The 79th General Convention
of the Episcopal Church
“I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” - Isaiah 49:6b
Dear brothers and sisters,

From July 3-13, thousands of Episcopalians from the 110 dioceses of The Episcopal Church will gather in Austin for the 79th General Convention of our Church. Hundreds of resolutions will be considered, debated and passed or defeated by the two houses of the Convention: the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. The Women’s Triennial Convention will also be taking place concurrently, and the official deputations of both events will be joined by hundreds of visitors. Daily worship is glorious and will include thousands, while the vast exhibit hall will offer a dizzying array of ministries, organizations, and merchandise.
Into this massive, complex, ever-moving event with its teeming masses will go the intrepid band of deputies and alternates from West Texas, joining with your bishops, and we will together be seeking the mind of Christ for the faithful mission and ministry of our Church. It is not easy work. Some of the issues we will consider—like the trial rites for same-sex marriage, Prayer Book revision and immigration—are difficult and contentious.

We need your prayers, that we will be encouraged and sustained by the Holy Spirit, that we will listen carefully and speak kindly, that we will not grow weary in following Jesus as the days go on, and that we will strive to be of one heart and mind as members of Christ’s Body.
Bishop Jennifer and I commend to your prayers those who will represent West Texas:
Clergy Deputies—Ripp Hardaway, Scott Brown, Lisa Mason and David Read
Lay Deputies—Emily Kittrell, Kelley Kimble, Rob Schneider and Jennifer Wickham
Clergy Alternates—David Chalk, Ben Nelson, Matt Wise and Chuck Woehler
Lay Alternates—Wheless Baker, Missy Denney, Liz Manning and Curt Mowen
Our deputation will gather daily to check in, to share information, and to support one another. We will try to keep track of resolutions that are of particular interest to our diocese (such as the one from our Diocesan Council calling for a hymn in honor of Artemesia Bowden). Be mindful that popular and social media will gravitate toward hot-button issues, but will rarely shed light that leads to a deeper understanding. Our deputation will report back to the diocese via daily audio recordings, which (along with lots more news) will be posted on the diocesan website:
Also, some generally trustworthy sources for information about General Convention include Episcopal News Service (ENS) (, Episcopal Café (, and The Living Church (
Pray for the Church ( Book of Common Prayer, pp. 515, 816-818 and for the Church’s mission ( BCP, pp. 100-101) My hope for this convention is that our Church will be renewed by the Spirit to follow Jesus faithfully, sharing the Gospel of salvation with all. My hope is that in midst of all the voices we will hear in Austin, our ears and hearts will be tuned to hear the voice of our Lord calling us to seek first his Kingdom.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
David Reed

Diocesan News from
General Convention:

  • Audio reports from our bishops and deputation beginning July 5;
  • Stories from the DWTX Blog;
  • Stories from the Episcopal News Service;
  • Links to the Episcopal Church Media Hub with live streaming of events, daily shows about the actions of General Conventions, and much more;
  • Links to follow the resolutions

Follow #GC79

The 49th Triennial Meeting of Episcopal Church Women
will take place concurrently with General Convention in Austin,
July 5-11, 2018.

The event brings together delegates from every diocese across the Episcopal Church to conduct business, share information, and learn from dozens of daily workshops. To learn more

Delegates from the Diocese of West Texas are:

Dr. Carol Folbre
Mrs. Linda Hollingsworth
Mrs. Dana Sommers

Mrs. Catherine Lillibridge

Honored Woman:
Mrs. Linda Hillin

Serving as editor of ECW Triennial Today:
Ms. Jane Ahuero

What is General Convention?
General Convention is held every three years and is the bicameral governing body of the Church, comprising the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies
(elected clergy and lay).

How will our deputation serve? / Follow resolutions
Our bishops and deputies have been appointed to serve on the following legislative committees, from which come many of the resolutions. There are 26 total committees. You can view all the resolutions to be considered at the 79th General Convention, and follow their progress, in the virtual binder - found here.

Deputies and Committees:
Bishop Reed - Governance and Structure
Bishop Brooke-Davidson - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing
Ripp Hardaway - Evangelism
David Read - Evangelism and Church Planting
Emily Kittrell - World Mission
Kelley Kimble - Constitution and Canons
Lisa Mason - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing
Rob Schneider - Rules of Order/House of Deputies