January 3, 2012
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E-Mail news@colbsa.org
Dear Scouter,
Happy New Year from the Cradle of Liberty Council!
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are beginning 2012 renewed and excited for another great Scouting year.
This issue is packed with information on how your entire family can get healthy, stay safe, and remain active while enjoying everything the Scouting program has to offer!
As always, plenty more information is available on our website.
Share your thoughts here.
Don't forget, we need YOUR help to bring the most relevant news about the Cradle of Liberty Council to your inbox. Any feedback on this newsletter would be greatly appreciated, as would suggestions for material to include in upcoming issues. Please send any feedback or suggestions to news@colbsa.org
Take the SCOUTStrong PALA Challenge!

Be prepared to take the challenge:
The Boy Scouts of America have now partnered with the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition to present the new "SCOUTStrong" program. By joining with the Presidents Active Lifestyle Award (PALA), this new program integrates exercise with healthy lifestyle changes in an effort to bring about positive life changes, and an increased awareness of the significance of everyday lifestyle choices in contributing to an overall health and fitness of Scouts and Scouters of all ages. This new program is for everyone associated with the Boy Scouts of America, meaning Scouts, Venturers, Parents, Volunteers, Commissioners, Council Staff, Board Members, Friends of Scouting, and even BSA Alumni. How it works:
To become involved and earn the SCOUTStrong/PALA Challenge Award, each participant is required to meet a daily goal of activity and fitness, for at least five days a week, and for six of eight weeks to start. Faithful fulfillment of your individual goals will result in earning the ScoutStrong award in about two months. Participants track their progress by entering the activities that they complete on a daily basis, and tracking their healthy eating goals on a weekly basis. The tracking is completed on-line through the PALA website, or can be recorded on a paper tracking chart.
No matter what method participants use to record their progress, the results will be the same: Healthier, more physically prepared Scouts and Scouters, who are more ready to meet the challenges of the Scouting program, as well as living healthier, more active lives. How to sign up:
Visit the SCOUTStrong website and select "Pennsylvania" as your state/location, then select "Cradle of Liberty Council - 525" as your council, then click "Start Your PALA Challenge!"
So, at this time of year, while many people resolve to start an exercise program or a new diet, Scouters of the Cradle of Liberty Council can make a real commitment to improving their health and level of fitness by accepting the Commissioner's Challenge to take part in the SCOUTStrong program and help our Council lead the way to healthier Scouting in 2012!
Council Recognition Dinner - Online Registration Now Available
Online registration is now available for the Council Annual Recognition Dinner! Thursday, February 23, 2012 7:00pm Conshohocken Marriott (Philadelphia Marriott West) 111 Crawford Avenue West Conshohocken, PA 19428 Click here to register. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the last year's accomplishments and help recognize the distinguished service of some of our special Scouts and Volunteers, including our Silver Beaver Award recipients!
Nine dedicated Scouters have been selected to receive the council's highest recognition for service to youth -- The Silver Beaver Award.
J.R. Brockman Gary Brownstein Brenda Conallen Bill Giles Bill Hunsberger Michael Matusheski Jeff McFadden Ted McDonald Bill Palmer Please join us in congratulating and thanking them for their dedicated service to the Cradle of Liberty Council and the youth we serve.
Pilgrimage and Encampment
This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Pilgrimage and Encampment at Valley Forge National Park.
The Encampment is set for Friday, February 17-19. For those coming for the day only, the Pilgrimage is Saturday, February 18.
Cold Weather Seminar training within the past two years is required to attend the Pilgrimage & Encampment. The training will be offered on the following dates:
Pilgrimage: Thursday, January 5, 7:30-9pm Encampment: Saturday, January 7, 8:30-2pm.
Both courses will be held at the Valley Forge Office.
For more information and to register for the Pilgrimage & Encampment and the Cold Weather Seminar, check out the Pilgrimage and Encampment page on the Council website.
Venturing Update
Attention, Venturers! You won't want to miss these upcoming events:
Venturing Night in the COL - Tuesday, January 3, 7:00pm at the Valley Forge Office. Join us on the first Tuesday of each month for our Youth VOA and Advisors Roundtable. All Venturers, Sea Scouts, and older Boy Scouts are invited for fun, fellowship, and planning Council events! Upcoming Venturing Nights will be held on February 7, March 6, April 3.
Crew 380 Open House - Come explore Medical and Rescue careers and walk through the Rescue Station and Ambulances at the Montgomery County Second Alarmers, 307 Davisville Road, Willow Grove, from 7-9pm. RSVP to venture380@live.com.
Venturing Spring Weekend - April 27-29 at Camp Hart. Save the date! Stay tuned for details about the theme and all of the fun activities the committee is planning.
Boy Scout Camporee

