Applicant/entity receiving award
Description of Works
Grant Amount
Alaska Railroad Corporation (AK)
Seward Marine Terminal Expansion Plan
develop a master plan for Alaska Railroad's Seward port facilities, including conceptual/preliminary design of the port and upland support facilities and future west passenger dock replacement, and a passenger traffic study, freight traffic study, transportation connectivity study, master plan, and infrastructure improvement cost estimates
Port/Freight/Intercity Passenger (Planning)
City of Jonesboro (AR)
Railroad Corridor Highway Crossing Plan
conduct an environmental review and design plans for a railroad overpass on Highway 18
Freight (Planning)
City of Phoenix (AZ)
Central Phoenix Multimodal Transportation Improvement Plan
environmental assessment and conceptual engineering, for the South Central Transit Corridor, a five-mile light rail line opening on Central Avenue between downtown Phoenix and Baseline Road
Light Rail (Planning)
Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT)
New England Central Railroad Freight Rail Project
upgrade 55 miles of weight and speed-restricted track, new rail, ties, ballast and 10 upgraded grade crossings
Freight (Construction)
District Department of Transportation (DC)
Long Bridge NEPA Documentation
study the long-term replacement of the Long Bridge over the Potomac River. The Long Bridge, which is owned by CSX, is the only direct rail connection between DC and Virginia. The bridge is used by CSX, Virginia Railway Express (VRE), and Amtrak.
Freight (Planning)
City of Sioux City (IA)
18th Street Viaduct Planning Project
planning and design work for a viaduct that will span several railroad tracks, beginning near the existing intersection of 18th and Steuben Streets and extending westerly over the Union Pacific and Canadian National/Illinois Central Railroad tracks, and replace at least 2 at-grade railroad crossings
Freight (Planning)
City of Garden City (KS)
The Southwest Chief Improvement Project
restore bolted rail between Hutchinson, Kansas and Las Animas, Colorado--over which Amtrak's Southwest Chief currently travels--to a higher standard featuring continuously welded rail, new turnouts, and panelized grade crossings
Freight/Intercity Passenger (Construction)
City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge (LA)
Nicholson Corridor High Capacity Transit System Plan
plan for the reestablishment of public transportation in the form of a modern streetcar system along a 3.1-mile long, half-mile wide corridor
Streetcar (Planning)
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MA)
Ruggles Station Modernization
upgrade Ruggles Station, construct a new platform to allow for more inbound commuter trains, replacing elevators to meet accessibility standards, adding lighting and security call boxes, and providing pedestrian accessibility via tunnel
Commuter Rail (Construction)
Maine Department of Transportation and New Hampshire Department of Transportation (ME and NH)
Sarah Mildred Long Bridge Project
replace bridge which handles both highway and rail traffic, construct integrated rail-highway deck for lift span
Freight (Construction)
City of Detroit (MI)
M-1 Fixed Rail Streetcar Project
complete a 3.1 mile downtown streetcar system, construct a vehicle storage maintenance facility and associated track, an optical fiber duct that runs along the streetcar route, and complete streets improvements
Streetcar (Construction)
Bi-State Development Agency (Metro Transit) (MO)
Central Corridor Transit Enhancement and Job Access Project
fill a 1.6 mile gap between two existing stations in St. Louis' MetroLink transit system by constructing a new light rail stop and expanding the Central West End LRT station
Light Rail (Construction)
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC)
The Piedmont Study
conduct a multi-modal corridor study to look at ways to improve transit connections and stations along the Carolinian and Piedmont rail lines
Transit (Planning)
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC)
The Northeast NC Rail Improvement Project
rehabilitation of portions of a 52 mile rail corridor that will allow for the operation of 286,000-pound rail cars along its length, including: the installation of approximately 17.5 miles of new rail and crossties, replacement of eight main line turnouts, rehabilitation of four highway grade crossings, and approximately 30 miles of roadbed will be surfaced
Freight (Construction)
City of Providence (RI)
Providence Streetcar Project
construct a new urban circulator streetcar system
Streetcar (Construction)
City of Chattanooga (TN)
City of Chattanooga Rail Transit Implementation Plan
evaluate Chattanooga's rail transit implementation plan and the feasibility of using an existing 21-mile freight rail facility for passenger service, and look at an implementation strategy for a 23-mile long passenger rail system in the city
Transit (Planning)
South Dakota Department of Transportation (SD)
MRC Railroad Reconstruction
restore service to 41.6 miles of a state-owned branch rail line from Chamberlain to Presho, SD; replace obsolete 65-85 pound rail with modern 112 pound rail; repair bridges and culverts; and replace broken and damaged ties
Freight (Construction)