New York Times Best Selling Author Leslie Kean
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Knowledge is Power!  Afterlife Knowledge ..... well that's even more Powerful!
Surviving Death:  A Journalist Investigates Evidence of An Afterlife
Leslie Kean, New York Times Best Selling Author
New York Times Best Selling Author Lelsie Kean
The question of whether we survive death is shared by all human beings, yet remains a mystery. Leslie Kean, internationally acclaimed journalist and New York Times bestselling author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record, has propelled herself into another remarkable investigation. In her new book, SURVIVING DEATH: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife, she reveals stunning evidence suggesting the possibility that consciousness survives death.
Drawing on research and witness accounts, including Kean's own unexpected experiences, she objectively introduces readers to unflinching and compelling evidence. Case studies include:
* Extraordinary accounts of actual-death journeys into an afterlife dimension
* Responsive apparitions providing information about their lives on earth
* Young children reporting verifiable, accurate memories from a past life
* Contemporary mediums who defy boundaries of the physical world by facilitating levitations, independent voices, and materializations
* Kean's confounding experiences with mediumship and with personal, direct communications seemingly from her recently deceased brother
Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife
by Leslie Kean by Crown Archetype
Hardcover ~ Release Date: 2017-03-07
List Price: $27.00
Our Price: $20.25
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
by Leslie Kean by Three Rivers Press
Paperback ~ Release Date: 2011-08-02
List Price: $16.00
Our Price: $6.49
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Forever Family Foundation is a 100% volunteer non-profit, non-sectarian organization that supports the Great Non Profit Award 2017 Forever Family Foundation premise that life does not end with physical death, furthers the understanding of Afterlife Science and su rvival of  consciousness, and offers support to the bereaved. Among the active members of the organization and the executive board are scientists, researchers, medical doctors, philosophers and educators who have devoted substantial parts of their careers to the investigation of the survival hypothesis - an existence beyond this physical world.