New market research, benchmarks for treasurers, articles, ebooks, and more...
 Volume 18 | Q1 Edition
Tech Tune-Up:
5 Areas of Innovation for Treasurers in 2018
Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a continuous wave of innovation transforming the financial environment...But out of all these innovations, what are the areas that practitioners are focusing on the most? What improvements are they taking notice of, and are there
any areas where additional improvement is still needed?
The Data on Treasury Tech

Isaac Zaubi, Publications Manager at Strategic Treasurer, uses recent survey data to analyze the five key areas of technology that treasurers are focusing on (or not focusing on) in 2018. 
2018 B2B Payments and WCM Strategies Survey

[LIVE NOW] In the ever-changing world of corporate finance, core responsibilities like payments and cash management must continually adapt to keep pace with developing initiatives, regulations, and threats.

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2017-2018 Treasury Perspectives Survey Results

This survey sought to gain clear insight into the minds of senior financial professionals across several key areas to uncover current and prospective views and to gauge changes in these views over time.

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The Missing Link in Corporate Fraud Prevention

When it comes to defending against fraud, the human elements are just as important as the technological ones. Many banks and corporates invest heavily in techn that supports security. This may include tangible locks, key cards, and other...

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Making the Case for Treasury Technology

As the world becomes more connected, many corporations are experiencing strong growth and increased complexity. In the midst of these changes, treasury practitioners are struggling to keep up with the coinciding heightened expectations.

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