Good morning to you! We want to take a moment to say thank you to SO MANY people for making our "Tour of Homes" house tour such a success!


To the homeowners, without your generosity in opening your homes, this could not have happened. We appreciate your gesture so, so much!


To our docents... there were so many of you willing to give of your time. You kept things running smoothly at each of the homes on the tour!


To our house tour visitors, we hope you enjoyed the tour, and our neighborhood in general.  We are quite proud of it and everyone who helps keep it a fabulous place to live! 



To our photographer, Xavier... we can't wait to see all of the pictures!  You can check out Xavier's work HERE.


Thank you to Public Works, for taking the time to clean the streets prior to the event!


The Plainfield Police were out in full force. The officers we talked to were friendly and courteous, so thank you, Police Director Riley! Please tell everyone it was most appreciated to have them around!


To our Netherwood Heights Neighbors block captains, your help in spreading the word for all of our events is just priceless!


And last, but certainly not least, many thanks to our house tour committee chairs, Mary and Janice. Wow! Your dedication, persistence and drive to make this a huge success has paid off, and we thank you! Bravo!




Your NHN Board