ToFF's eNews keeps you updated on the latest Tom of Finland Foundation news.


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Silvia Prada at Tom House
Silvia Prada
At TOM House

In collaboration with Tom of Finland Foundation, Prada creates drawings in conversation with Tom's personal collages and archives - opening the narrative to understand new nuances of sexuality through the perspective of a woman.

Terry LeGrand -- A Celebration of Life
Terry LeGrand
A Celebration of Life
On 3rd June 2018, some of Terry's closest friends joined us at TOM House to remember one of the most colorful persons in our community.

Art _ Film at TOM House
Art + Film
At TOM House

A TOM House exhibition featured the work of Tom of Finland and many well known artists. Free Jazz by Brontez Purnell and Boys in the Sand by Wakefield Poole was introduced by Jim Tushinki, writer, filmmaker, and friend of Wakefield.

TOM_s Bar 2018
Tom's Bar
Thanks to all who participated in this year's big fundraiser -- attendees and hard working volunteers! If you missed it, here you go...

My Gay Eye - USA Release
My Gay Eye
USA Release

This 24th June event showcased the LGBTQ talent in a book that presents images and stories of the artist Tom of Finland and explores the Foundation he cofounded.

Michael Kirwan - Celebration of Life
Michael Kirwan
A Celebration of Life

Dozens gathered to tell their favorite Kirwan stories and to share their gratitude for knowing this great artist. A tree planted in his honor, properly christened, stands as a reminder of his influence.

A Thanks to CLAW
Foundation Thanks

Foundation gives a hearty thanks to Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend (CLAW) for their donation towards our future.

The War on Sex
An article in The Fight
The War on Sex

SESTA-FOSTA stands for Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act and Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act. The two pieces melded together to become law on April 11, 2018. Both purport to halt sex trafficking, but in reality, are a tool for censorship. Censorship through costly litigation. Censorship through automatic filters. Censorship through elimination of online communities and hook-up sites.

Everyone agrees that there is an automatic negative association with the term "sex trafficking," but what exactly does it mean? Federal Law roughly defines sex trafficking as the harboring, transportation, or soliciting of "a person for a commercial sex act which is induced by force, fraud, or coercion. SESTA-FOSTA makes online platforms liable for "assisting, supporting, or facilitating" sex trafficking, with "facilitating" interpreted as "to make easier or less difficult." However, this law does nothing to protect victims of sex trafficking.

By Stephan Ferris
Slick It Up
An article in The Fight
Slick It Up - The Figbht

Fetish gear designer David Mason Chlopecki ( on his love for leather, his childhood influences and his collaboration with Tom of Finland.

David Mason Chlopecki has had a busy year. He and his husband (creative director/ graphic artist) Alvaro Masa have relocated from New York to Los Angeles. His hugely popular fetish gear company Slick It Up ( has begun collaborating with Tom of Finland and business has been booming.

In an interview with The Fight, Chlopecki talks about his love for leather, his childhood influences and his relationship with spandex.

More of a statement into a question: You are a fine artist, a contemporary artist. An LGBTQx icon. When did fashion come into play?

Thank you. My God... Well, I certainly remember when I was young talking about my mom's Vogue magazine, pronouncing it "VO-Gooh" at the time [laughs]. I knew it was important to her and I wanted her attention. But I'm not really a "fashion" person, never have been really. I like style, creativity and costume.

By Ruben Zambrano

The eNews is the newsletter of Tom of Finland Foundation.

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