Summit Center
Summit Center: Helping every child reach new heights
In This Issue
Sorry But Your Child Is Too Bright
Dr. Dan Peters describes how students with real and legitimate diagnoses for learning disabilities (like ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, processing disorders, etc.) won't qualify for additional help at school if they are meeting minimum grade level requirements. This means that bright and gifted kids may never receive treatment for their disorder.  Read the article on Huffington Post
Managing Test Anxiety
Many children with learning and processing challenges find the process of taking tests hard. Particularly long tests with lots of work and words can create massive worry and anxiety. Dr. Dan Peters writes about what parents can do. Read More on Huffington Post
Summit Center Update
May 2015

As the school year winds down, you may be seeking insight and answers into your child's development, behavior, and/or learning strengths and challenges. Give us a call to schedule a consultation or assessment this summer.
Eyes, Ears, and Learning - by Dr. Nancy Knop, Educational Therapist
Nancy Knop,

Ph.D., ET/P

If you can't see, or if you can't hear, you will have trouble learning. As obvious as that seems, the fact is that problems with seeing and hearing are NOT obvious. Many children have seeing and hearing difficulty and we don't know it. We aren't born with mature seeing and hearing.  Our brains develop for these - except when they don't.


Children are commonly farsighted, and the ability to focus and track across a line of text and jump efficiently to the beginning of the next line is a skill that has to be developed. But what if focus and tracking don't develop in time for school? Eyes must be the right shape to allow focus, and eye muscles must be coordinated to work together efficiently. But that's just the beginning, because after images are focused on the retina in the back of the eye there are complex brain pathways and processes that allow actually seeing and understanding what that image means. Both eye mechanics and visual brain processing are involved. Many glitches are possible. Early focusing problems certainly interfere with the development of efficient brain processing.


Click Here to Read the Rest: "Eyes, Ears, and Learning"

"Delayed seeing and hearing means delayed learning and all the academic, emotional, and social problems that can go along with it."

- Dr. Nancy Knop