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October 26, 2015 / No:54

Call Your Representative!
Urge Them to Cosponsor H.Res. 484
Representative Steve Chabot (R, OH-1) has introduced House Resolution 484 to congratulate the Republic of Turkey and Turkish People on the celebration of Turkish Republic Day and Ataturk's legacy.

The Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) calls on all Turkish Americans and friends of Turkey to contact their member of Congress by phone to urge him or her to cosponsor H.Res.484.

ATAA also calls on all Turkish American Community Organizations to distribute this important action alert now.

ATAA, representing over 60 local chapters and 500,000 Turkish Americans throughout the United States, serves locally and in Washington DC to empower the Turkish American community through civic engagement, and to support strong US-Turkish relations through education and advocacy.  Established in 1979, ATAA is the largest, democratically elected Turkish American membership organization in the United States.  As a non-faith based organization, ATAA is open to people of diverse backgrounds.  The ATAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the laws of the District of Columbia. To learn more about ATAA, please visit
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Turkish Americans Unite!
Together We are Stronger!
Hello from your friends at the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA).
It has been a busy  year for our Turkish-American community with critical events continuing to unfold around us.  Coming together as a community and to make our voice heard seem more important than ever.  At ATAA, we take pride in our long history of representing Turkish American interests and serving our community.  However, as an organization staffed almost entirely by volunteers, we need your financial support to continue to do this important work.

Please consider becoming an ATAA member today by sending a tax-deductible annual membership donation of $75 or more.

Become an ATAA member is easy. You can pay online via our secured system, select one of the donation amounts below, or complete the membership form and fax to 202.483.9092 (to pay by credit card) or mail (to pay by check) it to ATAA, 1526 18th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036.
© Entire contents copyright 2015 by the Assembly of Turkish American Associations. All rights reserved.
This article may be reprinted without the permission of ATAA and free of charge under the conditions that the entirety of the article is printed without alteration to text, art or graphics,  the title of the reprinted or republished version attributes the article to ATAA, and the ATAA website link is  included in the reprinted or republished version.