The Caring Times appears quarterly in place of the chapter newsletter
I’m very excited about taking over as chair the Caring Collaborative (CC) and want to thank my good friend Barbara Stahura for making my transition so easy!  

Don’t miss these articles:
  • Amy Epstein’s article about Making New Friends
  • Making the First Move
  • Mayo Clinic Article: Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health
  • HEALTH TIP about Preventive & Screening Services Covered by Your Insurance
  • The programs presented in July and August by TTN and partners

And be sure to check out:
  • Our upcoming TTN events
  • Spring Neighborhood Group reports
  • Caring Collaborative Members' Do’s & Don’ts chart

Barbara Alpern, Chair, Caring Collaborative
Karen Gens & The Caring Collaborative Council
Newsletter Editors

Shawndra Card-Grant, Production Editor

Barbara Alpern,
4 Year Member

Most of my life I’ve been painfully shy. At school I had only a few friends. While I was very confident professionally, I was terrified of taking a client to lunch. When I retired, I wanted to lock myself in my apartment with a pile of books and never speak to another human being. Then I found TTN ... MORE 
Making New Friends
Amy Epstein,
6 Year Member

My Upper West Side Caring Collaborative group met recently.
Thirteen showed up—a record number for a very muggy July meeting! The topic was making new friends. How easy, or hard, is it now that we’re older... MORE

A Caring Collaborative Presentation - October 17th

Are you thinking about a knee replacement or other elective surgery? Do you know what to put in your “Go Bag” when you have a Health Emergency? 

Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming for even the most accomplished and intelligent women. A panel of Caring Collaborative members who are also healthcare professionals will discuss the best ways to prepare for planned and unplanned trips to the hospital... MORE
Friendships: Enrich your life & improve your health

We think that good friends are good for your health. This excellent article from Mayo Clinic confirms that opinion and offers suggestions to help you make and maintain friendships.

Victoria Weill-Hagai,
7 Year Member

Take a look at our *UPDATED* Do’s and Don’ts regarding asking for help, volunteering to help, joining a CC Neighborhood Group, advice, and privacy... MORE

Barbara Stahura,
4 Year Member

Whether they have commercial insurance or Medicare all women our age are eligible for a long list of services, with no out of pocket cost, IF they schedule a special “Annual Wellness” or “Well-woman” visit with their primary care doctor.

These services can help you stay healthy, find health problems early, and prevent some diseases. To avoid co-payments, you must obtain the preventive and screening services during a visit when you are not also receiving treatment for an illness. To learn which services have no co-pays... MORE
Victoria Weill-Hagai,
7 Year Member

Neighborhood Groups (NG) continue to grow and be one of the most important parts of the Caring Collaborative. Read what NGs have been talking about and gain valuable health tips... MORE 
Sally Dougan,
15 Year Member

The sultry July weather did not slow are members down from gathering together and connecting with new friends . Catch up on what you may have missed!  MORE

A Warm Welcome to Our
New Members
Jeanne Achille, Doreen Antonelli,
Stacy Bogdonoff, Carolyn Clement,
Juliette Denkin, Fran Eidelberg,
Liz Garn, Ann Gerlock,
Maryann McAleer, Myra Michael,
Elizabeth Moschetti Tobias, Jacqueline Moss,
Joy Perlow, Brooke Phillips,
Ilene Shapior, Harriet Shapiro,
Laurie Shapiro, Carren Shulman,
Madeleine Tress, Ann Walzer,
Elissa Williams, Joyce Zelcer,
Brenda Zeller, Jane Zimmy