck at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii  
Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self? 

One of the fascinating plants grown at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center is the Miracle Fruit. If you chew on a little red berry of miracle fruit plant, anything sour -- including lemons --  will taste sweet. That's one way to satisfy a craving for sweets! Otherwise, depending on the time of year, you may find many tropical fruits to satisfy your cravings.... bananas, Surinam cherries, passion fruit, oranges, guava, papaya, mango. Remember, though, a little goes a long way. Eat fresh fruits rather than dried fruits, and skip the fruit juices (a very concentrated source of fructose).
If you're in the mood for foraging tropical fruits, our orchard has over 40 different kinds of tropical fruits.  Many of our guests love walking through the estate property grazing on whatever is in season.  

Check out our calendar to find openings. And go to for direct flights from San Jose to Kona.

Are you feeling wired, tired, stressed?  Check our RETREAT CALENDAR  and see if there is an opening for you.

* * *

Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself. 

For more information, please visit our dedicated web site.

The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

* * * * *

What We Offer  at the  Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that
our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive. 

The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer (including
intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells. 

  Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience.  And our bodywork approaches helpreduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress. 
  The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure, 
although we are definitely open to miracles, 
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity 
and understanding, for however long that may be.

Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation & Other On-the-Go Technology

By Ty Bollinger

In today's mobile-centric society, nearly everyone has a cell phone, and many people now have smart phones that act as mini handheld computers. 

Mobile phones can be major emitters of radiation, depending on both your phone model and the network on which it runs.

A panel from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined in 2011 after reviewing dozens of peer-reviewed studies that mobile phones are "possibly carcinogenic," posing similar dangers as dry-cleaning chemicals and pesticides.

This is why it's important to always use either your phone's speakerphone or an appropriate wired earpiece whenever possible, avoiding direct contact between your phone and your ear or hand.  The best earpieces are those equipped with hollow tubing between the antenna in the wire and the earpiece, as these help maximize the distance between the radiation-emitting antenna and your head.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says the intensity of radio frequency (RF) radiation from cell phones decreases exponentially the further the device is held away from the body. Therefore your safest bet it keep your cell phone as far away from your ear and body as possible at all times. Don't carry it in your pocket, tucked into a bra strap, and definitely don't sleep with it next to your head.

Use your speakerphone whenever possible, as this will minimize the amount of radiation hitting your body compared to putting your phone directly against your ear.


The Truth About Progesterone 
 and Breast Cancer

By Elyn Jacobs
There's a lot of confusion out there when it comes to the topic of progesterone and breast cancer. About 70% of breast cancers are ER+ (estrogen receptor-positive), and most of these breast cancers (about 87%) are also PR+ (progesterone receptor-positive).

Hormone receptor status has long been a main factor in considering breast cancer treatment. Many women worry when they hear that their breast cancer is both ER+ and PR+, believing this to be "double trouble." It is time to set the record straight.

Actually, doctors have known for a long time that  women with high levels of both estrogen and progesterone receptors (high ER+ and PR+ status) often have the best chance of surviving. Despite this, it appears that some oncologists may not really understand or explain one very key point...
While estrogen can fuel a tumor's growth, progesterone puts the brakes on that growth. Hence, they leave patients in a sea of fear and confusion unnecessarily.

What are Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors, and What Do They Do?

Estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found within many of the cells of our bodies, including cells in the breasts. Both receptors are directly involved in switching genes on and off − some 470 different genes. When estrogen and progesterone are present, these hormones stick to their respective receptor. They can then attach to specific regions of our DNA and turn genes on or off, changing the cell's behavior.
Hormone receptor-positive breast cancers have many hormone receptors.  When breast cancer develops, the tumor cells become overly sensitive to estrogen. When estrogen activates the estrogen receptor, it turns on a panel of genes that tell the cells to keep dividing, driving tumor growth. However, when breast cancer cells have working progesterone receptors, and there is sufficient progesterone available,  progesterone will slow down estrogen fueled growth and division of these cells.

The late John Lee, MD, author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer, was on to this years ago. He maintained that when activated by progesterone, the progesterone receptors attach themselves to the estrogen receptors.

Once this happens, the estrogen receptors stop turning on genes that promote the growth of the cancer cells. Instead, they turn on genes that promote the death of cancer cells (known as apoptosis) and the growth of healthy, normal cells. Yet few seem to have been paying attention to his advice. Therefore, many doctors continue to villainize progesterone and progesterone status.
New Study Highlights Benefits of Progesterone

Hopefully a study published in the Dec 2016 edition of the journal Nature, led by Cambridge-based Cancer Research U.K. researcher Dr. Jason Carroll of the University of Adelaide in Australia, brings more credence and awareness to the benefits of progesterone and progesterone receptor-status.
The presence of both ER and PR status has typically been considered an indication of how good a woman's chances of surviving were. The belief being these cancers were more "treatable" than hormone receptor-negative cancers.

