Seeking: Long Term Relationship
Relationship: It’s Complicated
Siblings: 6 brothers & sisters
Body Type: Industrial
Height: 28’ eave
Building Size: 18,000 SF
Metal Building: Fully-insulated
Crane Ready: 20 ton
Doors: Grade-level doors
Drive-through capability
Sale Price: $1,440,000
Lease Rate: $.78/SF net

About Logistics and Who She's Looking for
Well built, industrial building seeks LTR w/proficient broker. Dock high doors , so height doesn’t matter. I'm fully insulated to keep you warm all night. I am 18,000 SF, 28' tall, looking for someone who can handle me. I have 1.36 acres that contains 1 free-standing metal building. I like to be wined and dined, which amounts to around $.78 for a night out, or $1,440,000 if you want to put a ring on it.

I want to feel sparks, electricity even, with my soulmate -- 480 Volt 400 amps power to be exact. Must be into someone who's 20-ton crane ready. If you think you can handle that, email me ;) . 
Call or  email us to meet your match!
Questions? Head over to
BLDGMatch | | (832) 413-4475 |