Screenshot of the English version of the Vatican's video, before it was removed

The Pontifical Council for Culture and the Vatican's "Women's Consultation Group" have launched a video campaign asking women (un-ironically?): "who you are, what you do, what you think about your being a woman, your strengths, your difficulties, your body, and your spiritual life."  

The Vatican will host a meeting in February 2015 to reflect on four issues: 

1) Between equality and difference: the quest for an equilibrium

2) "Generativity" as a symbolic code

3) The female body: between culture and biology

4) Women and religion: flight or new forms of participation in the life of the Church?


Until January 4th the Council for Culture is crowd-sourcing one minute videos and photos to answer these questions.


We know WOC members have something to say on these topics, and are asking you to take this opportunity to flood the Pontifical Council office and social media with messages and testimonies of real Catholic women.


Take action


1) Send videos and pictures to the Vatican's AND WOC at


2) Post your photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtags #LifeofWomen and #OrdainWomen. Here are some sample tweets: 

  • I am called to be a priest #LifeofWomen @VaticanCultura @CardRavasi
  • My "culture" is one of equality #LifeofWomen @VaticanCultura @CardRavasi
  • The quest for equilibrium? #ordainwomen #LifeofWomen @VaticanCultura @CardRavasi
  • Our biology may be different, but our call from God is the same. #LifeofWomen #OrdainWomen

Let's make our voices heard and remind the Vatican that women are not just a topic for study, but humans with rights, minds, and autonomy, made in God's image.


Thank you for taking action! 

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