Sunday, September 24, 2017

Today, on Gold Star Family Day, we come together to honor those who have lost a loved one serving in the U.S. military by lighting a luminary at dusk.
Show Gold Star Families that their Loved Ones are Not Forgotten 

Show Gold Star Families that their loved ones are not forgotten by signing the pledge to light a luminary at dusk.

So far this year we have had 845 people sign the pledge, but our goal is to reach 1,000 people by midnight tonight. Please help us honor our fallen heroes by signing the pledge now.

We urge everyone to spread the word of the Luminary Initiative in order to maximize the support for Gold Star Family Day.
Light Up Facebook with Support

There is power in social media numbers. For tomorrow evening, September 24, 2017, please change your profile image to the Luminary Initiative to show your support of Gold Star Family members. This simple gesture will let Gold Star family members know that their sacrifice is not forgotten and it will help spread awareness of our initiative.

The Luminary Initiative is an outreach program of, Inc.