June 2017

New Mobile Pantry a hit in Hallsville

A new Mobile Pantry stop in Hallsville is a hit among neighbors there, some of whom had to previously navigate coming to Columbia for food in between work, child care and other obligations.

“It’s awesome,” said Candy, who, along with her husband and son picked up produce, chicken and other goods. “This is a lot of food.”

The new Mobile Pantry stop is at the Hallsville Baptist Church on the fourth Tuesday of each month. It is serving about 110 people monthly since it began in March.

For Sarah, having access to the pantry ensures she has healthy foods that do not worsen her heart disease.

“If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t get fresh vegetables,” she said. "With the prices of food the way they are, you don’t always get what you need.”

Sarah has two children at home, including an autistic child, and helps her adult son and his family when possible.

“Without The Food Bank, my kids would go without a lot.”

"The Buddy Pack helps us eat more because we don’t have much food at home.  And we don’t have any EBT at home." 
                                         - Buddy Pack Recipient, Callaway County

*(EBT is the Electronic Benefit Transfer card used for food stamps.)
Volunteer Spotlight
Employees from Simon Oswald Architecture were among dozens of volunteers who helped The Food Bank and the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger last month. The national food drive raised $59,750 and 132,596 of food for pantries and programs throughout The Food Bank's 32-county service area. Thanks to everyone who helped out!
Donor Spotlight
The Food Bank  received a $2,000 grant from DuPont Pioneer for our Project Protein program to help distribute more protein to clients in need across our service area. Pictured left to right are Theresa Spaedy, Lucas Gillmore, Dupont Pioneer Account Manager; Stephanie Cooper and Peggy Walley from Douglass Community Center in Marion County.
Staff Spotlight
Melanie Lake, Volunteer Programs Coordinator

Melanie Lake has been at The Food Bank for five years, helping coordinate volunteer shifts and programs.

"I love to get large groups in here, get them engaged in a shift of repacking a large quantity of food product and showing them how much food can be made available to distribute by their two-hour commitment to serve in the volunteer room," she says.

Lake and her husband, Rod, have two children, Kimberly, 24, and Connor, 22. Prior to The Food Bank, she says she was fortunate to have been able to stay home with her children.

In her spare time, Lake enjoys music and deacon ministry at her church, travelling, going to concerts with her family and reading.
We ask our partner agencies to provide testimonials from their clients. This story comes from Pastor Dan Duckworth at Visions Unlimited in Miller County. 

A lady came through with a family of six. She said she had just enough food left at home to feed her children for the evening and was so appreciative of what she received so there would be food in her home until pay day. She just mentioned food for her children - not her or her husband. 

A testimonial comes from Jackie Butler at New Beginnings Church of Christ, a congregate site in Callaway County. A couple just arriving from Northern California, were so grateful to find a warm meal first thing on a Sunday morning. 

From New Franklin Cares in Howard County, Jeannie Sampo says: 

More and more folks are so grateful for the help. I had several tell me how grateful they are for us doing this because we don't know how much it is helping them out and how much it means to them for us to do this. We just keep growing, and I am so happy to be able to help all these folks out. It is such a blessing to me to be able to help feed these folks, and I am so happy that you are helping us to do this. Thank you from all of us out here in the community who need the help!