Surge Learning has some big news
Happy Thanksgiving

The Surge Learning family would like to wish you and your loved ones a Thanksgiving full of peace, love, and joy!

Upcoming conferences we are attending. Please come see us.
A message from our outgoing VP of Sales & Marketing
I would like to thank everyone who I have had the pleasure of working with at Surge Learning, and all the clients and potential clients that I have interacted with in my five-year journey with Surge. It has been an incredible experience to take part in the phenomenal growth we have seen during that time and I am proud of what this team has been able to achieve while never losing its focus on providing exceptional customer service. I am about to embark on a new challenge and I hope that many of our paths will cross again soon. Best wishes to all.

Shawn Hoyland

New Shared Library Possibilities
Surge will now allow you to post and receive shared content with other Surge customers in your sector using new "Share Groups".
Ask how you can participate if you are interested. 

Programming Updates

Learning Management System - This summer saw some great enhancements, including one time requirements, shared libraries, and chapter courses.
Quality & Risk Manager - Our latest release includes updates in scheduling, reporting, and user notifications. Please continue to share your suggestions with us.
Policy Professional -  Great new enhancements have been added to policy that improve the customization of policy display and workflow. This continues to be a fast growing product for us and we thank you for your input.

We have also added some other new functionalities and some small fixes that can all be found under "Version Release" in our Help section.

Partner Spotlight
Surge Learning Inc. is excited to partner with the Alzheimer Society of Ontario in offering the online certificate training program, U-First! 

The program helps frontline staff to develop a common knowledge base, language, values, and approach to caring for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Through blended learning, participants will increase their understanding of persons living with dementia and its associated behaviour changes, and enhance their work as a member of the care team in developing individualized support strategies for persons living with dementia. 

U-First! sessions are offered monthly. Learners benefit from an interactive, self-paced learning environment, and become fully certified in U-First!  in 3 weeks. Frontline staff can confidently apply the U-First! framework immediately in their care for persons living with dementia.

For more information, and to purchase group registrations, contact Katrina Laquian ( [email protected]).

"Being able to apply U-First! was very helpful to understand how we, as a care team, can support the whole person." - Personal Support Worker

"This course is a must for anyone working with older adult clients with dementia in any setting." - Nurse Practitioner

"This is the perfect method! I will be using U-First! and I'm excited to share it with my co-workers and start seeing better results." - Personal Support Worker

Surge Learning |  1.844.843.4670[email protected]