Summer Sunday nights
All are invited to join us on July 1 st  from 4pm-7pm at St. Mark for our first Summer Sunday night! All ages are warmly welcome to attend.
We’ll be gathering to learn, eat, and enjoy some VBS-style games and songs. Adult Discipleship and Nurture will provide educational opportunities for the bigs and the St. Mark youth will lead outdoor games and art for the littles. We’ll also have a food truck on site—stay and share a meal with us!
Please RSVP by emailing Ebi at  [email protected]  or after Sunday worship at the FCAT table.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ebi Larsen at  [email protected]
Also, please save the dates for our other two Summer Sunday Nights: July 22 nd  and August 12 th .

St. Mark Presbyterian Church