Back to the Falls!
Cradle of Liberty Council Boy Scout Camporee
June 22-24, 2012
Resica Falls Scout Reservation
Featuring the Grand Opening of the Richards Arena
This event will include full Summer Camp set-up, all program areas, Aquatics and Shooting Sports, Scoutcraft, Handicraft and Climbing. All meals are included.
Space is limited to the first 700 registrations.
New Camp Ranger at Musser Scout Reservation

Curtis Parker has been selected as the new Musser Scout Reservation Ranger, effective January 1, 2012. Curtis has been an active Scouter for over 15 years, and currently serves as the Service Advisor for our Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, where he has gotten to know our camp facilities very well. In addition, he has provided countless hours of service to our camps and the local Scouting movement as an active member of the Roosevelt District.
Prior to joining the Cradle of Liberty Council Staff, Curtis worked for home improvement and construction companies, and brings a wide range of skills to the position.
Health & Safety Tip
Each issue of the BSA Today features a health and safety tip or reminder selected by members of the Council's Risk Management Committee or Health and Safety Committee.

Winter Sports Safety Reminder: "Appropriate personal protective equipment is required for all activities. This includes the recommended use of helmets for all participants engaged in winter sports, such as sledding and riding other sliding devices. The use of helmets is required for the following activities: downhill skiing, snowboarding and operating snowmobiles (requires full face helmets)."
- From the Guide to Safe Scouting
Raise Your Hand in Support of Scouting
Dollars for Doers is a program where companies donate money to a charitable organization based on the time donated by volunteers to that organization. In other words, you can help Scouting at no cost to you. Many dedicated Scouters in the Cradle of Liberty Council work for companies that support this program.
This program requires no extra time OR money from individual Scouters. It is designed to reward those nonprofits to which a volunteer has ALREADY given his or her time.
Click here to see more and find out how to help, along with a partial list of participating companies.
Journey to Excellence Service Hours
It's pretty certain that your unit has participated in some really great service projects this year; most likely more than one! Did you know that service hours are all part of your unit's Journey to Excellence? (which replaced the Unit Program)
If you have yet to enter your unit's service hours online to count toward the Journey to Excellence, now is the time. Head over to the National Council Site, where you can enter those hours right from your computer!
Enter Your Hours Here
Cub Resident Camp & Musser Service Projects

Cub Camp Signups for Cub Adventures at Camp Hart are in full swing! If your group is interested in attending resident camp, don't wait to fill out and send in an "Intent to Attend Resident Camp." If instead your group is looking for a weekend camping opportunity, send in a " Weekend Adventures" form.
Plan now for service to your camps! Units from all around the council often ask us "How can we help camp?!" Combining this question with the recent efforts of our Strategic Planning Committees, check out the Musser Scout Reservation Project List. Are you interested in helping with a project, or have you started one already? If so, please contact Brian Bauer at bbauer@colbsa.org or Rick Christ rchrist@colbsa.org. |
2012 Camperships Available

Camperships are available, based on need and availability, to help Scouts with the financial aspect of attending camp. Funding is limited and we ask that only those with true needs apply for a campership. Youth members are expected to earn their own way in Scouting and each unit should provide an opportunity for Scouts to participate in fundraising activities.
Forms are available on the Council Website. Awards will be limited to NO MORE THAN 50% of the cost of attending camp. Please note that the amount of the request IS NOT a guarantee of receipt.
Camperships are only available for "in-council" camps. The application must be fully complete - be detailed! Any incomplete applications will be returned. Please follow the guidelines with the application.
All applications must be received at the Council Office by March 1st, 2012. Late submissions will not be accepted. The $50 deposit for camp must be submitted with the application. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that units submit all applications from their unit together, after approval by the unit leader, with the required deposit, together with the appropriate camp deposit payment record.
Summer Camp Staff at Resica Falls and Musser Scout Reservation

The Camp Directors of the Resica Falls and Musser Scout Reservations are seeking top notch Venture, Boy, and Girl Scouts and Scouters from our hometowns. They need your help in identifying team-oriented, self-starting men and women who might have an interest in working on our Council's camp staff this summer.
Online applications can be filled out and submitted here.
For more information, contact:
Resica Falls Scout Reservation Chris Brenner 215-400-0804
Musser Scout Reservation
Brian Bauer
Camping Payment & Reservation Update
 Effective January 1, 2012, the Volunteer Council Camping Committee has put into effect the following changes regarding camp reservations and payments: - Payment for any weekend reservation at a council run camp will be required at the time of the reservation, whether booking online, in person or over the phone. - Refunds will not be issued if a cancellation is made less than 60 days prior to the reservation date, unless cancelled by Cradle of Liberty Council.
If you have questions or need clarification on either of these changes, please contact Tracy Launders at tlaunder@colbsa.org or 484-654-9213.
Philmont Cavalcade Opportunity

