Technology Student Association
Take Note of Upcoming Conference Deadlines

Thank you for making plans to attend the 2018 National TSA Conference in Atlanta, GA. Please take note of two important deadlines:

  • Tomorrow, May 15th, is the deadline for online entry submissions for the following three competitions: MS Video Game Design, MS Website Design, and HS Webmaster. Email verification of the entry will be made by June 10th. Submissions must be made no later than 11:59 pm PDT on May 15, 2018. The required information, documentation, and deadline are non-negotiable. For more information, please refer to each contest on the Themes and Problems page of the TSA website.

  • You have one week from today to register your contestants for the conference. If you have not already done so, click here to start your conference registration process. It is not final until you hit the "Submit" key on the payment page and receive an email confirmation. The deadline for registering contestants is May 21st.

Thank you for your support of TSA.
Suzy Orr
Membership Manager
888-860-9010 (toll free)
Technology Student Association
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