Dear Friends and Partners,

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deep gratitude and thanks to you and your organization for participating in the first Car Free Day in New York City. Through your tremendous support, we were not only able to accomplish a fun-filled day of open streets for New York City residents to enjoy, but to move a conversation forward about our over-reliance on single occupancy vehicles.
In just a few short months, we organized a major inaugural event that we believe resonated greatly with a broad range of New Yorkers, highlighting the great transportation options we have outside of cars. These efforts culminated in an amazing experience, complete with a panel discussion on climate change and transportation, educational activities for all ages, exciting promotions for other ways to get around and increased awareness about the inefficiencies of car use.
            It was a pleasure working with you on this achievement and I believe we are moving the needle when it comes to positive change for the sustainability of our city. While we have a long way to go in mitigating car use in New York City, occasions such as Friday's play a key role in helping to achieve our goal.
As we've maintained from the outset of planning this meaningful occasion, we hope a car free Earth Day can become an annual New York City tradition, with greater ambitions each year. We hope you will be a part of the process to make this even more successful in the coming years.
Thank you once again for all the effort & support you put in this project.

Ydanis Rodriguez & Team
Council District 10
Washington Heights and Inwood

P.S. We were fortunate enough to have NYC Council Photographer William Alatriste with us throughout the morning, who took some great photos of our ride around the Car Free NYC sites! (Please credit if using):

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