Gaŗezera e-ziņas / Garezers e-newsletter
2014. g. 17. decembrī / December 17, 2014

Mīļie draugi un ģimenes,


Ceru, ka jums buus iespēja izbaudīt Svētku prieku, mīlestību un brīnumus kopā ar tuviem radiem un draugiem. Visi meklējam laimi muusu un muusu bērnu dzīvēs, gan attiecībās, gan darbos un izglītībā. Ja juutamies svētīti dzīvē ar laimi un pārpilnību, tad varam izteikt pateicību, to svētību dodot tālāk.

Shajā gada laikā mums nepārtraukti luudz ziedot ģimenēm, kurām iet gruuti, vai slimiem bērniem, vai organizācijām, kas attīsta jaunas zāles. Netruukst vērtīgu labdarības organizāciju! Ceru, ka juus atradīsit iespēju atbalstīt to, kas jums iet pie sirds, neatkarīgi no ziedojumu summas. Mums ir svarīgi atbalstīt viens otru un rādīt priekshzīmi nākamai paaudzei.

Varu minēt, ka visiem, kas sho epastu lasa, patīk atrast labas "izpārdoshanas" cenas - piemēram 25-40% atlaides - pērkot Ziemsvētku dāvanas. Vai tā ir? Kāpēc mums tas ir tik svarīgi? Vai muusu kultuura to uzsver? Droshi vien. Mums patīk izjust, ka saņemam pēc iespējas vairāk par katru dolāru, ko izdodam.

Ja izvēlaties palīdzēt cilvēkiem un organizācijām, juus par to arī saņemsit 25-40% atlaidi! Ziedot bezpeļņas organizācijām ir labi, bet, ja to darat pirms gada beigām, arī saņemsit "atlaidi" no valdības - proti, varēsit atvilkt 25-40% no ziedojuma summas no juusu ienākumu nodokļa. Shī ir ļoti vērtīga atlaide, kas attiecas specifiski uz labdarības ziedojumiem. Domāju, ka juus piekrītat!

Nobeigumā, ceru, ka juus izjutīsit vajadzību dot un dalīties, cik vien varat. Un ceru, ka izvēlaties arī atbalstīt Gaŗezeru. Nekad neieteiktu citam darīt kaut ko, ja pats neesmu ar mieru to darīt! Ja jums interesē ziedot, Gaŗezeram ir vairākas vajadzības un projekti, skatoties uz 50. jubilejas gadu un tālāk. Galvenās prioritātes ieskaita:

  • Pieejas, sēdvietu un skaņas uzlabojumi Brīvdabas baznīcā;
  • Jauna, trīs klashu telpu ēka GVV;
  • Bērnu nometnes mītņu uzlabojumi;
  • Elektrības ģenerātoru pieslēgums ēdamzāles un GVV akām;
  • Jauni jumti vairākām ēkām, ieskaitot ēdamzāli;
  • Sēdvietu, apgaismojuma un skatuves remonti Dziesmu lejā.

Aicinu juus kontaktēt Gaŗezera biroju, ja vēlaties sīkāku informāciju.

Novēlu jums visiem skaistus Ziemsvētkus un veselību, mīlestību un svētību Jaunajā gadā. 

Kas ir Gaŗezers? Mēs esam Gaŗezers!


Kārlis Vizulis
Gaŗezera padomes loceklis un bijushais prezidents (2007. - 2012. g.)

Dear friends and families,


I trust this note finds you well and planning a holiday filled with kindness and joy, and that this magical season is spent with those closest to your hearts. Good friends and family, satisfying employment, security, and a great education for our children is what makes most of us happy. To know that we have an abundance of these means we are blessed. How we share these blessings in our community defines our gratitude.


At this time of year we are all bombarded with requests to help the many wonderful organizations that provide assistance to struggling families, children's hospitals, organizations that are looking for "the cure." There are so many worthwhile causes that need your help, and I hope that you find it in your heart to choose those that mean the most to you, no matter what your level of gift giving is. This is how we can make a better community and set a good example for the next generation.


My guess is that everyone reading this email jumps at the opportunity to take advantage of a sale of 25-40% off for the gifts they plan on giving during the holiday season. Am I right? I think it's called Black Friday. Why is the sale so important? Because our culture likes a good deal? Probably. But also because we all like to perceive that we are getting more value for every dollar we spend.


If you're looking to help people or organizations, they all come with a built in, guaranteed discount of 25-40%. By donating to a not-for-profit organization, they get true and full value from your gift and you receive a sincere thank you. By making a charitable contribution before the end of the calendar year, you receive a "discount" off your income tax, essentially by decreasing your taxable income by 25-40% of the amount of your gift (depending on your income level). This is a big deal in the gift giving world. I hope we all agree, "everyone loves a discount."


In conclusion, I hope that you all feel the need to give. Give whatever you can. And if you can give, I hope that Garezers is one of the recipients of your generosity. I would never suggest doing something that I wouldn't do myself. If you care to explore gift giving with Garezers, there are a number of needs and projects that may be of interest to you, as Garezers looks towards its 50th year and beyond. A few of the top priorities include:

  • Improved accessibility, seating repairs and sound system upgrades at the Outdoor Church;
  • A new three-classroom building for the GVV Summer High School;
  • Cabin repairs for our Children's Camp;
  • Emergency generator connections for the Dining Hall and GVV well pumps;
  • New roofs for several buildings including the Dining Hall;
  • Lighting, seating and stage repairs for the Song Valley


Please feel free to contact the Garezers office for more details.


I wish you all a joyous holiday season filled with great health, lots of love and an abundance of blessings. 


What is Garezers? We are Garezers!


Karlis Vizulis

Garezers board member and past president (2007-2012)

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Latvian Center Garezers
57732 Lone Tree Rd.
Three Rivers, Michigan 49093