If you've had a hankerin' to see the Rocky Mountains of Northern New Mexico the way they were meant to be seen-on horseback, here's your opportunity! Our Venture Crew has room in its Philmont Cavalcade crew for scouts who are, well, a little venturesome. We will ride out into the Sangre de Cristos on a southern trek for 8 days startin' August 12, 2012. If interested contact Claude Monken at 732-235-8069 (w); 609-883-6265(h); monkence@umdnj.edu.
Claude Monken
Asst. Scoutmaster
Mercer Area District
Central New Jersey Council
2013 National Jamboree

ATTENTION: To guarantee your spot in the 2013 National Jamboree, you need to register NOW. On June 15, 2013, you don't want to say "I wish I had signed my son up so he could go to the Jambo with all of his friends." Spots are filling up, get your registrations in.
We're talking serious High Adventure!
Be among the first scouts at the first National Jamboree at the Summit!
- White Water Rafting
- Zip Lining
- Mountain Biking
- Hiking
- Rappelling
- Climbing
The location for the 2013 National Jamboree is the all new Summit Bechtel Reserve, adjacent to the New River Gorge National River Park in West Virginia. ...And did we mention that it was going to be Outrageously Fun! More Information
The Council Jamboree Committee is recruiting Scoutmasters for the Council Contingent Troops NOW. If you are interested in attending the Jamboree in a leadership capacity please register now. The Council will be sending between 8 to 10 Troops and 1 Crew of 36 Scouts/Venturers requiring four leadership positions. The Committee will review applications and interview for the positions of Scoutmaster, 1st Assistant Scoutmaster and Crew Advisor. Adult Leader information is available online.
Recruiting - How Did Your Son Join Scouting?
How did your son join Scouts? Likely it was because he had a friend, sibling or cousin in a unit already who told him about all the fun he was having. Here's your son's chance to give back! Below you will find easily fillable and printable cards for your son to give to his friends or family in school, church, baseball or anywhere they may be.
Please print these out, fill them in and let your son run wild telling others how much fun Scouting can be!
Cub Scout Recruiting Cards
Boy Scout Recruiting Cards
For other resources check out these great sites
Cub Scout Materials
Boy Scout Materials
So, why did your son join Scouts? Tell us on our Facebook Page!
Scout Night at the 76ers

January 28, 2012 vs. the Detroit Pistons
Tickets are $16 and include:
Commemorative Scout Patch
Great Center Court Mezzanine Level Seat
Opportunity for all Scouts to earn a Basketball Belt Loop After the Game On the Sixers Court
*Session will include an overview of the basic rules, skills and drills, and the opportunity to play in a game.*
*Lower Level Seating Options Available Upon Request*
To order your tickets and place your reservation, please contact Bob Capewell, Group Event Specialist, at 215-339-1499 or bobcapewell@sixers.com.
Adventure Aquarium Partnership

The Adventure Aquarium is pleased to offer discounted admission to Scouts during 2011-2012 Scout Weekends! Seven weekends are available now through March to experience 2 million gallons of water, two Nile Hippos, multiple hands-on experiences, a walkthrough shark tunnel and MUCH MORE! Workshops and badge opportunities are available. For more information or to book, contact Group Sales at groups@adventureaquarium.com or 800-616-JAWS.
Event Dates for Online Calendar 2012:
January 14, 15
February 11, 12
March 10, 11
Please Touch Museum Partnership

The Boy Scouts of America is happy to partner with Please Touch Museum, the children's museum of Philadelphia. Enjoy a day at the museum and play with your families in the museum's 2 full floors of fun. The museum features a Woodside Park Dentzel Carousel, a 40-foot replica of the Statue of Liberty arm & torch made entirely of toys, daily activities and theater performances in the Please Touch Playhouse. Parent's Magazine has named Please Touch Museum one of the Top 10 children's museums in the country!
As a member of Boy Scouts of America, you can purchase discount tickets by visiting your exclusive online e-store at https://tickets.pleasetouchmuseum.org/ and enter discount store name: boy scouts. Children under one are free. Discount is not valid with any other offer.
Please Touch Museum is open Monday-Saturday 9 am-5 pm and Sundays 11 am-5 pm. For more information or a list of upcoming events please visit www.pleasetouchmuseum.org.
Highlight: Your Journey to Excellence

How is YOUR unit's journey progressing? Are you planning your calendars and budgets for the upcoming year? Crossing over Webelos or welcoming new troop members? Gearing up for camping in the warmer weather?
As you continue improving your unit, take some time to check out the Journey to Excellence website. It's being continually updated with new resources and information, including a great resource sheet for pack budgeting that's just been added.
Thank you for being a part of the Scouting movement and the Cradle of Liberty Council! If you have news or information you'd like to see in upcoming issues of the BSAT, please don't hesitate to e-mail news@colbsa.org.
Cradle of Liberty Council
Thank you for taking the time to read The Cradle of Liberty Council's online newsletter, The BSAT. If you have a newsworthy article that you would like to see published in The BSAT, please send all of your information, including contact name and email address to news@colbsa.org