Humidity Report
humidity gallery/local & regional fine art & fine craft
Bio Notes: Kathy Wilcox

Kathleen Wilcox is a contemp- orary enamelist who lives and works in Tallahassee. Born and raised in south Florida, she finds that her earliest experiences influence her work today.

"My early years were spent in the tropical outdoors, snorkeling, seine netting, roaming the Everglades, digging for Indian artifacts and collecting snails, shells and bones.
These have become my personal icons.


I earned a degree in Art Education at FSU and taught art professionally before I established my enamel studio.

I continued to study enamel in graduate school at FSU and with many notable enamelists at Arrowmont Arts and Crafts School (Gatlinburg, TN), where I have also taught enameling for the past four years.

When I enamel, I usually apply the glass powder to a copper base, which is then fired in a kiln. Each piece is developed in multiple layers and firings. A piece will be fired 5 to 20 times, depending on the complexity of the image. The image is built from the background to the foreground."

An award-winning enamelist, Kathy is a full-time studio artist who also teaches her craft. Her work is exhibited in national juried shows and festivals, museums and galleries. Her works has been published in Art of Enameling and 500 Enameled Objects.

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Of pumpkins, and treats, and craft/art, oh my!

Halloween is just around the corner and Humidity Gallery's neighborhood, now known as the Market District Tallahassee, is holding a daylight trick-or-treat event on Saturday, October 30, from 11:00 a.m. until about 3:00 p.m. Trick-or-treat the shops and cafes in the District and your costumed young one will receive treats and participate in a scavenger hunt -- while YOU get to visit the gallery and explore all the cool shops in the 'hood!

In this issue of Humidity Report, we feature the astonishing work of Tallahassee artist, Kathleen Wilcox. Called Kathy by her friends, her work is well worth a long and satisfying look. She makes pieces for your wall, wearable pieces, and a few that are in between (or both!)

And we are announcing a new presence we will soon have in the downtown Tallahassee area! We've been invited to create a small gallery presence in Visit Tallahassee's visitors' center on Jefferson Street, overlooking the Capitol complex! (We'll tell you more about this next issue.)

Featuring Artist Kathy Wilcox!

You may think you know what 'enamel' is, but until you've stopped to really see the amazing enamel-on-copper work of Kathleen Wilcox, you do not know exactly what enamel is.

An ancient art form that uses ground glass fused to metal, enameling can take many forms. Kathy's enamels are known for their imagery and detail. Whether natural images of fish, birds, reptiles, insects, blossoms or plants -- or pure abstraction, Kathy's pieces are recognizable in an instant. Using personal icons that reveal her reverence for the natural world, she has created a private language that interests and soothes the onlooker.

"Two Fish' framed coppery enamel wall piece by Kathleen Wilcox. "Two Fish" copper enamel wall piece, by Kathleen Wilcox. (Not shown in this shot is its beautiful wood frame).

In her creative process, she taps into favorite memories of growing up in Coconut Grove, Florida. Her father and other family members worked with natural life in zoos and aquaria, and in her childhood, Kathy gained deep knowledge of tropical plants and animals, the Everglades, and all of the details of that environment. These recur in her enamels.

Captivated by the art of enameling since college in the mid-1970s, she has explored the union of fused glass to metal, producing gemlike colors and surface qualities, as well as textural depth. Her enamel images come from her original drawings, paintings, collage and prints of the flora and fauna of memory.

Aquatic bird wall piece

"Aquatic Bird" wall piece by Kathleen framed in a beautiful handcrafted wood frame in the gallery.

Although enameling dates back to at least the 13th century, it was almost a forgotten art in the 20th century until the Arts and Crafts movement brought new, contemporary techniques. All enamel, ancient and modern, is permanent and will not change over time unless broken. Like gemstones, enamel glass never loses its beauty, color or brilliance over time.

We have a nice selection of enameled wall pieces in the gallery.

Wearable Works by Kathy Wilcox

Kathy Wilcox' art jewelry contains the same delightful, complex images she achieves in her larger wall pieces. Like small studies of this detail or that, her earrings, bracelets and pendants reveal true mastery of this medium.

Some of her jewelry depicts the flora and fauna of her larger works, while other are pure abstraction or design.

Her linked bracelets are new this year, and we have a good selection in the gallery.

bracelet earrings

Holiday shopping begins early at Humidity!

This year, we've worked with our artists early and have ordered many holiday favorites. These works have been arriving and are going right out onto the floor.

So we're not kidding you when we tell you that this is a great time to shop -- before the crowds are intense and selection is more sparse. Since we offer mostly one-of-a-kind items by local and regional artists, gifts you select from their inventories in the gallery are very special and unique.

The gallery is an Art Festival every day. You'll find a lot of your favorite artists' works here, and we'll introduce you to some you might not yet know.

So, while we haven't decked the halls yet -- no 'Sleigh Ride, Jingle Bells' tunes to be heard -- we are so ready to help you prepare for the holidays to come! Until Thanksgiving weekend, we're open Monday-Saturday, 11-5. On the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, and every Sunday between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we'll also open from 11-3.

We are located in the newly named Market District Tallahassee,which is just north of I-10 and just west of Thomasville Rd. 2nd red light above I-10) In The Verandas shopping center, we're in the deep corner, next door to Tasty Pastry Bakery, just behind Tallahassee Diamond Center.

1355 Market Street, #A-3, Tallahassee, FL 32312


Hours of operation: Mon-Sat, 11-5



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