But in Dr. Carroll's study, the scientists confirmed the "why." They found that progesterone - via the progesterone receptor - is somehow affecting how the estrogen receptor works. Interestingly, they found that the progesterone receptor, in effect, "reprograms" the estrogen receptor, changing the genes that it influences.

But, the most important part was the overall effect this has on the cancer cells themselves.  Progesterone seemed to cause the cells to stop growing as quickly. Dr. Carroll's findings further explain why the receptor itself is the direct reason why women who have both ER+ and PR+ have a better outlook than those with just ER+ or receptor-negative cancers.

The Role of HER2 and Progesterone in Breast Cancer
Two other recent studies suggest that metastatic dissemination of tumor cells prior to the detection of a primary tumor is regulated via HER2 expression and progesterone signaling. By implicating progesterone in the development of early metastasis, one could infer that progesterone is bad.

However, it is this author's opinion that  it is important to understand the difference between progesterone that is made by the human body and synthetic progesterone, which is unnatural to the body.

Progesterone is a key physiologic hormone of women. But while natural progesterone has an anticancer effect, synthetic progesterone (found in birth control pills and hormone replacement supplements) does not. For example, research shows that the synthetic version progestin (medroxyprogesterone) is not only linked to breast cancer, but that those cancers tend to be "more aggressive and deadlier."

Furthermore, researchers have known for some time that synthetic progesterone does not stimulate activation of the  tumor suppressor gene p53when it attaches to progesterone receptors.

P53 is a repair gene, which protects cells from becoming cancerous. It is the primary gene that protects women from breast cancer. In order for progesterone to facilitate the production of p53, it must attach itself to progesterone receptors.

If synthetic progesterone (again, which does not stimulate the production of p53) is present on the receptors,  natural progesterone will not be able to occupy the receptors.

Clearly, it would be a good idea to down-regulate HER2, maintain healthy progesterone levels, and avoid synthetic progesterone. (While Herceptin is the drug of choice for HER2, daily consumption of 25 grams of flaxseed has been shown to decrease HER2 expression by 71%, which appears to outperform the drug, sans the damaging effects of drugs.).

Doing so could not only increase the chances of recovering from breast cancer, but could also help avoid getting breast cancer in the first place.

You are now empowered with the truth about progesterone and breast cancer. Please share this vital information with friends and family who could benefit.

Fight Cancer  and 
Live a Healthier Life with Celery!

By Ty Bollinger

If you think celery is only good for lowering blood pressure, think again! On the other hand, if you already enjoy celery in your diet, you're lowering your risk of cancer. Celery contains compounds that help  repel cancer cells! You read that right... eating celery is a natural cancer preventative!

The extensive health benefits of celery might surprise you. This aromatic food spice has been known for its medicinal properties since the 9th century.
It belongs to the Apiaceae (also known as Umbelliferae) family which includes parsley, carrots, fennel, coriander, parsnips, cumin and others.

Celery Compounds that Kill Cancer Cells
Celery contains apigenin and luteolin. These specific compounds are bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells. Flavonoids are naturally occurring plant pigments that work as antioxidants and have the capacity to combat free radicals in the body.
The apigenin component of celery fights cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death), which causes the cancer cells to self-destruct. In addition to apigenin's antioxidant and anti-tumor properties, it is traditionally used in Chinese medicine for its capacity to treat gout and some arthritic conditions. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound rivaling commercial anti-inflammatory drugs.

Luteolin has the capacity to short circuit the replication cycle of cancer cells. A study published in the BioMed Central Gastroenterology journal discovered that luteolin is able to block the signal pathways (IGF and PI3K) which are necessary for the growth of cancer cells, specifically colorectal cancers. In developed nations, colon cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death.

In a laboratory study, mice were fed a strong mutagen to induce fibrosarcoma (a form of bone cancer). When the mice were supplemented with luteolin in their diet, researchers noted a 60% reduction in tumor size.

Like apigenin, luteolin possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. TheInflammatory Research Journal reported that luteolin is one of several flavonoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory activity. Both luteolin and quercetin (another flavonoid), "Inhibited the platelet-activating factor and suppressed the inflammatory response induced by allergens." Luteolin impedes excessive production of TNF-alpha - known to be a major source of inflammation.

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Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center

--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--


Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients. 


But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients.  More than half of our IV patients come for various "cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health.  We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE


Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.


Check out our new web site at


For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at  


Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-917-1121 (v) * 650-917-1127 (f)

In This Issue
* Dr. Connie muses how sweet it is!

* Dr. Marcel: Things you didn't want to know about sugar
* Dr. Connie: So many sweet choices

*  Bulletproof coffee: our recommended product

* IV therapy: Methylene blue and oxygenation

* Elijah Free: Freeing -- rapid pain elimination

  * Jane H: Loving sugar - it's not your fault

* Lauren H-W: Vegan chocolate pudding

  * Breast thermography: safe, effective, painless

 * Hawaii retreat: Heal in Paradise
Hernandez Center: News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
 - - - 
* What we offer at the Hernandez Center

* Cell phone radiation and cancer
* Progesterone and breast cancer
* Celery and cancer

*Other IV therapies offered in our clinic

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The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040
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