Re: Telework Extended; In-Person Work to Resume
To: All staff
Feb. 25, 2021
Dear Campus Colleagues,
As part of UC Merced’s continuing efforts to minimize the transmission of coronavirus and protect the campus community, Human Resources announces that telework agreements for staff have been extended from March 30 to June 30, 2021.
Beginning July 1, staff will start returning to in-person work. While the rate at which this is done will depend on public health conditions and guidelines, resumption of in-person work is in direct support of the university’s mission. In fall 2021, we plan to increase in-person activities on campus, in-person instruction and the number of on-campus residents. These plans are being made with guidance from Merced County and state health agencies. As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will follow the science, with the safety of the campus community always paramount.
We will provide timelines and details about the return to in-person work as they become available. As for the telework extension, no action on your part is needed.
Please remember that all staff and faculty approved to work on a campus site or who need to visit a site must comply with symptom checks and other mitigation policies. One way to do so is by continuing to use the Daily Health Check via app or email. Meanwhile, please continue to do your part to protect yourself and others by using a face covering, practicing physical distancing and washing hands.
We are approaching one year since the pandemic upended much of what we considered normal. I cannot fully express my thanks for your resilience and for the countless acts of support and kindness that, despite our far-flung locations, redefine “campus community.”
Be well,
Nicole Pollack
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Chief Human Resources Officer
This is an important message from UC Merced. Please share with colleagues who may not have ready access to email.